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Rural Vote & Sportsmen Vote




Name                      Role                        Email                                  Phone

  • Dave Noble            Director                  dnoble@barackobama. com 312-339-8967
  • Jamie Citron           Deputy Director     jcitron@barackobama. com 312-505-4866
  • Monique Hoeflinger Mobilization Coord. monique. hoeflinger@gmail. com 347-581-6946
  • Alex Wagner          Research Coordinator alex. wagner@gmail. com    202-549-2296
  • Evan Shapiro          Grassroots Org. Coord. evan. obama@gmail. com    646-712-4666



LGBT Americans are notoriously difficult to measure quantitatively, as the census does not collect information and people have to self-identify in any of the rudimentary ways we try to identify who is LGBT. That said, studies have shown that there are same-sex couples living in 99% of all counties.

  • COLORADO: Denver network; 50 statewide volunteers.
  • PENNSYLVANIA: 8 networks in State; 500 statewide volunteers, 1 part time staff.
  • OHIO: 7 networks; 5, 000 statewide volunteers; 2 staff.
  • FLORIDA: 8 networks; 200 statewide volunteers, 1 staff.
  • NORTH CAROLINA: 4 networks; 120 statewide volunteers.
  • GEORGIA: Atlanta network; 70 statewide volunteers, 1 staff.
  • MICHIGAN: 1 statewide network, 100 statewide volunteers.
  • NEVADA: 2 networks in creation, 2 volunteers, 1 staff.
  • NEW MEXICO: 2 networks, 35 statewide volunteers.
  • NEW YORK/TRI-STATE (to support PA): 6 networks, 250 volunteers.
  • MASSACHUSETTS (to support NH): 1 network, 40 volunteers.
  • ALASKA: Anchorage network, 12 volunteers.
  • TEXAS (to support NM): networks in Dallas and Austin, 15 volunteers.
  • DC (to support VA): networks in DC and Baltimore, 150 volunteers.
  • ­WASHINGTON STATE: Seattle network, 20 volunteers.
  • NEW HAMPSHIRE: networks in Manchester and Concord.
  • MISSOURI: 3 networks in state.
  • IOWA: 3 networks in state, 20 volunteers.
  • IN, WI, MT, ND: Being run in state by local staff.

Obama Pride Networks – National Totals:

Total number of networks: 62

Total number in battlegrounds: 46


Achievements to date:

  • Obama Pride has organized in 62 cities around the country. The local networks participated in 70 pride festivals throughout the summer
  • The LGBT Vote program has worked with LGBT media outlets to turn around the sentiment that the campaign was opposed to working with LGBT specific media.
  • We have maintained pride. barackobama. com with up-to-date resources that activists can use to help the campaign, and a near-daily blog that draws activists back to the page.
  • Obama Pride organized 65 watch parties across the country for Barack’s acceptance speech
  • We have invited the members of Hillary Clinton’s national LGBT Steering Committee to join a new National LGBT Steering and Policy Committee.
  • We ran two caucus meetings at the Democratic National Convention that attracted 500 people each. For the first time ever, we ran a phone bank during a caucus meeting where we called LGBT voters in Ohio from Denver.
  • Michelle Obama has spoken at two significant LGBT events – the Gay and Lesbian Leadership Council dinner in NY in June, and the LGBT Delegates’ Lunch in Denver at the convention.

Plan for the next 60 days:

· We will continue to push out regular communication to LGBT activists and leaders. Our activist list is now over 25, 000, and our leaders list is over 1, 200.  

· We have planned to spend five more weeks focused on major contrasts between Obama and McCain that many in the LGBT community are not yet aware of. We want to focus on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal, judges, HIV/AIDS, & relationship recognition in the weeks ahead.  

· We are working to schedule a promised community leaders meeting with Barack sometime in September. We are trying to tie it to a fundraiser that is being planned for New York City, but still does not have a date. It doesn’t have to be tied to the fundraiser, but it does need to happen. In addition, we have promised a conference call with Barack and activists – 1200 or so activists – that needs to happen. At this point, I am planning on it happening the week of October 6th, to gear up for our GOTV efforts.

