person (n). personnel (n). petition (n). judiciary (adj). claim (v). claim (n). disrupt (v). monarch (n). monarchy (n). institution (n)
person (n) 1) человек; личность, особа; субъект; missing ~ – без вести пропавший; a real ~ – фактическое лицо personnel (n) 1) персонал, кадры (предприятия, учреждения); government ~ — правительственные служащие; qualified ~ – квалифицированный персонал petition (n) петиция; прошение, ходатайство to circulate a ~ – распространять петицию to present a ~ – подавать прошение to grant a ~ – удовлетворять ходатайство, прошение, петицию
judiciary (adj) законный, судебный - ~ law ~ Syn: judicial
claim (v) 1) требовать; предъявлять требования; заявлять о своих правах на что-л. (for) 2) заявлять, утверждать. 3) возбуждать иск (о возмещении убытков) (against/from; for) claim (n) 1) требование; претензия; притязание; заявление, утверждение raise a ~ – предъявить претензию lay ~ to – предъявлять права на (что-л. ) put smth. in a ~ – предъявлять права на что-л. 2) иск; претензия, рекламация
rule (v) 1) править; господствовать, властвовать (особ. о монархах) Queen Victoria ~ed over the British Empire for more than 60 years. – Королева Виктория правила Британской империей более 60 лет. Syn: dominate, control 2) управлять, руководить; контролировать 3) разрешать, вести дело
disrupt (v) 1) раздробить, разбить, разрывать, разрушать; срывать; 2) подрывать; нарушать to ~ radio communication – нарушать радиосвязь
monarch (n) монарх absolute ~, constitutional ~ Syn: sovereign monarchy (n) монархия to establish, set up a ~ – установить монархию to overthrow a ~ – свергнуть монархию
institution (n) 1) общество, организация, учреждение, ведомство ~ of higher learning (education) – высшее учебное заведение; charitable, philanthropic ~ – благотворительное учреждение, организация 2) создание, образование, установление, введение ~ of a ceremony – введение церемонии
resign (v)
уходить в отставку, подавать в отставку; оставлять пост to ~ office – отказаться от должности Syn: quit, surrender resignation (n)
Vocabulary Exercises Ex. 1. Which words can you derive from the following?
Ex. 2. What is the English for: 1) законный, легитимный 2) уполномочивать, разрешать 3) управлять, руководить 4) считать, рассматривать 5) специализироваться (в чем-либо) 6) защита 7) бюрократия 8) ведомство, министерство, управление 9) верность, преданность 10) подчиненный 11) петиция, прошение, ходатайство 12) уходить (в отставку)
Ex. 3. Translate the following words and word combinations:
B. Pre-reading Exercises Ex. 1. Guess the meaning of the following words and phrases: policy-making (activity); policy formulation; to be close to the centres of power; street level; bureaucrat; to raise fears; administered society; to be based on personal preferment; to be (not) showy.
C. Reading
Ex. 1. Read the texts for general information to complete the following statements: 1) The text deals with the problem of …. 2) Various institutions are involved in public administration …. 3) The role of public administrators …. 4) The text tells us about administrative organization of the ancient empires …. 5) The text views modern administrative system as ….
When people think about government, they think of elected officials. The attentive public knows these officials who live in the spotlight but not the public administrators who make governing possible. Yet we are always in contact with public administration Our experiences with public administrators have become so extensive that our society may be labeled the “administered society”. Various institutions are involved in public administration. A lot of the policy-making activities of public administration are done by large, specialized governmental agencies (micro-administration). But to implement their decisions public administration also requires numerous profit and nonprofit agencies, banks and hospitals, district and city governments (macro-administration). Public administration may be defined as a complex political process involving the authoritative implementation of legitimated policy choices. Public administration is not as showy as other kinds of politics. Much of its work is quiet, small scale, and specialized. Part of the administrative process is even kept secret. The anonymity of much public administration raises fears that government policies are made by people who are not accountable to citizens.
But whether in the negative or positive sense, public administration is policy making. And whether close to the centers of power or at the street level in local agencies, public administrators are policy makers. They are the translators and tailors of government. If the elected officials are visible to the public, public administrators are the anonymous specialists. But without their knowledge, diligence, and creativity, government would be ineffective and inefficient.
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