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Women for Obama. Youth & College Democrats

Women for Obama


Name                      Role                        Email                                  Phone

  • Dana Singiser,        Senior Advisor       dsingiser@barackobama. com 312-718-3457
  • Becky Carroll         Nat. Vote Outreach bcarroll@barackobama. com 312-550-6762
  • Anne Brewer          Vote Coordinator   abrewer@barackobama. com 312-718-6217
  • Susan Gordy          Director, Affinity Groups        sgordy@barackobama. com 312-350-4122
  • Catherine Mbacho  Special Projects Manager cmbacho@barackobama. com 312-505-4816
  • Dan Pollock           Staff Assistant                   dpollock@barackobama. com 312-350-4144
  • Natalia Sorgente    Deputy Vote Director nsorgente@barackobama. com 312-343-9018


  • Women voters are targets throughout the battleground states – they range from white women aged 35-60, independent women, married women 18-35, and others. All states are targeting their persuadable women through women to women phone banks, canvassing, house parties, Women’s Wednesdays, and other voter contact activities.

Achievements to date:  

In the battleground states:

o 170 – House parties

o 60 – Women’s phone banks (including around Women’s Equality Day)

o 5 - Women’s canvasses for voter registration and

o 11 – States with ongoing Women’s Wednesdays in field offices (including phone banking, canvassing, letter/post-card writing)

o 7 – State WFO Rollouts completed

o 25 – Conf. calls in the states w/ WFO leaders, persuadable women, policy calls

· 110 – Blog posts (including relevant news articles, profiles of women in the field, videos & photos from women’s events across the country)

· 14 – WFO newsletters/email updates

· 5 – WFO national leadership conference calls that include women leaders who are organizers, elected, surrogates, etc.; special guest speakers are on each call.

· 4 – State director/senior women on the campaign profiles

· 15 – Michelle Obama & Barack Obama women’s events – including town halls, economic roundtables, military spouse roundtables luncheons, etc.

· 3 – National conferences attended by surrogates (BlogHer, BPW, NWDC)

· 4 – Weekly calls with WFO directors and WFO state team to update the team on their activities help address any issues and exchange good ideas among the states.

· Over 30, 000 women in the national WFO network

· Another 100, 000 women added through DNC women’s network

· Launched the Torchbearer’s program (women leaders under 35 who will be engaged in organizing in their states

· Created a women blogger’s advisory group (to help with rapid response and pushing BO’s message to women)

· Launching national women leaders committee (to help serve as national rapid response team)

· Received the endorsements of: Planned Parenthood and Business, NARAL, NWDN, Professional Women/USAPAC

Materials Developed/Provided

· Voter contact activity best practices

· Lists to the states of thousands of WFO leaders and supporters

· Templates (Women’s Weds flyers, postcard writing flyers, house party and event flyers, press releases, conference call agendas, message grid, etc. )

· Fact sheets on policies and issues (working women, work/family balance, choice, college affordability, education, eight pager on BO and women, HC, etc)

· WFO Talking points

· Compare and contrasts on BO/Biden – McCain/Palin (women’s issues, HC, economic plans, etc)

· Voter Registration “how to” kits

· “How to” on use MyBO (to especially help women not familiar with the system)

· “Top 10 Things You Can Do” Action List of how women can help BO

· Women for Obama general talking points

· Letters to the Editor and Op-Ed templates (20 created so far; ongoing)

· All women’s reports and policies released by the campaign

· Women for Obama Organizing Event Guide – toolkit for organizing house parties, phone banks, and postcard writing programs

· Policy conference calls with the states and high level surrogates and policy advisors

· Assistance with development of states’ sketches of their scheduling requests and assistance identifying surrogates

· Create New Media opportunities for the states to target women –including live streams and videos of MO, BO and surrogate events

Plan for the next 60 days:

  • Watch parties for Presidential and VP debates
  • October: Breast Cancer and Domestic Violence Awareness month
  • October 10-11: National Women’s Leadership Forum conference, Chicago, IL
  • September 19-21 – National Women’s Vote Weekend
  • Launching online outreach efforts to recruit women to travel to BG states and do women to women phone banks to each target women in BG states

· Launching online policy town halls that undecided women in the states can participate in

  • Upcoming WFO state voter contact events and activities:
    • Ongoing Women’s Wednesdays – 11 states
    • Women’s Weeks of Action – 8 states
    • House parties (postcard-writing parties, Letter to the Editor-writing parties, debate watch parties) – 13 states
    • Phone Banks – 13 states
    • Women for Obama Rollouts - 8 states planned
  • Launching “Women who know Barack” online video series

Youth & College Democrats


Name                      Role                   Email                                      Phone

· Leigh Arsenault     Director             larsenault@barackobama. com 503-260-4963

· Tamia Booker         Exec. Dir. of CDA bookert@collegedems. com    202-595-5570


  • Youth; 44 million youth (29 and under) nationally; major focus areas in all battleground states, specifically key media markets and targeted campuses and universities.

