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Ex. 8. Play out a dialogue with your partner combining the remarks from the table.

Ex. 8. Play out a dialogue with your partner combining the remarks from the table.

A I say, who’s that man is the dark grey suit over there?  
  • Do you know that man?
  • Here comes Dr. Brown. Do you know him?
B Very well indeed. This is Dr. Brown, Full Professor of Art History and Cultural Studies, theState University of New York. I can introduce you to him, if you like.
  • Would you like to meet him? This is Dr. Brown, Reader in Art Criticism, University of Strathclyde.

Please, do. I’d be very glad to meet him.

B Dr. Brown, let me introduce Mr. Petrov from Russia. He is taking his Master’s degree at … and writing a dissertation paper on …
  • Hi, Jack! Meet my friend from Russia, Alexander Petrov.
  • Dr. Brown, may I introduce/ may I present to you Alexander Petrov, Master student from Russia?
A How do you do, Mr. Petrov? Pleased to meet you.
  • It’s nice to meet you. Excuse me, but aren’t you that Petrov who published a very interesting article on … in our journal last year? I was sure you have already made your Ph. D.
  • Hi! Nice to meet you.
B How do you do, Dr. Brown? It’s my pleasure to meet you.
  • Nice to meet you, too.
A Pardon me, but what is the theme of your research, you said?
  • What can I do for you?
B I am interested in Native American art history and museum representation of Native peoples
  • I am working on…
A Then you must be familiar with the book by Dr. Sergeyeva. She is from Russia, too.
  • Then you must have read the last paper by Dr. Sergeyeva who is a good specialist in representing cultural identity in museum setting.
B Dr. Sergeyeva is my thesis supervisor.
  • Dr. Sergeyeva is an Associate Professor of Exhibition Planning and Design at my University.
  • Dr. Sergeyeva is chair of Museum studies department, which I am in.
A Really? Has she been conferred her higher doctorate degree yet?
  • This is a small world. I met her last year at our annual conference and I should say her paper impressed me very much. How is she getting on with her second thesis? She was very much involved in her research.

Well, you know, our procedure is more formal and different from conferring a Ph. D. degree in Western universities. She successfully defended her research work at the dissertation committee of Saint Petersburg State University five moths ago but the final decision comes from the Higher Attestation Commission in Moscow. Usually it takes about a year.




Give a 5-7-minute talk on the University you graduated from (its foundation, history, buildings, structure, subjects studied, famous graduates and teachers). Begin with some personal information like in the example:

Let me introduce myself. My name is………………. I’m twenty-five and unmarried. I was born in ………….., small town in Rostov region, but when I was two my parents moved to Saint Petersburg, where I grew up and attended school.

In 20… I was admitted to the Herzen University to study French, with English as a subsidiary subject. I graduated three years ago with the Diploma of Education and the qualification of a secondary school teacher. A year after graduation I realized that I don’t have any vocation for teaching, and a two-year work experience for Intourist assured me to go back at the university studying a completely new subject in a different department. This is how in October I began a two-year Master program in museum studies at Saint Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts.

Now let me tell you in brief about the University I am graduated from. The Herzen University was founded in….





Studying Abroad


Ex. 1. Look at these sayings. What do they mean? Which of the ideas do you agree with?

· An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't.

Anatole France, French novelist (1844 – 1924)

· Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.

Oscar Wilde, Irish author (1854 – 1900)

· Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Nelson Mandela, South African statesman (b. 1918)



Ex. 2. Have you ever thought about going to study abroad? Think about pros and cons of studying overseas. Discuss the given ideas with your neighbor.

· exploring new cultures · meeting new people · traveling · independence and self-reliance · new opportunities for seeking job after graduation · personal adaptability to a new environment · food · language · different style of instruction · absence of worldwide standard for higher education degrees






Candidate of Sciences/ Kandidat Nauk and Doctor of Sciences/ Doktor Nauk vs Ph. D.

Ex. 1. The system of academic degrees, as well as academic rank titles, is very complicated and highly variable from one country to another, from one institution to another, and even within a single institution. In Europe academic degrees are being harmonised through the Bologna process based on the three-level hierarchy: Bachelor, Master, and Doctor. Although 49 countries have already become Bologna Process member states, not every country has implemented the Bologna Accords yet. Russia is one of such countries and is gradually replacing its Soviet system.

Compare the tables below and answer the questions.

Most European Countries and the USA

Doctoral degrees     Doctoral Degree Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D. ), or Doctor of Education (Ed. D. ), or Doctor of Psychology (Psy. D. ), or Doctor of Theology (Th. D. )

University degrees

  Master’s Degree Master of Arts (M. A. ), or Master of Science (M. S. /M. Sc. ) one or two years of coursework and research + " comprehensive" examinations in one or more fields + some teaching experience + thesis
Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor of Arts (B. A. ), or Bachelor of Science (B. S. /B. Sc. ) one- to three-year studies + final state examination + thesis  
three- orfour-year studies    


Doctoral degrees

        Doktor Nauk доктор наук
      Kandidat Nauk кандидат наук independent research which establishes new direction or new field in science + thesis+ monograph + a set of outstanding publications in refereed journals

University degrees

Diplom-Specialist специалист

(is being replaced by Bachelor and Magister)

  Magister магистр research + 3 publications in peer-reviewed academic journals + 3 exams (major subject, foreign language and philosophy) + thesis (80-200 pages)  
Bachelor бакалавр two or three-year studies + final state exams + thesis (70-100 pages)    
four or five-year studies + final state exams + diploma four-year studies      

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