Ex. 1. Answer the questions. Language training. Ex. 2. Fill in the correct preposition, then choose any item and make up a sentence.
Ex. 1. Answer the questions.
LANGUAGE TRAINING Ex. 1. Fill in the correct word from the list: invaluable, generate, address, multifaceted, shortlist, satisfactorily, current state, target, detailed, manually, question, conduct.
Ex. 2. Fill in the correct preposition, then choose any item and make up a sentence. To identify smth ………. smth; to employ smth ……….. doing smth; to be concerned ……….. doing smth; to fit …………smth; to be relevant ………. smth; suitability of smth ………. smth; to be related ……… smth; be restricted …….. smth; to appeal …….. smb; to delve ……. smth; to seek ……… smth/smb. Ex. 3. Match the words to their synonyms.
Ex. 4. Read the following text[36] and fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold. What do you think about theory/practice proportion in a research? Discuss it with your partner.
People not familiar with 1)………………. ( science ) research often view a theory as a 2)……………………. (speculate ) or the opposite of fact. For instance, people often say that teachers need to be less 3)…………………. ( theory ) and more practical or factual in their classroom 4)…………………… (teach ). However, practice or fact are not opposites of theory, but in a scientific sense, are 5)………………… ( essence ) components needed to test the 6)…………………. ( valid ) of a theory. A good scientific theory should be well supported using 7)………………… ( observe ) facts and should also have 8)…………………. ( practice) value, while a poorly 9)…………………. ( define ) theory tends to be lacking in these dimensions. Famous organizational researcher Kurt Lewin once said, “Theory without 10)……………… ( practical) is sterile; practice without theory is blind. ” Hence, both theory and facts (or practice) are essential for scientific research.
Ex. 5. Ask your friend: o … what the subject of his/her thesis is. o … if he/she is going to publish any articles. o … where and when he/she is going to publish them. o … if there is much or little material published on the subject of his/her investigation. o … if he/ she is going to take part in a scientific conference for young researchers. o … if he/she is engaged in making an experiment. Ex. 6. Work in pairs. Agree or disagree with the statements adding any ideas of your own. Use expressions like: You are right; You are quite (absolutely) right; It is quite true that …; What you say is correct…; I agree entirely with you…; You are definitely right when saying that …; I'm afraid you are wrong (mistaken); What you say seems to be general opinion, but…; I agree with you to a certain extent, but…; I disagree with your assessment…
e. g. A: I think writing an MA dissertation is a challenge as it must be based on independent research. B: You are absolutely right. In addition, it must be an original piece of work structured in accordance with the certain regulations.
· Cultural Studies is a field of academic studies that has been rapidly developing in the last four decades. · MA students are not supposed to take their examination in a foreign language. · Before submitting their dissertations, MA students must publish several papers in scientific journals. · Students choose their dissertation topic without consultation with their supervisors. · MA students should not discuss the obtained data with their research advisers.
SKILLS Prepare a short presentation of five to seven minutes about your studies (undergraduate and postgraduate) and research. Follow the plan below.
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