· We have set goals with our local Obama Pride networks to increase volunteer capacity, and provide substantially more volunteers to the overall state efforts. The plan is to find LGBT people and plug them into the overall, non-LGBT specific, voter contact efforts of the campaign

· We are about to roll out Hometown Pride (which we have presented in presentations to activists and LGBT press), which will require us to organize groups of LGBT people in non-battleground metropolitan areas to take responsibility for voters in their original hometowns in battleground states. Hometown Pride is a web-based program that asks LGBT people living in, say, New York City, to contact voters they have relationships with in their hometowns in states like Ohio and Pennsylvania. The OFA new media staff has been working on a website that we want to roll out by September 13th.

· We are planning a major event in Columbus, Ohio on Saturday October 4th. The campaign has reserved the city park across the street from Veterans Memorial Auditorium (the Franklin County voter registration/early vote location) to take advantage of the Sept. 30 – Oct. 6 window in Ohio when voters can register and vote at the same time. We are working on a major LGBT surrogate for that day. (The overall campaign is doing non-LGBT specific events on other days that week. )

· We have tentatively lined up Cleve Jones and Gus Van Sant – the creator and producer of the highly anticipated (in the LGBT community) biopic “Milk” to do a premiere and GOTV on Saturday October 11th. We will likely do this event in Philadelphia, but the location is TBD.

· We are planning to launch GOTV efforts on National Coming Out Day (October 11th). We’re planning on holding trainings in battleground states during the week leading up to National Coming Out Day; having voter contact events, with surrogates, over that weekend; organizing GOTV phone banks of LGBT activists in non-battleground metropolitan areas into battleground states leading up to Election Day; holding weekly conference calls with activists and LGBT surrogates getting people pumped about participating in overall campaign GOTV activities, etc.

Rural Vote & Sportsmen Vote



Name                      Role                        Email                                  Phone

  • Todd Campbell      Rural Vote Director tcampbell@barackobama. com 775-857-7969
  • David Lazarus        Rural Vote Deputy Director      dlazarus@barackobama. com 312-350-2999
  • Micki O’Neil          Rural Vote Intern   oneilm_99@yahoo. com                 917-488-8771
  • Andrew Schneider Sportsmen for Obama Intern        andrew_schneider@hotmail. com 202-329-9142
  • Irene Ringwood        Sportsmen for Obama Intern        irene. ringwood@gmail. com 202-638-3307



  • Rural voter across the county comprise 60 million Americans and 20% of total electorate. The main focus has been on OH, CO, MN, IA, WI, IN, ND, but need increased activity in VA, PA.
  • In the past 2 presidential elections, both Democratic candidates have begun trailing the Republican candidate in rural vote by single digits of 6% to 9% in the early summer and fell to 16% to 18% on Election Day.
  • Philosophy of the rural vote is to speak to rural constituencies on as many levels as possible and dominate activity in rural areas through a robust field and rural vote program. Many states have followed our initial base level activity goal to have rural round tables in all counties.



  • Along with the local outreach, we have set up conference calls with most major Ag and Rural Development groups to highlight Senator Obama’s management style of bring the stake holders to the table and opening up the lines of communication.
  • Have had great results from many Republican Leaning groups including some state presidents of the American Farm Bureau and an forthcoming endorsement letter from 7 past presidents of National Corn Growers & secured endorsements from Dem Leaning groups including the American Corn Growers & upcoming endorsement from National Farmers Union.
  • Additions to the Ag policy committee has provided many field experts working with respective industry publications and media outlets to help increase our profile and accomplishments in rural America. Currently, we have members from every commodity and livestock industry represented and members from all 50 states.

Notable Endorsements:

  • American Corn Growers Association
  • Pending: National Farmers Union; Letter from 7 past National Corn Grower Presidents including 3 lifelong Republicans (being prepared); Letter from 38 former SED (Ag commissioners and secretaries, ready but not released); Letter from National Sportsmen Leaders including former TV personality, NRA Board member nominee, Forest Service Heads, DNR Secretaries, EPA Chief, Fishing guide, etc. (being prepared)

Plan for the next 60 days:

Rural Communities

The campaign is reaching historic levels of outreach in rural communities in all 50 states and will be pursuing a number of opportunities to demonstrate the Senator’s experience fighting for rural communities and farmers in the U. S. Senate.

