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Ex. 4. Now, in pairs, talk about your dissertation advisors. Use the adjectives from the exercise above and follow the plan. Begin with the question

Ex. 3. Which of the adjectives below would you use to characterize your supervisor as a scholar and which to describe him/ her as a person? Give reasons for your choice. What adjectives would you add?


renown respected thoughtful energetic well-known distinguished passionate charismatic outstanding  prominent enthusiastic open/ closed famous talented engrossed in his research persuasive


Ex. 4. Now, in pairs, talk about your dissertation advisors. Use the adjectives from the exercise above and follow the plan. Begin with the question

- Who is your dissertation advisor?

  • Name, title, position
  • Sphere of research and main publications
  • Position in the academic community
  • When did you meet first?
  • How often do you meet to discuss your dissertation?


Ex. 5. Match the classes of assessment for the MA dissertation given in the box to their criteria[60].

uncompensated fail, distinction, compensated fail, merit, plagiarism



……………. (отлично)   70% and above Work that shows a high level of conceptual sophistication, intelligence and originality. A convincing argument, based on original research and well supported by the evidence. Demonstrates critical engagement with primary sources and independent thought in relation to the historiography. Intelligently structured, incisively argued, lucidly written. Accurate citation of sources and presentation of bibliographical apparatus  
……………. (хорошо) 60-69% Work that demonstrates intelligence and careful thought; well-written with a cogent argument, based on original research and well supported by the evidence, backed up by good understanding of the historiography, as well as critical use of primary sources. Accurate citation of sources and presentation of bibliographical apparatus.
…………… (удовлетворительно) 50-59% Work that shows diligence and competence; clearly written with a structured argument, based on original research and adequate knowledge of the evidence, backed up by familiarity with the historiography. Satisfactory citation of sources and presentation of bibliographical apparatus.
……………… (неудовлетворительно с правом повторного представления диссертации к защите) 40-49% Work that shows a limited understanding of the topic. Any attempt to produce an independent argument may be incomplete or flawed. Work in this category may display a basic knowledge of primary sources, and limited or overly derivative understanding of secondary literature. Referencing (including quotations, footnotes and bibliography) is presented with minimal reference to departmental criteria.
……………… (неудовлетворительно с правом повторного представления диссертации к защите) 0-39% Work shows a scant understanding of the topic and presents a less than competent response. The work displays erroneous knowledge of the primary evidence and/or lacks an adequate knowledge base, and either fails to present an argument or presents one that is incoherent and/or irrelevant to the question. Makes little or no use of secondary or theoretical literature or uses it inappropriately and derivatively; is heavily reliant on material derived from classes without evidence of independent assimilation or understanding of it. Referencing (including quotations, footnotes and bibliography) is poorly presented according to departmental criteria.
……………… (плагиат)   Result in the failure of the dissertation regardless of any merit it may have.  


Ex. 6. Substitute the Russian words with their English equivalents from the box. See the exercise above.

Well, good, independent, irrelevant to the question, scant, basic, incoherent, satisfactory, clearly, convincing, lucidly, overly derivative, accurate, cogent, adequate, limited, erroneous, structured


  1. убедительная, непоследовательная, несоответствующая [обсуждаемому] вопросу, самостоятельная, хорошо выстроенная, неоспоримая (аргументация) argument
  2. недостаточное/ограниченное, слишком несамостоятельное/неоригинальное, ограниченное, хорошее (понимание) understanding
  3. основное, адекватное, ошибочное (знание) knowledge
  4. удовлетворительное, тщательное (цитирование) citation
  5. хорошо, ясно, четко(написанная работа) written work


Ex. 6. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct word.


The Final Examination (Oral Defense)

When the advisor believes the thesis is ready for preliminary approval, the student will distribute it to the thesis committee 1)……………….. ( responsible, liable, chargeable ) for overseeing the progress of the candidate's thesis. The advisor will designate the time and place of the oral defense and notify all members of the thesis committee. The oral defense should be 2)……………… ( scheduled, appointed, prescribed ) to allow a minimum of ten days for all members of the thesis committee to 3)……………….. ( thumb, review, browse ) the thesis. The final oral defense will be open to the university 4)…………….. ( assemblage, fellowship, community ). The student should provide copies of the abstract of the thesis to the Departmental Office so that it will be 5)………………….. ( accessible, available, obtainable) to interested members of the Graduate Faculty prior to the oral defense to familiarize with the methodology and findings. The student will open the oral defense with a 6)……………………… ( short, brief, little ) presentation of his or her findings, after which the members of the thesis committee will 7)…………………. ( ask, quiz, question) the candidate in an order determined by the advisor. Questions 8)………………… ( concerning, related, dealing) with the substance, meaning and usefulness of the research in the thesis are of greatest 9)………………. ( benefit, privilege, priority). When, in the judgment of the advisor, members of the thesis committee have had an 10)………………….. ( adequate, reasonable, satisfactory ) opportunity to questionthe student, the advisor may open the examination to non-committee members of the graduate faculty, then, as the advisor deems appropriate, to others present. Parliamentary procedure will be followed to 11)………………. (determine, qualify, identify) the success or failure of the student, with the advisor serving as 12)…………………… (facilitator, president, chair).

The student should be 13)…………………… (rated, evaluated, judged) upon both: the overall quality and significance of his or her thesis, and the oral defense of his or her findings. The student passes the oral defense and becomes a “candidate” for the degree if he or she passes with no more than one dissenting 14)………………. (poll, vote, voce). The advisor and members of the thesis committee will 15)…………………….. (ratify, sign, autograph) the Report of Thesis Final Examination form, and eachregisters his or her vote of “pass” or “fail. ” [61]



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