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Модальные глаголы MAY и MIGHT.

Модальные глаголы MAY и MIGHT.

MAY — может, возможно. В вопросительных предложениях предполагает более вежливую форму вопроса или просьбы.


May I see a headmaster? — Могу ли я увидеть директора?

I was really worried that you may get hurt. — Я очень волновалась, что ты мог пострадать.

Might — синоним may в значении «возможно».


He might be busy yesterday, that’s why he didn’t call you. — Возможно, он был занят вчера, поэтому не позвонил тебе.


Упражнение 1. Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол (can / may)

1. ______ you see anything in this dark room?

2. ______ I borrow your rubber, please? Yes, of course you ______.

3. Kate______ speak English.

4. Mike has got many books so he______ read them.

5. ______ I borrow your pen?

6. Only a person who knows the language very well ______ answer such a question.

7. Most children______ slide on the ice very well.

8. You ______find any kind of information on the Internet.

9. British Parliament ______issue laws and form the budget.

10. ______ I try on this coat?

11. You ______not talk loudly in libraries.

12. He ______read and write in English.


Упражнение 2. Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол (must / may / can)

1. You ______not smoke here.

2. ______you hear that strange noise?

3. He______come today or tomorrow.

4. My little brother______ count to ten.

5. This incident ______have serious consequences.

6. You ______have a valid permit to enter.

Упражнение 3. Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол (must / may)

1. I’m not sure but perhaps Roberto ______ leave for Australia soon.

2. You ______talk to your daughter about her future.

3. You ______ have a visa to travel to some countries.

4. You ______ stop smoking. It is bad for your health.

5. I ______make sure cargoes reach their destination.

6. However cold it ______ be, we’ll go skiing.

7. People ______ take care of future.


Эталон ответов:

Exercise 1.

1 can, 2 may/may, 3 can, 4 can, 5 may, 6 can, 7 can, 8 can, 9 can, 10 may, 11 may, 12 can

Exercise 2.

1 must, 2 can, 3 may, 4 can, 5 may/can, 6 must

Exercise 3.

1 may, 2 must, 3 must, 4 must, 5 must, 6 may, 7 must



    Muscular system


Skeletal (voluntary) system.

The dermomyotome further differentiates into the myotome and the dermatome.

Cells of the myotome migrate ventrally to surround the intraembry-onic coelom and the somatic mesoderm of the ventrolateral body wall. These myoblasts elongate, become spindle-shaped, and fuse to form multinucleated muscle fibers.

Myofibrils appear in the cytoplasm, and, by the third month, cross-striations appear. Individual muscle fibers increase in diameter as myofibrils multiply and become arranged in groups surrounded by mesenchyme.

Individual muscles form, as well as tendons that connect muscle to bone.

Trunk musculature: By the end of the fifth week, body-wall musculature divides into a dorsal epimere, supplied by the dorsal primary ramus of the spinal nerve, and a ventral hypomere, supplied by the ventral primary ramus.

Epimere muscles form the extensor muscles of the vertebral column, and hypomere muscles give rise to lateral and ven tral flexor musculature.

The hypomere splits into three layers. In the thorax, the three layers form the external costal, internal intercostal, and transverse thoracic muscle.

In the abdomen, the three layers form the external oblique, internal oblique, and transverse abdomii muscles. Head musculature.

The extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the tongue are thought to be derived from occipital myotomes that migrate forward.

The extrinsic muscles of the eye may derive from preoptic myoto-mes that originally surround the prochordal plate.

The muscles of mastication, facial expression, the pharynx, and the larynx are derived from different pharyngeal arches and maintain their innervation by the nerve of the arch of origin.

Limb musculature originates in the seventh week from soma meso-derm that migrates into the limb bud. With time, the limb musculature splits into ventral flexor and dorsal extern groups.

The limb is innervated by spinal nerves, which penetrate the limb bud mesodermal condensations. Segmental branches of the spinal nerves fuse to form large dorsal a ventral nerves.

The cutaneous innervation of the limbs is also derived from spinal nerves and reflects the level at which the limbs arise.

Smooth muscle: the smooth muscle coats of the gut, trachtea, bronchi, and blood vessels of the associated mesenteries are derived from splanchnic mesoderm surrounding the gastrointestinal tract. Vessels elsewhere in the body obtain their coat from local mesenchyme.

Cardiac muscle, like smooth muscle, is derived from splanchnic mesoderm.


New words

migrate – мигрировать

ventral – брюшной

to surround – окружать

somatic – соматический

cytoplasm – цитоплазма

spindle-shaped – веретенообразный

to fuse – плавить

cross-striations – поперечные бороздчатости

to appear – появляться

extensor – разгибающая мышца

dorsal – спинной

primary – первичный

ramus – ветвь

split – раскол

extrinsic – внешний

intrinsic – внутренний

vertebral – позвоночный

arche – дуга

abdomen – живот

facial – лицевой

expression – выражение

to penetrate – проникать

segmental – сегментальный

branch – жюри


Answer the questions.

1. What does the muscular system consist of?

2. What surround the intraembryonic coelom?

3. What form do myoblasts become?

4. Where myofibrils appear?

5. By what week body-wall musculature are divided?

6. What is the limb innervated by?

7. What does trunk musculature consist of?

8. Where is the cutaneous innervation of the limbs derived from?

9. Where is cardiac muscle derived from?

10. What do smooth muscles coat?


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