Список использованных источников
1. Максимей И.В. Имитационное моделирование на ЭВМ. - М.: Радио и связь, 1988. - 232 с. 2. Технология системного моделирования / Под общ. ред. С.В. Емельянова. - М.: Машиностроение; Берлин: Техник, 1988. - 520 с. 3. Задачи и модели ИСО. Ч.3. Технология имитации на ЭВМ и принятие решений: Уч. пособие / И.В. Максимей, В.Д. Левчук, С.П. Жогаль, В.Н. Подобедов. - Гомель: БелГУТ, 1999. - 150 с. 4. Левчук В.Д. Базовая схема формализации системы моделирования MICIC4 // Проблемы программирования. - 2005. - № 1. - С.85-96. Приложение
Листинг программы
unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Grids, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, jpeg; type TForm1 = class (TForm) GroupBox1: TGroupBox; Panel1: TPanel; Panel2: TPanel; VertexPrompt: TLabel; VertexCount: TEdit; Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; Capofedge: TStringGrid; GroupBox3: TGroupBox; StringGrid1: TStringGrid; GroupBox4: TGroupBox; StringGrid2: TStringGrid; Edit1: TEdit; Button3: TButton; Memo1: TMemo; Button4: TButton; OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog; SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog; Label1: TLabel; StringGrid3: TStringGrid; GroupBox5: TGroupBox; Label2: TLabel; Edit2: TEdit; StringGrid4: TStringGrid; StringGrid5: TStringGrid; Label3: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; Edit3: TEdit; Label5: TLabel; Label6: TLabel; Label7: TLabel; Edit4: TEdit; Label8: TLabel; Edit5: TEdit; Label9: TLabel; Panel3: TPanel; Image1: TImage; Label10: TLabel; Label11: TLabel; Label12: TLabel; Edit6: TEdit; Label13: TLabel; Edit7: TEdit; Label14: TLabel; Label15: TLabel; Label16: TLabel; Button5: TButton; Label17: TLabel; procedure Button2Click (Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click (Sender: TObject); procedure VertexCountChange (Sender: TObject); procedure Button3Click (Sender: TObject); procedure Button4Click (Sender: TObject); procedure Edit2Change (Sender: TObject); procedure Button5Click (Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; Const N1=100; l=MAXINT; var Form1: TForm1; n: integer; kol2,op,rr,nn,mi,tool,kon: integer; j1,l6,w, i,z,j,ko,h1,h2,sum,ss,maxpotok,j3,k3,kk,potok,o,ll,kol1,pp,p1,j2,kol,t: integer; c: array [1. N1,1. N1] of integer; c1: array [1. N1,1. N1] of real; c2: array [1. N1,1. N1] of real; tt: array [1..50,1..50] of real; fij: array [1..50,1..50] of real; yij: array [1..50,1..50] of real; y1i: array [1..50,1..50] of real; xij: array [1..10,1..50] of real; fij1: array [1.20,1.20] of real;
ttt: array [1.20,1.20] of real; dij: array [1.20] of real; Fi: array [1.20] of real; lhh: array [1.20,1.20] of real; hij: array [1.20] of real; hi: array [1.20] of integer; potokvr: array [1.20] of integer; d11,d22,d33,z1,l5,mm,ten,w1,t1,kol3,lop,bpp,loop,ten1,bred1,bred2: real; lh: array [1. N1,1. N1] of integer; qh: array [1. N1,1. N1] of integer; f: array [1. N1,1. N1] of integer; const size = N1 + 2; type queue = record a: array [0. size-1] of integer; head, tail: integer; end; var p: array [1. N1] of integer; // номер предыдущей вершины v: array [1. N1] of boolean; // посещенность q: queue; implementation {$R *. dfm} procedure init_queue (var q: queue); // инициализировать очередь begin with q do begin tail: = 0; head: = 0; end; end; function is_queue_empty (const q: queue): boolean; // Проверка пустоты begin is_queue_empty: = q. tail = q. head; end; procedure push (var q: queue; x: integer); // Положить элемент в очередь begin with q do begin a [tail]: = x; tail: = (tail + 1) mod size; end; end; function pop (var q: queue): integer; // Достать из очереди begin with q do begin pop: = a [head]; head: = (head + 1) mod size; end; end; // Метод Форда-Фалкерсона