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Ex. 1. Answer the questions. Language training. Ex. 1. Match the words from the list to make word partnerships. Then choose any two collocations and make up sentences.

Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

  1. What is the purpose of academic conferences?
  2. What is the typical conference format?
  3. What should a speaker do not to exceed the allotted time?
  4. What are the differences between a written paper and an oral talk?
  5. What are the basic tips for giving a paper?


Ex. 1. Match the words from the list to make word partnerships. Then choose any two collocations and make up sentences.

Receive, disseminate, underestimate, take, well-attended, accept, accumulate, facilitate, forge, field, bare bones, polished.

1. ……………………………. session 2. …………………………. credentials 3. …………………………precautions 4. ……………………………criticism 5. ……………………………. research 6. …………………………….. critique 7. …………………………….. responses 8. ………………………... word of mouth 9. ………………………………summary 10. ………………………………questions 11. …………………. intellectual exchange 12. …………………professional networks

Ex. 2. Match the expressions from the text to their synonyms. Then choose any you like and make a sentence.


  1. to stick to time limits
  2. constructive feedback
  3. fellow panelists
  4. to hit (be in) the highlights
  5. intellectual exchange
  6. with gusto
    1. well-balanced critiques
    2. panel attendees
    3. with enthusiasm
    4. the act of sharing ideas
    5. to call attention to yourself
    6. to stay within the time assigned

Ex. 3. Cross out the odd words from the lists of synonyms[53]. Translate the sentences below. Pay attention to the ways we use the two words.

highlight, n

best part, climax, feature, focal point, disappointment, focus, memorable part, peak

highlight, v

accentuate, emphasize, feature, focus attention on, overlook, spotlight, stress, underline


1. Committee members plan to highlight problems they see with conference fundraising.

2. The president highlighted health issues in his inauguration speech.

3. Dr. Petrov’s speech was the highlight of yesterday’s plenary session.

4. The highlights from the conference are published on our website.

5. Could you give me the highlights of his report?

6. “Let’s recap briefly on some of the highlights of our today’s discussion”, said the chairman.

7. Conference proceedings provide the highlights from presentations and discussions delivered at conferences.


Ex. 4. Do you remember how we form compound adjectives in English? Read the Grammar Tip and substitute the words in bold with a correct form of a compound adjective. Learn about different types of conference papers[54].


GRAMMAR TIP Compound adjectives are adjectives formed by joining two or more words. A compound adjective can be [numeral + noun] or [noun + participle], or some other combinations. When these words act as a single modifier preceding a noun, they are hyphenated. NB: the noun in a compound adjective is in the singular form! E. g. snow-white dress, eight-story (NOTeight-stories! ) building

1. Paper with Respondent. In this type of presentation, a speaker gives a e. g. thirty-minute paper( which is thirty minutes long ). A respondent then gives a ……………response ( which is fifteen minutes long ) to the paper. The speaker subsequently gives a ……….. reply ( which is fifteen minutes long )  to the response.

2. Panel Presentation. Panel sessions include 3-4 speakers, each of whom gives a ………. talk ( which is 15 or 20 minutes long ). Panels may also have a discussant who comments on the papers/presentations individually and as a group.

3. Roundtable. A roundtable features five or more speakers, each of whom gives a ……… talk (which is 5 or 10 minutes long) followed by a discussion. Roundtables do not have traditional audio-visual aids available.

4. Workshop can vary in length from a ……………… session (which is 90 minutes long) to a …………….. session (which is all day long). Workshop presenters give short statements before involving the audience in some type of activity.

5. Poster Talk/ Poster Presentation/ Poster Discussion. All of these involve a visual presentation of ideas. Some presenters choose to display a ……….. paper (which is 3 to 8 pages long) that explains their project; others may post their hypothesis and an outline of their findings. The most …………… posters ( that cach other people’s eyes ) exhibit charts, graphs, photographs, or artwork. Posters can be displayed for the length of the conference or for a single day.

6. Poster presentations feature 4-6 posters on a single theme displayed at a specific time. Each ……………  participant ( who has created a poster ) gives a short talk on his or her project.

Ex. 5. Translate into English using the basic vocabulary (see p. 141).

1. Участники конференции задали вопросы и обменялись мнениями по поводу услышанного доклада.

2. Культурная программа для участников конференции включала посещение Эрмитажа и встречу с ректором университета.

3. За докладами последовало обсуждение.

4. Я проиллюстрировал свое выступление таблицами и графиками.

5. Конференция продолжалась два дня и закончилась обсуждением за круглым столом.

6. Самые интересные доклады были представлены на пленарном заседании.

7. На заседании нашей секции дискуссию вел проф. Петров.

Ex. 6. Match the sentences halves[55].

1. The conference offers the opportunity for sharing  
    1. were a good feature of the master programme at the Royal College of Music in Manchester.
2. When I had to choose between a more historical or systematic focus of study,
    1. research interests, various forms of support and beginning new friendships.
3. Frequent personal tutorials with the professor
    1. so many researchers working on the boundaries of these disciplines were attracted by the call for papers.
4. The conference was a great opportunity to be in close touch with musicians and
    1. opens the view for different concepts and new developments.
5. The general theme of the conference was Music Psychology and Music Education,
    1. I got the impression that the methods of German scientific school correspond more with my own questions
6. The very fact that the conferences take place in various institutions
    1. to start new projects, also in collaboration with the two Manchester universities.

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