·  Comprehensive Economic Plan for Rural Communities

o AK, PA, OH, ND, and many other states have rolled out comprehensive, state-specific plans designed to increase economic opportunity in rural areas.

· Open Letters to State Fair and Farm Progress Show Attendees

o Sent open letters to attendees of MN’s Farmfest and Ag Progress Days in Pennsylvania that express his commitment to issues important to farmers and rural communities.  

· Formation of Statewide Rural and Sportsmen Steering Committees

o Statewide committees led by strong advocates and elected officials have been formed in MN, IN, MT, IA, PA, and many others to organize events, recruit volunteers, etc.

· Conference Calls with Reporters

o Statewide plans rolled out by respected leaders including Governor Strickland, former Governor Mabus, State Rep. Nelson (AK), Senator McCaskill, and Senator Dorgan.

· Historic Numbers of Office Openings in Rural Areas

o Missouri has opened 24 offices in rural areas and the campaign will open record numbers of field offices in Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, and many other states.

· Need High Level of Rural and Sportsmen Web Presence

· High-Level Surrogate Visits and Bus Tours, local events for earned media

· Burma Shave Sign and Barn Painting Contests

· Rural Economic and Agriculture Roundtable Discussions

· Hiring Rural Vote Outreach Directors to focus on this key demographic


· Form a Sportsmen for Obama Committee in every battleground state

· Have begun to form a National Sportsmen for Obama Committee and rolling out this week

o We have set up the ITW discussion group and have weekly calls every Wednesday

o Have high profile SFO, need list compiled and what people are willing to do

§ Surrogate, lead state groups, write article for placement, use name publically

· Conference call with Outdoors Writers Association – 1300 members who write about conservation and 2nd amendment. Shin has contact information.

o Working on endorsements letter from leading sportsmen on committee

· Establish a Sportsmen for Obama people page on the web with a blog

o Write blog post relating to current stories from SFO and related policy to spur discussion; Film New Media video of sportsmen

· Paid Media Hunting and Fishing/earned media leading papers

o Op-eds and interviews with major publications

§ LTE’s, Endorsement letter from SFO leadership; list of targeted publications

o List of event ideas to pass on to states- a few Conservation Projects per state that SFO can participate in strength, Wild game feed sponsored by SFO (fundraiser, present video, pass out information and buttons/stickers), skeet shooting/fishing contest

· Organize tour of conservation area for Obama in battleground states and get footage on September 27th, National Hunting and Fishing Day

o Encourage events in every battle ground states

§ Have hunting season SFO calendars and chum out to states to pass out at events

· Conference calls with leading sportsmen groups – Trout, Ducks, Pheasants, etc with national steering committee explaining why Obama is better on sportsmen issues

o Have meeting set up with leaders in DC this week

· Find way to get negative McCain research out to voters

o Push McCain’s poor 2nd amendment and conservation record to muddy the waters



Name          Role                        Email                                  Phone

  • Ann Widger Vote Director         awidger@barackobama. com 312-718-6226
  • Jeff Cruz    Dep. Vote Director jcruz@barackobama. com   312-590-1251
  • Ben Belton Vote Coordinator   bbelton@barackobama. com None


Tier 1

  • OH: Seniors make up 17. 6 % of the VAP, Union retirees make up 17. 2 % of seniors
  • PA: Seniors make up 19. 6 % of the VAP, Union retirees make up 15. 4 % of seniors
  • MI: Seniors make up 16. 8 % of the VAP, Union retirees make up 21. 7 % of seniors
  • FL: Seniors make up 21. 6 % of the VAP, Union retirees make up 19 % of seniors
  • NV: Seniors make up 14. 9 % of the VAP
  • IA: Seniors make up 19. 2 % of the VAP, Union retirees make up 19 % of seniors
  • NM: Seniors make up 16. 8 % of the VAP Union retirees make up 17 % of seniors
  • MO: Seniors make up 17. 6 % of the VAP Union retirees make up 10. 8 % of seniors

2nd Tier


2nd Tier Watch States


3rd Tier


3rd Tier Watch States


Achievements to Date:

· Coordinated with the DNC and the Alliance for Retired Americans do to almost 50 events over a 2 week period in early August highlighting Social Security’s 73rd Anniversary and highlight Senator McCain’s “disgrace” comments. BO released a statement in honor of the anniversary.

