Lovesickness. Lubrication. Luwain’s Everlasting Hard-On. MacFaileas’ Virtuous Ward
Lovesickness Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Brd 5, Sdo 4, Src/ Wiz 5 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 round Range: 6 feet Target: 1 person Duration: special (D) Saving Throw: Will Negates Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell makes its recipient become so much in love with the caster that as soon as she/he loses sight of the caster, the victim begins to waste away. The victim stops eating food, turns to drinking, and becomes a general wreck, fighting at a -5. As a result, she/he will die of malnutrition in a number of days equal to her/his Constitution score plus 10, and there is a 2 in d20 chance of her/him committing suicide. What's more, if the mage tells her/him to go away, she/he is compelled to do so. This unpleasant condition may wear off as a charm person, but otherwise must be treated by cure disease.
Lubrication Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Brd 0, Src/ Wiz 0 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action Range: 1 foot Area: 10" * 3" (rumor has it that Mordenkainen needed this large amount of coverage) Duration: 10 minutes per level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This cantrip covers an organic surface with a slippery layer of a greasy nature.
Lust (by: Jacob Driscoll; source: PS3e. com) Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Sex 5, Sor/Wiz 5 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. /2 levels) Target: One living creature Duration: 1 minute/level Save effects Will negates Spell resistance: Yes
This spell uses the reproductive urges inherent in any creature, and causes them to go haywire. A creature affected by this spell suddenly wants to mate with the first thing they see (often the mage, but not always), and will advance upon them. Their mind clouded with hormones, they don't exactly think straight. They leave themselves open for hits (-4 AC), will not be detracted from their target (move towards the first thing of similar type they see until the duration expires). They become easy to sway (-4 to their Will saves), especially by their target (the thing they're moving toward gets an additional +4 bonus to checks involving Charisma). This lust is suicidal in nature. The target will do anything to embrace and mate with the first thing of it's type it sees, often resulting in it walking off of cliffs, impaling itself on weapons, and generally being a nuiscance. Material Component: This spell takes a bit of powdered pheremone, to be thrown at the target
Luwain’s Everlasting Hard-On Transmutation Level: Brd 2, Src/ Wiz 3 Components: V Casting Time: 1 round Range: touch Target: 1 creature Duration: 2 hours Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No
Description: The spell-song insures the creature touched (usually the bard caster) can engage in continuous intercourse for 2 hours! Naturally, the partner can't take a whole 2 hours, so here's how it works.
Take the character's Constitution and add the applying bonuses from the wild-thing rules: Strength, Dexterity, partner's Charisma. the lowest bonus may be replaced by the bard's level if desired. The total is how long the first intercourse will take. During each and every intercourse, Four checks are to be done (with 1d20), and when one fails the bard loses 1d6 hit points (instead of stopping). There's a cumulative -1 to the check with every check done. Example: Starting at 27, Luwain can make love for 27 minutes to start, then start again with a score of 27-4=23, and make love for 23 more minutes with checking only the last check of 23-3=20 (a 20 on the check loses 1d6 hp). Now, Luwain can continue with a score of 19 for 19 minutes, checking against 19, 18, 17 and 16, and so on...
MacFaileas’ Virtuous Ward Abjuration Level: Sor/Wiz 4 Components: V, S, M Cas ting Time: 10 minutes Range: Touch Target: One creature Duration: Until discharged Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Similar to the glyph of warding spell, this spell was designed to provide parallel defense for a person’s body. The mouth, eyes, and other openings of a character’s flesh can be warded, ensuring that such cannot normally be forced open by an undesired party, nor can things such as poisons or truth serums be forcefully administered. This power of MacFaileas’ virtuous ward is similar to an arcane lock spell in that it would require a wizard four levels higher than the caster or a successful dispel magic spell to bypass the ward. Additionally, should someone manage to force something past the ward, either by magic or exceptional physical strength (DC 25), the ward is destroyed with a intensive release of magical power. This blast does not cause any injury to the recipient of the virtuous ward spell, but does cause 1d8 points of damage +1 point of damage per level of the caster to the offending party (no save). At the time of casting, the caster must choose what form of energy will be released (cold, death, electricity, heat, etc. and the spell becomes one of that type). The ward is quite easy to spot, taking the form of tattoo-like runes encircling the protected area of the recipient’s body. There is no limit to the number of MacFaileas’ virtuous wards that can be placed on a single character, save that only one ward may protect any single opening. Material Component: A silver needle, colored inks, and at least 100 gp worth of powdered diamond.
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