Ex. 1. Answer the questions. Language training. Ex. 1. Fill in the correct word from the list. Choose any phrase and make up a sentence.
Ex. 1. Answer the questions.
LANGUAGE TRAINING Ex. 1. Fill in the correct word from the list. Choose any phrase and make up a sentence. Achieve, prescribed, high-quality, sports, balanced, academically, gain, inter-institutional, renowned, highly qualified, get, rehearsal.
Ex. 2. Fill in the correct preposition, then choose any item and make up a sentence. To apply…. smth, to lead … smth/ smb, to take part …. smth, to focus ….. smth, to major ….. smth, to be proud ….. smth/ smb, to contribute ….. smth, to be related …. smth/smb. Ex. 3. British and American academic terminology differences [26]. Do you agree with George Bernard Shaw that England and America are two countries separated by a common language? Fill in the gaps with the words from the list: timetable, President, профессор, резюме, vacation, Assistant Professor, thesis, faculty, postgraduate student, semester, university teacher, 3rd year/ final year student.
Ex. 4. Using the exercise above, substitute the underlined words in the text with their American equivalents. Ex. 5. Fill in the gaps with words from the list and answer the questions below. Instructor, degree, native, conversation, incorporate, dissertations, rank, master’s degree, Ph. D., tenure, lifetime, faculty, scholars, lectures, curriculum.
The lowest rank in American universities is 1)…………. He/she teaches anything an institution needs. For instance, a private institution can have a 2)…………… speaker who teaches some 3)………… courses. He may have no advanced 4)………….. whatsoever. The assistant professor is the next low 5)…….. . A person who is an assistant professor is usually hired only to deliver 6)……….. in a certain course or set of courses. Assistant professors usually have a 7)……… but they can be people who are writing their 8)…………… or are close to a Ph. D. An associate professor is a person who has his/her 9)………. Associate professors design 10)……… and teach classes in their area of specialty. Having full professor stature means having tenure.
Tenure positions are 11)………. positions. When an instructor is tenured, he or she is a permanent member of the 12)…….. , and typically cannot be fired. Earning 13)………. both protects the professor’s job, and his or her ideas. A professor who is tenured has institutional support to carry out a unique research agenda, and has the freedom to 14)………….. new ideas into classes without fear of termination. Many people see tenure as a way of preserving the university as a place where ideas flow freely, and individual 15)……….. have the liberty to pursue their own interests[27].
1. How does a promotion ladder look like in American universities? 2. Can you match the university teachers positions in America to their equivalents in Russia? 3. What have you learned about a tenure position in America? Does a tenure position exist in Russian universities? Ex. 6. Translate the sentences below using the samples in the box. to be at university = to be a university student = to study at (any) university to be at Saint Petersburg State University (more common)/ to study at/ to be a student of to be in …………. faculty/ department to be in the/ one’s first/ final year to get/ receive a degree = to be awarded a degree to take one’s degree = to study for a degree to take a course in smth
1. - Ты работаешь или учишься? - Я учусь в университете. 2. Я учусь в Санкт-Петербургском государственном университете культуры и искусств. 3. – Вы на каком факультете? - На библиотечном 4. Он учится на отделении музееведения и охраны памятников культурного наследия. 5. – На каком вы курсе? - На третьем. 6. Я получила степень бакалавра в Санкт-Петербургском государственном университете, а степень магистра хочу получить в Сорбонне. 7. В нашем университете есть возможность пройти курс «Русский как иностранный» он-лайн.
Ex. 7. Work in pairs. Ask your partner:
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