Ex. 6. Read the information about ALA[44]. Find the right heading for each paragraph (see the box). Discuss with your partner the advantages of being an ALA member.
Ex. 6. Read the information about ALA[44]. Find the right heading for each paragraph (see the box). Discuss with your partner the advantages of being an ALA member.
1)……………………………………… The American Library Association (ALA) is a non-profit organization based in the United States that promotes libraries and library education internationally. It is the oldest and largest library association in the world, with more than 62, 000 members. 2)……………………………………… It was founded in Philadelphia in 1876 during the Centennial Exposition. At the end of the meeting, the register was passed around for all to sign who wished to become charter members. 90 men and 13 women signed the resolution, making October 6, 1876 to (-) be ALA's birthday. The aim of the Association was " to enable librarians to do their present work more easily and at less expense. " The Association has worked throughout its history to define, extend, protect and advocate for equity of access to information. 3)…………………………………….. ALA is affiliated with regional, state, and student chapters across the country. The membership is open to any person or organization, though most of its members are libraries or librarians. Most members live and work in the United States, with international members comprising 3. 5% of total membership. 4)……………………………………. The ALA is governed by an elected council and an executive board. Policies and programs are administered by various committees and round tables. One of the organization's most visible tasks is overseen by the Office for Accreditation, which formally reviews and authorizes American and Canadian academic institutions that offer degree programs in library and information science. 5)…………………………………… The official purpose of the association is " to promote library service and librarianship. " Members may join one or more of eleven membership divisions that deal with specialized topics such as academic, school, or public libraries, technical or reference services, and library administration. Members may also join any of seventeen round tables that are grouped around more specific interests and issues than the broader set of ALA divisions. The ALA organizes conferences, participates in library standards development, and publishes a number of books and periodicals. The ALA publishes the magazines American Libraries and Booklist. 6)………………………………….. The ALA and its divisions hold numerous conferences throughout the year. The two largest conferences are the annual conference and the midwinter meeting. The latter is typically held in January and focused on internal business, while the annual conference is typically held in June and focused on exhibits and presentations. The ALA annual conference is notable for being one of the largest professional conferences in existence, typically drawing over 25, 000 attendees.
SKILLS From the list of Professional Associations based in the USA[45] choose one of the associations that matches your professional interests. Using its official website, prepare a short presentation of five to seven minutes following the plan from the exercise above.
International Professional Contacts: Conferences STARTING UP Ex. 1. Look at these sayings. Which of the ideas do you agree with?
Salvador Dali (1904 – 1989), Spanish artist
Scott Adams (b. 1957), American cartoonist
Ex. 2. What are the purposes of professional conferences? Think about the following:
Ex. 3. Discuss the questions.
COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS Ex. 1. Every day we hear similar meaning words such as workshops, summits, symposiums, seminars and conferences and easily get confused as the terminology is rather confusing. Complete the sentences[46] using the correct word in brackets and learn the difference. Seminars are ………………………(educating, educative, educational) events that feature one or more subject matter experts delivering information primarily via lecture and discussion. Workshops tend to be smaller and more ……………………. (intensative, intensive, intense) than seminars. This format often involves students practicing their new skills during the event under the watchful eye of the instructor. Hands-On Workshops typically involve …………………… (participants, participates, participles) doing work on a particular issue during the program. The promise is that when they leave, they will have at least a rough plan or tools in place to address the challenge. Conferences often features keynote presentations delivered to all ……………….. (attendees, attendants, attended) as well as multiple break-out sessions. …………….. (Attendees, attendants, attended) often expect to receive information about industry trends and developments. A Symposium is typically a more formal or ………………… (academical, academician, academese, academic) gathering, featuring multiple experts delivering short presentations on a particular topic. A Summit is a …………….. (gather, gatherer, gathering) of the highest level of leaders and experts.
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