Key states

· Florida: reach out to young people 29 and under in the following media markets that also have campuses included and are listed below:  Tallahassee, Orlando, Tampa-St. Petersburg, West Palm Beach-Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Jacksonville

· Minnesota: Minneapolis-St. Paul, Duluth, Superior, Mankato

· Missouri: Major Media Markets in which young people 29 and under will be reached out to include: St. Louis, Columbia-Jefferson City, Kansas City, Springfield

· North Carolina: Charlotte, Greensboro-High Point, Raleigh-Durham, Winston-Salem

· Ohio: Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton, Toledo

· Pennsylvania: Major Media Markets include Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg

· Virginia: Richmond-Petersburg, Norfolk-Portsmouth, Roanoke-Lynchburg

  • Wisconsin: Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay—Appleton
  • New Mexico: Major Media Markets include: Las Vegas, Reno, Albuquerque
  • Michigan: Major Media Markets include Detroit, Flint—Saginaw, Grand Rapids
  • Iowa: Major Media Markets include Cedar Rapids, Des Moines—Ames, Davenport
  • Colorado: Major Media Markets include Colorado Springs, Denver
  • Pennsylvania: Media Markets include Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Scranton

Achievements to date:  

  • Organizational Infrastructure:
    • The Youth Vote team is working with Youth Vote Directors in the states to implement state-specific vote programs. Youth Vote Directors have been hired in all of the battleground states. Everyday grassroots and registration activities are taking place in these states, and plans are fully integrated with the state field plan.
    • Activities include Campus Kick-off meetings, Student Leadership meetings, registration tailgates, dorm storms and tabling events, as well as urban registration canvasses and crawls. Youth Vote Directors have also been assigned to non-targeted states.
  • Students for Barack Obama and College Democrats of America:
    • Students for Barack Obama have over 700 active chapters nationwide. National leaders are coordinating communication with state SFBO leaders in the non-battleground states to 1) coordinate trips to battleground states and 2) encourage chapters to push voteforchange registration application.
    • College Democrats of America has over 75, 000 members on campuses nationwide and abroad. College Democrats have been working on campuses with Students for Barack Obama Chapters to get out the vote for Senator Obama. They also are working on an aggressive campaign to elect Democrats to all levels of government up and down the ticket.
  • Surrogates: Celebrity surrogates are traveling to campuses in battlegrounds states to rally students and boost registration numbers. Still a greater push for youth surrogates is needed to benefit registration and early vote efforts on key campuses. Youth surrogate tours will also support our message that young people are an important part of the process and will broaden our base of support.
  • Need for Major Event: We have yet to organize a college tour with our principles. It is important to have a tour of 4-5 schools for each of them to visit. A strong emphasis would be placed on larger state schools. Students, when motivated and passionate, will turn out in larger numbers. In many of our states listed above, students and young people are still apathetic about this process and need to be encouraged to get involved (registering to vote and then going to the polls) and hearing from BO and/or MO would help us achieve our high registration, early vote and election-day turnout goals.

Plan for the next 60 days:

· Important Dates and Events: Surrogates are needed for all events:

o Homecoming Games for Big Football Schools:

§ September 27: University of Ohio

§ October 4: University of Michigan, Michigan State

§ October 7: University of Florida

§ October 18: Penn State

§ October 25: Ohio State, University of Florida, University of Miami

§ Homecoming and Classic Game Events for HBCU’s:

· September 20: Virginia Union

· September 27: Elizabeth City, St. Augustine’s

· Oct. 11: Central State, Wilberforce, OH; North Carolina A & T, Greensboro; Bethune Cookman University, Daytona Beach, FL; Lincoln University, Jefferson City

· October 18: Virginia Union, Richmond; Shaw University, Wilmington; Cheyney University, Cheyney, PA; St. Paul’s

· October 25: Elizabeth City; Johnson C. Smith; VA State

· November 1: Florida A & M; St. Augustine’s

  • Work Ahead
    • Continue to support youth vote programs in battleground states, with a focus on CO, FL, MI, NV, NC, OH, PA, VA and WI.
    • Coordinating youth programs in non-battleground states with focus on voter registration through grassroots activity and voteforchange and volunteer recruitment for travel to battleground states.
    • Increase and improve press relations with youth and campus press outlets.
  • Goals:
    • Voter Registration: To increase the Voting Eligible Population of youth (29 and under) by 30% in targeted states.
    • Early Vote: To turnout 60% of our targeted campus universe before November 4th (where early vote applies).
    • Voter Participation: Youth voter participation averaged 49% nationwide in the 2004 General Election. Our goal is to increase this nationwide average by 15% in 2008.

[1] 2006 U. S. Census Bureau State QuickFacts available at http: //quickfacts. census. gov/qfd/index. html



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