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Ex. 2. Match these words and expressions with their definitions.

Ex. 2. Match these words and expressions with their definitions.

1. to be proactive 2. a career fair 3. to mismatch 4. to get the most out of 5. a newsletter 6. a chapter 7. to reach out 8. a steering committee a) a local branch of an organization, such as a club or fraternity b) an exposition for employers, recruiters and schools to meet with prospective job seekers. c)aprinted report giving news or information of interest to a special group d) to match unsuitably or inaccurately e) to make an attempt to communicate f) to act in advance to deal with an expected difficulty g) a committee to arrange the order of business for some larger body j) to achieve the greatest output of work, effort, etc., out of someone or smth

Ex. 3. Match these sentence halves.

1. A website is a good way to keep members informed plus 2. Professional associations provide a resource for people who 3. An association may offer career information, 4. Starting and running a professional organization 5. A professional organization often publishes 6. Some people join a professional organization   a) to make friends in the business and meet potential client b) can be challenging, but rewarding. c) provide information to potential members. d) earning opportunities, support and networking. e) a monthly or quarterly newsletter or magazine for its members. f) share a common interest, usually career-related.

Ex. 4. Choose the most appropriate word in the box to complete the text[42].

requirement benefits solve credibility
membership reasons joining  

There are several 1)……………………for joining a professional organization. In some professions, it's a 2)………………… for licensing. Professional organizations offer 3)…………………… to their members, making it easier to do their jobs and 4)…………………… common problems for members. Most importantly, 5)………………….. a professional organization instantly associates you with the most serious people in the industry and adds to your 6)…………………… as a professional. 7)………………………. in a professional organization isn't a luxury, it's respected and important enough to be deemed as a legitimate tax write-off .


Ex. 5. Work with a partner. Discuss the benefits of joining a professional organization using the ideas below[43].

A  Member Newsletter and Web Forums A professional organization often publishes a monthly or quarterly newsletter or magazine for its members. All of the articles and advertisers (if any) are specifically tailored to the needs of that industry. Keeping up with industry news alerts you to changes in legislation and innovative new products that can help you work smarter. Additionally, some professional organizations have special web forums for their members, where visitors can ask questions of others in their industry and communicate freely and openly with other members. Access to printable documents and the ability to chat with others are benefits to many professional organizations members. Networking Many professional organizations, like chambers of commerce, give members the opportunity to mingle with others who do business in the same industry or locale. Some people join a professional organization so that they can make friends in the business and meet potential clients. Whether you are looking for clients, an internship, professional advice or a business partner for your next venture, it is good to have friends in business. B  Conferences and Conventions Professional organizations usually hold annual and sometimes quarterly regional conferences for their members. Seminars, workshops and vendors that cater specifically to the needs of the members make conventions a great way to learn more about the industry. In addition to being a tax write-off, many conferences and conventions are held in vacation destinations, so you can relax and network while improving your craft or adding to your business knowledge base.   Member Discounts Professional organizations are able to offer bulk discounts to their members for things like insurance, financial services and other industry-specific services. Some people join a professional organization because it helps them save money annually on things they already need. Additionally, if you are going to school to work in a specific field, you may be able to join at a discounted rate. This is a great way to get an edge up on your classmates and find an internship or make wiser decisions as you start off.

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