· Worked with scheduling/advance and state staff on senior events in FL and PA in August and Early Sept. with Sen. Biden and HRC.

· Helped coordinate Sen. Obama’s address to the delegates at the AARP’s “Life @ 50+” plus convention and interview with the AARP Bulletin.

· Worked with policy and comm. on AARP and National Association of Retired Federal Employees candidate questionnaires.

· Worked with the National Dem. Senior Coordinating Council to hold 2 successful seniors council meetings at the DNCC and recruited over 100 senior volunteers

· Launched http: //seniors. barackobama. com before the convention – currently working with New Media on process for engaging the 26k seniors with MyBO groups and the 30K other self identified seniors we have email for.

· Launched National Grandparents Day campaign. Worked with Youth Vote team to email 250K youth and young parents asking them to send their grandparents a Grandparents Day card, talking about why they support Sen. Obama and asking them to sign up for Seniors for Obama. We are currently waiting for the results of this campaign.

· Held at least 2 conference calls with state political and/or constituency directors about their senior vote plans in all battleground states.

· Provide states with the following information to help with their senior vote plans: senior policy fact sheet, seniors side by side, sample senior talking points, senior Ambassadors field kit, state lists of senior housing and senior centers.

· Engaging 3 Obama policy committees (retirement security, long term care and Medicare) in Senior Vote program by drafting sample letters to the editor, writing op-eds, acting as surrogates and recruiting volunteers in battleground states.

· Begun development of Seniors for Obama DVD to be used by senior ambassadors in presentations to senior groups, senior centers and in senior housing.

· Developed Seniors for Obama lit piece available to states with New Media.

Plan for the Next 60 days:

Communication (Leadership/Grassroots/Policy Committees)

· Begin National Leadership Calls every Friday starting this week with a general election kick off call. (Organizational Leaders and Policy leaders)

· Convene two Nat. Grassroots conf. calls between now and elections day (9/19, 10/20).

· Continue regular daily Seniors for Obama press update to national leadership list.

· Continue to communicate seniors and other campaign events to grassroots organizations.

· Execute two emails a week to the 25-55K Seniors for Obama online engaging them in campaign activities. One weekly email will be a general newsletter. The 2nd will be an action email. Action include: sending letters to the editor trough the website senior-to-senior online phone calling, senior-to-senior letter writing, seniors debate watch parties around the first debate(domestic policy) and absentee/early vote coffees.

· Conduct two more conference calls with the seniors policy committees to continue to engage them in the senior vote program activity.

Supporting state senior vote programs

· Setting up next round of conference calls this week to flush out post convention senior vote activities in the states (with a concentration on top tier).

· Goal to set up 1-2 senior surrogate swings in Sept/Oct in top tier states (working with state constituency/political/policy and surrogate staff)

· Working with states to fill surrogate requests for existing seniors events in

· Providing states with sample phone scripts for senior-to-senior phone bank days in their regional offices (goal: every regional office to have a weekly senior phone bank day)

· Helping states engage senior leaders and organizations in their state activities

· Work with states to engage senior leaders/volunteers recruiting from http: //seniors. barackobama. com in their state activities.

· Work with states on their senior rides program as a part of their GOTV programs

Additional Literature

· In the process of developing three large print one-pagers on seniors issues (Social Security, health care/Medicare and catch all pieces)


· Seniors need to continue to hear from the principles on their issues. Either BO or JB should be holding at least one seniors event a week. In addition, we should have at least 3 more days between now and Election Day that are retirement security message focused.

· Alliance for Retired Americans endorsement. We strongly believe that in PA the ARA is a well known and trusted messenger on seniors’ issues, especially to union retirees who are a significant portion of the senior population.


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