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Ex. 1. Answer the questions. Language training. Competitive, defining, intercultural, long-term, increased, conventional, key, overseas, cultural, academic, personal, subsequent.

Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

  1. What are the key findings of the 2012 survey? Did they prove or cancel the findings of the first IES study?
  2. How does the duration of a programme affect students’ development outcomes?
  3. What are the benefits that reported all the students who studied abroad?
  4. How can studying abroad increase your job prospects in the period of economic crisis?



Ex. 1. Fill in the correct word from the list:

competitive, defining, intercultural, long-term, increased, conventional, key, overseas, cultural, academic, personal, subsequent.

  1. …………………………………. edge
  2. ……………………………….. values
  3. ………………………... development
  4. …………………………….. maturity
  5. ………………………………. growth
  6. ………………………………. impact
  1. ………………………………. wisdom
  2. ……………………………experience
  3. ………………………………findings
  4. ………………………………. pursuits
  5. ………………………………moment
  6. ………………………….. experiences

Ex. 2. Fill in the correct preposition, then choose any item and make up a sentence.

To adapt … smth, to stand out … smb/ smth, to interact … smb, to hone in … smth, to contribute …. smth, to impact …. smth, to result …. smth/ doing smth.


Ex. 3. Match the verbs from the list to the nouns. Some verbs may be used more than once.

Increase, manage, influence, ignite, earn, develop, produce, strengthen, acquire, solve, reduce, attend, lay off, contribute to, adapt to.

  1. ………………………self-confidence
  2. ……………………. smb’s developing
  3. ……………………. smb’s career path
  4. ……………………………an interest
  5. ………………….. school/ programme
  6. ………………………………a degree
  7. …………………………………. a job
  8. ……………………less qualified staff
  1. …………………………………skills
  2. ……………………………. outcomes
  3. …………………………... knowledge
  4. …………………………smb’s ability
  5. ……………………………. a problem
  6. …………………………smb’s money
  7. ……………………………... expenses
  8. ……………………a difficult situation


Ex. 4. Translate.

1. I got my first degree in philology and then I switched over to the field of museum studies.

2. I have a master’s degree in museum management.

3. I left England to go to Canada to be a student of advanced botany. In Canada I earned the degree of Master’s of Science and also Doctor of Philosophy.

4. I attended a college in Arizona for my bachelor’s degree and my master’s degree. Then I got my doctoral degree at the University of Hawaii.

5. I am twenty-six years old and have just completed my master’s degree in science. And I’m going to begin my Ph. D. program next September in Canada.

6. I have graduate degrees from the American University and the University of Maiami in Florida.

7. Я имею степень кандидата наук, что соответствует (сorrespond) степени доктора философии в вашей стране.

8. Я надеюсь получить степень магистра в ближайшие два года.

9. В нашей стране степень доктора наук не является почетной степенью (honorary degree). Она предусматривает (require) написание диссертации и публикацию монографии.

10. В России ученая степень (research degree) доктора наук является высшей. Многие ученые, имеющие эту степень, являются профессорами.


Ex. 5. Read through the vocabulary list and fill in the gaps in the dialogues below.

apply – ask officially for a place at a university/ college, a job, a grant, etc. apply to Saint Petersburg State University f Culture and Arts apply for a place at Saint Petersburg State University f Culture and Arts application – the act of applying, or the request itself to fill in a application form applicant – a person who applies for smth be admitted toa university – formal style be accepted by a university – less formal style get in to a university – more colloquial. enter – begin to study in formal style NB: enter is rarely if ever used in the sense of поступать. Apply should be used, not enter!

1. – My brother didn’t get in to the university.

– Oh, that’s a pity. Is he going to …………. next year?

2. – Ann didn’t get in to the Day Department.

– Is she going to ……………. the Evening Department?

3. – Alex hasn’t finished his thesis on time because he was ill for nearly three months.

– In that case he can ……… an extension.

4. – There’s an interesting job advertised in the paper. It’s in my field, too.

– Well, why don’t you …………?

5. – I want to work as a guide in summer.

– Well, be sure to …………… by May 31.

6.   – Do you know how I can get an American visa?

– Yes. You have to go to the consulate and fill in an ………….. form.

7.   – Jennie can’t go to classes because of the baby.

– Well, she’d better ……………. a year off.

8. – Has Peter got the job?

– Unfortunately, no. There were ten ……………. for this position. He failed his interview.

9. – Peter is receiving his master’s degree in a week.

– It’s high time! If I’m not mistaken, he ………….. the Academy in 2005.


Ex. 6. Replace the underlined words by the appropriate form of get in (to).

1.  - My sister wants to go to university.

 - Oh yes? Do you think she’ll be accepted?

2. Did Peter get a place in Museum Studies Department?

3. John applied to the Royal College of Music but he was unsuccessful.

4. Jennie is very clever. She was accepted the first time she applied.

5. It’s very difficult to get a place at the Institute of Foreign Relations, anyway I’d like to apply.


Ex. 7. Play out a dialogue with your neighbor.

  1. Why did you apply to the ………………….. Department?
  2. ……………………………………………………………..
  1. Did you get in the first time you applied?
  2. ……………………………………………………………..
  1. What did you have to do in order to get a place here?
  2. ……(describe the procedure). ……………………………..
  1. What year are you in now?
  2. ……………………………………………………………..
  1. How long is your course?
  2. ……………………………………………………………..

A. Would you like togo through a study abroad program? Your English is good.

B. Yes, I would like to study in another country for a semester or two just see the world a little bit but I don’t know how I can do it.

A. You should visit the study abroad office at our university to see if they have any specific programs that they work with or make your search in the Internet. Check the European Commission webpage  http: //eacea. ec. europa. eu/erasmus_mundus/programme/about_erasmus_mundus_en. php or visit http: //www. eu-student. eu. Both sites are good to start with.



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