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Ex. 1. Answer the questions. Language training. Ex. 2. Fill in the correct preposition, then choose any item and make up a sentence.

Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

  1. What does it mean to think like a researcher?
  2. How should we choose our research questions?
  3. What are the purposes of a literature review? What steps should precede a literature review?
  4. Which should go first – data collecting or elaborate planning? Why?



Ex. 1. Fill in the correct word from the list:

invaluable, generate, address, multifaceted, shortlist, satisfactorily, current state, target, detailed, manually, question, conduct.

  1. …………………….. feedback
2. …………………….. problem 3. …………………….. review 4. …………………… browse 5. …………………… of interest 6. …………………… of relevant articles
  1. ……………………. insights
  2. …………………….. phenomena
  3. …………………….. answer
  4. …………………….. complex problem
  5. …………………….. of knowledge
  6. ……………………... research

Ex. 2. Fill in the correct preposition, then choose any item and make up a sentence.

To identify smth ………. smth; to employ smth ……….. doing smth; to be concerned ……….. doing smth; to fit …………smth; to be relevant ………. smth; suitability of smth ………. smth; to be related ……… smth; be restricted …….. smth; to appeal …….. smb; to delve ……. smth; to seek ……… smth/smb.

Ex. 3. Match the words to their synonyms.


1. dissertation 2. journal 3. coworker 4. instrument 5. data 6. to gather 7. significance 8. to be through with 9. to be engaged in 10. scientific papers 11. investigation   a)scientific magazine b)device c)collaborator d)thesis e)to collect f)to finish g)information h)importance i)publications j)to be busy with k) research  


Ex. 4. Read the following text[36] and fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold. What do you think about theory/practice proportion in a research? Discuss it with your partner.


People not familiar with 1)………………. ( science ) research often view a theory as a 2)……………………. (speculate ) or the opposite of fact. For instance, people often say that teachers need to be less 3)…………………. ( theory ) and more practical or factual in their classroom 4)…………………… (teach ). However, practice or fact are not opposites of theory, but in a scientific sense, are 5)………………… ( essence ) components needed to test the 6)…………………. ( valid ) of a theory. A good scientific theory should be well supported using 7)………………… ( observe ) facts and should also have 8)…………………. ( practice) value, while a poorly 9)…………………. ( define ) theory tends to be lacking in these dimensions. Famous organizational researcher Kurt Lewin once said, “Theory without 10)……………… ( practical) is sterile; practice without theory is blind. ” Hence, both theory and facts (or practice) are essential for scientific research.

Ex. 5. Ask your friend:

o … what the subject of his/her thesis is.

o … if he/she is going to publish any articles.

o … where and when he/she is going to publish them.

o … if there is much or little material published on the subject of his/her investigation.

o … if he/ she is going to take part in a scientific conference for young researchers.

o … if he/she is engaged in making an experiment.

Ex. 6. Work in pairs. Agree or disagree with the statements adding any ideas of your own. Use expressions like:

You are right; You are quite (absolutely) right; It is quite true that …; What you say is correct…; I agree entirely with you…; You are definitely right when saying that …; I'm afraid you are wrong (mistaken); What you say seems to be general opinion, but…; I agree with you to a certain extent, but…; I disagree with your assessment…


e. g. A: I think writing an MA dissertation is a challenge as it must be based on independent research.

B: You are absolutely right. In addition, it must be an original piece of work structured in accordance with the certain regulations.


· Cultural Studies is a field of academic studies that has been rapidly developing in the last four decades.

· MA students are not supposed to take their examination in a foreign language.

· Before submitting their dissertations, MA students must publish several papers in scientific journals.

· Students choose their dissertation topic without consultation with their supervisors.

· MA students should not discuss the obtained data with their research advisers.




Prepare a short presentation of five to seven minutes about your studies (undergraduate and postgraduate) and research. Follow the plan below.

  1. Where and when did you get your bachelor degree?
  2. Why did you decide to enroll into a master program?
  3. What are you majoring in?
  4. What research are you doing now?
  5. Does the present research have any connection with your undergraduate studies? What was the theme of your graduation (diploma) paper?
  6. How did you arrive at the idea of your research subject? / Who encouraged your interest in the problem?
  7. What problems are you particularly interested in?
  8. Who is your scientific adviser? Is he/she a distinguished scientist?
  9. Have you already made a detailed study of these problems?
  10. Have you already made a literature review/ collected and arranged the necessary data?
  11. Do you take part in scientific conferences?
  12. Have you already got any articles published?
  13. What other activities are you engaged while in MA program?
  14. When did you start your research and when are you planning to finish it?
  15. What degree are you going to obtain?



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