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Ex. 7.  Match the exchanges and play out the dialogues[56].

Ex. 7.  Match the exchanges and play out the dialogues[56].

Dialogue I

  A B
May I have you for a few minutes?
  1. That would be fine.
What about going to a cafeteria? There are still some forty minutes left before the beginning of the session.
  1. Why, sure. What can I do for you?
I've just heard your paper. I'm very interested in your research as we seem to work on the same problem.
  1. Well, that sounds very interesting, doesn't it? Shall we sit somewhere?


Dialogue II

  A B
My congratulations! Your paper was a real success.
  1. So, let’s find a seat somewhere.
Could we discuss some points which are not very clear to me?
  1. Thank you. I'm very glad it was received so well
I understand you had too little time at your disposal.
  1. Oh, yes. Unfortunately, I had to omit many details.

Dialogue III

  A B
I’m sure it will. May I ask you a few questions before they start?
  1. Thank you. I hope it will be useful to you.
I’m looking forward to your paper very much.
  1. Sure. Perhaps, we’ll find an empty room. There are still some twenty minutes left.

Ex. 8. What would you say in the following situations?

  • You are at a conference. Introduce two of your colleagues to each other.
  • You have listened to an interesting paper of a foreign participant. Start up a conversation with him.
  • At a conference you meet the person you met at another conference before.
  • One of the conference participants asks you for your visiting card.


Ex. 9. Talk to your partner about the conferences you have attended. The abstracts from the conference reports [57] will help you to arrange a dialogue. Discuss:

  • theme
  • venue
  • program
  • number of attendees
  • atmosphere
A 22nd IATEFL-Hungary Conference The theme of the conference was INSPIRED – The Pleasure of Learning and Teaching, and the goal was to discuss how teachers can inspire themselves and learners inthe world where everything has to be entertaining, including ourselves.   The two plenary speakers, Michael Carrier and Bonnie Tsai, gave not only inspiring plenary talks, but both of them stayed for the whole weekend, participating in workshops, and were ready to answer questions from the audience at the closing event as well.   Two features of this year conference were: a strong focus on teaching English to learners with special needs and the online coverage of the event.   Our aim was to let non-participants get a flavour of the warm and lively atmosphere of IATEFL-Hungary conferences, so we shared studio interviews, roving reports, photographs, presentation materials, and reflections by participants.   With 6 plenary speakers, 48 presenters, 18 exhibitors, and over 300 participants from 19 countries, it was an event to remember. B 37th Annual Conference of Argentina Teachers of English Last September some six hundred delegates all over Argentina made their way to San Martin de los Andes for the annual conference. The theme of the conference was Research on Motivation and Autonomy in English Language Teaching.   Two of the plenary speakers, Davis Little and Ema Ushioda, gave plenary sessions during the three-day conference. Two other plenary sessions and four semi-plenaries were given. There were also a number of panels, workshops and shorter papers, with a hundred and twenty-five speakers in all. A star of the conference was the venue itself. San Martin de los Andes is an almost European Alpine village in appearance, popular for skiing, fishing, hunting, and adventure sports. The delegates enjoyed wonderful weather, and the academic events unfolded against a backdrop of glorious sunshine reflected off Lake Lacar, mirroring the crystal clear skies and snow-capped Andean foothills. The conference this year was indeed a huge success.    




You are preparing for a conference participating. Choose one of the topics and prepare a five-seven-minute presentation.

  • Benefits/ problems of conference attendance for MA students
  • Benefits/ problems of joining a professional association for MA students


Be prepared to give your talk in class using the following expressions. Use them as a plan for your presentation.

Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for inviting me to speak on …

I’m going to divide/ I’ve divided my talk into … parts.

First, I’ll give you some background information/ I would like to start by …

Second/ Then, I’ll tell you … 

After that I’m going to talk about…

Lastly/ Finally, I’ll outline…

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me

If you look at the graph/chart … 

Let me now move on to …

To sum up/ In conclusion, I can say that…

Thank you all for listerning so attentively/ Before I sit down, I would like to thank you for…


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