Master’s Thesis: Requirements and Structure
STEP 2. Divide into two groups according to the topic you have chosen. You are participants of two round-tables and you are holding your meetings. Decide who will chair the discussion at each round-table. Read the Tips for participating in a group discussion[58]. Use the expressions from Useful language section while debating. Be diplomatic! The chair opens and runs a panel. If you are not making a presentation, be ready to address a question to the speakers.
- listen to each other and don’t interrupt
- respond with a polite, intelligent comment
- be prepared to support what you say, and try to avoid making 'empty' points
- stay calm and be polite, even if you feel strong about the topic under discussion
- have a pen and paper handy to jot down any useful ideas
- Introduce speakers
- Moderate discussions and time keeping
- Sum up the session
The discussion will focus on the problem of …
Let me introduce Mr. X. He is a specialist in…
I’d like to give the floor to…/The floor goes to…
Next speaker is…
Please, keep within the allotted time/ the time limit.
Dr. Y, is there anything you would like to say?
Does anyone have any further comments?
With respect, I don’t think that is entirely relevant.
We seem to be losing the sight of the discussing issue.
Could we stick to the subject, please?
Perhaps we could come back to that later.
Are there any further points anyone wishes to make?
To sum up, let me say …
You're absolutely right about that.
I think so too.
I agree.
Expressing your opinion:
I believe that...
From what I understand...
As I understand it...
This is due to...
What I mean by this is...
Sorry, do you mind if I say something here?
Excuse me, but could I just say ….
Dealing with interruptions:
Could I just finish what I'm saying?
Hold on. Can I finish the point?
I’d like to finish if I may.
Let X finish, please.
| Disagreeing:
I'm sorry, I don't see it that way at all.
I can see your point - however...
I see what you're getting at/ where you're coming from, but...
I see what you mean - however...
That's not necessarily true because...
This idea isn't supported by statistics/ evidence...
Asking for an explanation:
Would you mind telling us what exactly you mean by that?
What exactly are you saying?
Sorry, I don’t follow you.
Can you explain in more detail?
Would you mind saying a little bit more about that?
Another point I'd like to make is...
No, I was thinking of…
What I mean is…
To be more specific…
Master’s Thesis: Requirements and Structure
Ex. 1. Look at these sayings. What do they mean? Which of the ideas do you agree with?
- Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.
Zora Neale Hurston (1891 – 1960), American Dramatist
- Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
Wernher von Braun (1912 – 1977), German scientist
- If you steal from one author, it's plagiarism; if you steal from many, it's research.
Wilson Mizner (1876 – 1933), American Dramatist
Ex. 2. Discuss the questions.
- What is the difference between theoretical and applied knowledge?
- How applicable should be the MA thesis?
- What is the difference between plagiarism and compilation?
- When you incorporate into your dissertation long passages of text without references, this is plagiarism. And when you do the same with a sentence or a short passage, is it still plagiarism?
- Should plagiarism be penalized?
Ex. 1. What is the difference between
- quotation and citation?
- quotation and paraphrase?
- citation and note?
- reference list and bibliography?
Match the words with their definitions. Find a Russian translation for each term from the box.
Список использованной литературы, цитата, примечание/постраничная сноска, библиография (список литературы по теме), изложение (краткий пересказ), примечание/концевая сноска, ссылка/сноска/источник
- citation
- quotation
- note
- paraphrase
- bibliography
- reference list
| a)source used for a paper which usually has the author’s last name in parenthesis
b)assign to a source
c)something reproduced word for word
d)list of sources (books, journals etc) mentioned/cited in your paper
e)list of sources used in your research but not actually quoted in your work
f)somebody's ideas put in your own words
g)citation. Can be of two kinds: footnotes (notes at the end of the page) or endnotes (a note on a separate page at the end of the paper)
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