function mff (xo, xn: integer): boolean; var i, j: integer; begin fillchar (v, sizeof (v), false); { обнуляем массив посещений } init_queue (q); { инициализируем очередь } push (q, xo); { заталкиваем в очередь исток } v [xo]: = true; { посетили исток } p [xo]: = - 1; { у истока нет предка } while not is_queue_empty (q) do { пока очередь не пуста } begin i: = pop (q); { достаем вершину из очереди } for j: = 1 to n do { перебираем все вершины } if not v [j] and { вершина не посещена } (c [i, j] -f [i, j] > 0) then { ребро i->j ненасыщенное } begin v [j]: = true; { посетили вершину j } push (q, j); { положили веришину j в очередь } p [j]: = i; { i предок j } end; end; mff: = v [xn]; { дошли ли до стока } end; { min: минимум из двух вещественных чисел } function min (a, b: integer): integer; begin if a > b then min: = b else min: = a; end; // максимальное значение потока } procedure maxpotok1 (xo, xn: integer); var k: integer; d,d1,potok: integer; begin kk: =0; repeat begin if c [1,j3] <>0 then begin kk: =kk+1; j3: =j3+1; end else j3: =j3+1; end; until j3>n; fillchar (f, sizeof (f), 0); // обнуляем gjnjr potok: = 0; while mff (xo, xn) do // Пока существует путь от xo в xn} begin d: = l; d1: = l; // ребро в этом пути с минимальной k: = xn; // пропускной способностью while k <> xo do begin d: = min (d,c [p [k], k] -f [p [k], k]); d1: = min (d1,c [p [k], k] -f [p [k], k]); k: = p [k];
end; k: = xn; // идем по найденому пути от xo к xn while k <> xo do begin f [p [k], k]: = f [p [k], k] + d; // увеличиваем по прямым ребрам f [k, p [k]]: = f [k, p [k]] - d; // уменьшаем по обратным ребрам k: = p [k]; end; j3: =1; potok: = potok + d1; // увеличиваем поток if k3<>kk then k3: =k3+1 else begin i: =1; j2: =1; for j1: =1+t to n+t do begin for j: =1 to n do begin tt [j1,j2]: =f [i,j]; if j2<=n then j2: =j2+1; if j2>n then j2: =1; end; if i<n then i: =i+1; end; t: =t+n; potokvr [z]: =potok; z: =z+1; // строим lhh kol2: =0; for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do kol2: =kol2+lh [i,j]; for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do lhh [i,j]: =lh [i,j] /kol2; // построили матрицу lhh // дополнительная часть программы {razigrivaem} p1: =1; for i: =1 to n do begin sum: =0; ko: =0; t1: =0; for j: =1 to n do if f [i,j] >0 then begin w1: =Random; for w: =1 to ll do begin if w1<hij [w] +t1 then begin ss: =f [i,j] *hi [w]; sum: =sum+ss; ko: =ko+f [i,j]; break; end else t1: =hij [w] +t1; end; end; if ko=0 then ko: =1; dij [p1]: =sum/ko; p1: =p1+1; end; for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do begin yij [i,j]: =d11*lhh [i,j]; fij1 [i,j]: =0; end; {umnozit matr na vek} i: =0; while op<=n do begin rr: =1; i: =i+1; while rr<=n do begin mm: =0; for j: =1 to n do mm: =mm+qh [i,j] *lh [j,rr]; ttt [op,rr]: =mm; rr: =rr+1; end; op: =op+1; end; lop: =0; for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do lop: =lop+ttt [i,j]; for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do ttt [i,j]: =d33* (ttt [i,j] /lop); for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do if f [i,j] >0 then begin fij1 [i,j]: =lh [i,j] /f [i,j] +dij [i]; kol3: =kol3+fij1 [i,j]; end; for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do begin fij1 [i,j]: = (fij1 [i,j] /kol3) *d22; end; {vischitivaem vse fij*} for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do begin fij [i,j]: =ttt [i,j] +fij1 [i,j] +yij [i,j]; end; {nahodim F=sumfij*} lop: =0; for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do lop: =lop+fij [i,j]; Fi [mi]: =lop; mi: =mi+1; // конец дополнительной части end; end; maxpotok: =potok; // возвращаем максимальный поток end; procedure TForm1. Button2Click (Sender: TObject); begin Form1. Close; end; procedure TForm1. Button1Click (Sender: TObject); var i,j,fcost: integer; begin Label10. Visible: =false; Label11. Visible: =true; Label12. Visible: =true; Edit6. Visible: =true; Label13. Visible: =true; Label14. Visible: =false; Label15. Visible: =true; Label17. Visible: =true; Button5. Visible: =true; Edit7. Visible: =true; Panel3. Visible: =true; Image1. Visible: =true; d11: =strtofloat (Edit3. text); d22: =strtofloat (Edit4. text); d33: =strtofloat (Edit5. text); GroupBox3. Visible: =false; Label1. Visible: =true; Edit1. Visible: =true; n: =strtoint (VertexCount. text); ll: =strtoint (Edit2. text); for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do begin c [j, i]: =StrToInt (CapOfEdge. Cells [i,j]); end; for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do begin qh [j, i]: =StrToInt (StringGrid3. Cells [i,j]); end; for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do begin lh [j, i]: =StrToInt (StringGrid1. Cells [i,j]); end; for i: =1 to ll do hij [i]: =StrToFloat (StringGrid4. Cells [i-1,0]); for i: =1 to ll do hi [i]: =StrToInt (StringGrid5. Cells [i-1,0]); maxpotok1 (1,n); // ср. поток for i: =1 to mi-1 do ten: =ten+potokvr [i]; ten1: =trunc (ten/ (mi-1)); // ср. выгода for i: =1 to mi-1 do loop: =loop+Fi [i]; loop: =loop/ (mi-1); // матрица всех потоков j1: =0; j2: =0; for i: =1 to t do begin
j: =1; j2: =j2+1; j3: =1; while j<=n do begin bpp: =0; for h1: =0 to mi do bpp: =bpp+tt [i+n*h1,j]; yij [j2,j3]: =bpp/ (mi-1); j3: =j3+1; j: =j+1; end; end; // усредненная матрица всех потоков for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do begin y1i [i,j]: =round (yij [i,j]); end; i: =1; bred1: =0; begin for j: =1 to n do bred1: =bred1+y1i [i,j]; if bred1>ten1 then begin j: =1; while j<=n do begin if (yij [i,j] -trunc (yij [i,j]) >=0.5) and (yij [i,j] -trunc (yij [i,j]) <1) then begin y1i [i,j]: =y1i [i,j] -1; break; end else j: =j+1; end; end; if bred1<ten1 then begin j: =1; while j<=n do begin if (yij [i,j] -trunc (yij [i,j]) >=0.5) and (yij [i,j] -trunc (yij [i,j]) <1) then begin y1i [i,j]: =y1i [i,j] +1; break; end else j: =j+1 end; end; for j: =1 to n do y1i [j, i]: =-1*y1i [i,j]; end; i: =n; bred1: =0; begin for j: =1 to n do bred1: =bred1+y1i [i,j]; bred1: =-1*bred1; if bred1>ten1 then begin j: =1; while j<=n do begin if (yij [i,j] -trunc (yij [i,j]) >=0.5) and (yij [i,j] -trunc (yij [i,j]) <1) then begin y1i [i,j]: =y1i [i,j] +1; break; end else j: =j+1; end; end; if bred1<ten1 then begin j: =1; while j<=n do begin if (yij [i,j] -trunc (yij [i,j]) >=0.5) and (yij [i,j] -trunc (yij [i,j]) <1) then begin y1i [i,j]: =y1i [i,j] -1; break; end else j: =j+1 end; end; for j: =1 to n do y1i [j, i]: =-1*y1i [i,j]; end; kon: =0; while kon<=n-1 do begin bred2: =0; i: =2+kon; for j: =1 to n do bred2: =bred2+y1i [i,j]; begin if bred2>0 then begin j: =2+kon; while j<=n-1 do begin if (yij [i,j] -trunc (yij [i,j]) >=0.5) and (yij [i,j] -trunc (yij [i,j]) <1) then begin y1i [i,j]: =y1i [i,j] -1; break; end else j: =j+1 end; end; if bred2<0 then begin j: =2+kon; while j<=n-1 do begin if (yij [i,j] -trunc (yij [i,j]) >=0.5) and (yij [i,j] -trunc (yij [i,j]) <1) then begin y1i [i,j]: =y1i [i,j] +1; break; end else j: =j+1 end; end; for j: =2+kon to n-1 do y1i [j, i]: =-1*y1i [i,j]; end; kon: =kon+1; end; // поиск узких мест в сети дорог for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do c1 [i,j]: =y1i [i,j] -c [i,j]; for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do CapOfEdge. Cells [j, i]: =floattostr (y1i [i,j]); for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do StringGrid3. Cells [j, i]: =Floattostr (c1 [i,j]); edit1. text: =floattostr (loop); edit6. text: =floattostr (ten1); edit7. text: =floattostr (maxpotok); loop: =0; ten1: =0; end; procedure TForm1. VertexCountChange (Sender: TObject); var i,j: integer; begin z: =1; mi: =1; t: =0; ss: =0; kk: =0; k3: =1; kol: =0; kol1: =0; ko: =0; sum: =0; l5: =0; l5: =0; pp: =1; o: =1; op: =1; // hij [1]: =0.2; hij [2]: =0.3; hij [3]: =0.5; d33: =0.25; // hi [1]: =4; hi [2]: =5; hi [3]: =3; d11: =0.25; d22: =0.5; l6: =0; if VertexCount. Text<>'' then begin CapOfEdge. ColCount: =StrToInt (VertexCount. Text) +1; CapOfEdge. RowCount: =StrToInt (VertexCount. Text) +1; StringGrid3. ColCount: =StrToInt (VertexCount. Text) +1; StringGrid3. RowCount: =StrToInt (VertexCount. Text) +1; StringGrid1. ColCount: =StrToInt (VertexCount. Text) +1; StringGrid1. RowCount: =StrToInt (VertexCount. Text) +1; n: =StrToInt (VertexCount. Text); for i: =1 to n do begin CapOfEdge. Cells [0, i]: ='x'+IntToStr (i); CapOfEdge. Cells [i,0]: ='x'+IntToStr (i); end; for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do begin CapOfEdge. Cells [i,j]: ='0'; end; for i: =1 to n do begin
StringGrid3. Cells [0, i]: ='x'+IntToStr (i); StringGrid3. Cells [i,0]: ='x'+IntToStr (i); end; for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do begin StringGrid3. Cells [i,j]: ='0'; end; for i: =1 to n do begin StringGrid1. Cells [0, i]: ='x'+IntToStr (i); StringGrid1. Cells [i,0]: ='x'+IntToStr (i); end; for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do begin StringGrid1. Cells [i,j]: ='0'; end; end; end; procedure TForm1. Button3Click (Sender: TObject); var f: textfile; i,j,n: integer; s: string; Begin opendialog1. filter: ='текстовые файлы|*. txt|'; if opendialog1. execute and fileexists (opendialog1. filename) then begin assignfile (f,opendialog1. filename); reset (f); readln (f,n); for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do begin readln (f,s); stringgrid3. cells [j-1, i-1]: =s; end; for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do begin readln (f,s); stringgrid1. cells [j-1, i-1]: =s; end; for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do begin readln (f,s); Capofedge. cells [j-1, i-1]: =s; end; for i: =1 to n do begin readln (f,s); stringgrid4. cells [i-1,0]: =s; end; for i: =1 to n do begin readln (f,s); stringgrid5. cells [i-1,0]: =s; end; readln (f,s); edit3. Text: =s; readln (f,s); edit4. Text: =s; readln (f,s); edit5. Text: =s; closefile (f); end; end; procedure TForm1. Button4Click (Sender: TObject); var f: textfile; i,j,n: integer; Begin savedialog1. filter: ='текстовые файлы|*. txt|'; n: =strtoint (VertexCount. text) +1; ll: =strtoint (Edit2. text); if savedialog1. execute then begin assignfile (f,savedialog1. filename); rewrite (f); writeln (f,n); for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do writeln (f,stringgrid3. cells [j-1, i-1]); for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do writeln (f,stringgrid1. cells [j-1, i-1]); for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do writeln (f,Capofedge. cells [j-1, i-1]); for i: =1 to n do writeln (f,stringgrid4. cells [i-1,0]); for i: =1 to n do writeln (f,stringgrid5. cells [i-1,0]); writeln (f,edit3. text); writeln (f,edit4. text); writeln (f,edit5. text); closefile (f); end; end; procedure TForm1. Edit2Change (Sender: TObject); begin ll: =StrToInt (Edit2. Text); StringGrid4. ColCount: =StrToInt (Edit2. Text); StringGrid5. ColCount: =StrToInt (Edit2. Text); end; procedure TForm1. Button5Click (Sender: TObject); begin StringGrid3. Visible: =false; Label11. Visible: =false; GroupBox4. Visible: =false; for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do if c1 [i,j] <0 then c2 [i,j]: =c [i,j] + (-1) *c1 [i,j]; for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do CapOfEdge. Cells [j, i]: =floattostr (c2 [i,j]); for i: =1 to n do for j: =1 to n do end;
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