Now match the prompts (1-8) to the paragraphs (A-G) and draft a plan for a covering letter when applying for the position of a university teacher.
Now match the prompts (1-8) to the paragraphs (A-G) and draft a plan for a covering letter when applying for the position of a university teacher.
SKILLS Read attentively the job advertisement[73]. Make a list of the qualifications and personal qualities that are required for the job. Apply. Design your CV. Write a covering letter to accompany your CV. The samples above will help you to complete the task. University of Wisconsin - Madison Position Vacancy Listing Working Title:
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR - PEOPLE COLLEGE Degree and area of specialization: A Master's degree is required. Degree focus in educational leadership, leadership development, social work or a related field is strongly preferred.
Minimum number of years and type of relevant work experience: At least one year of experience designing and managing academic, student leadership development, mentoring programs, cultural activities, workshops, seminars, and group activities for college youth. Experience in working with college students from a wide spectrum of cultural, economic, linguistic and ethnic backgrounds is required. Outstanding analytical, writing, speaking and interpersonal skills, knowledge of current research programs. Familiarity with academic programs and resources on UW-Madison campus is desirable.
Principal duties: Personnel Management: Supervise the hiring, training and management of college advising and student staff including annual staff performance reviews and evaluations. Program Planning: Work closely with the Executive Director to develop and promote shared programming efforts with UW faculty and staff in schools, colleges, and administrative units across campus and within the community. Supervise academic and student staff and work collaboratively as a team member and contribute to the planning and operation of the programs. Program Implementation: Develop and foster relationships with key partners both on and off campus. Conduct presentations and represent the university programs in various committees. Provide academic advising to students in one-on-one and group settings. Attend campus events, and cultural activities. Other duties: Generate various reports and data relating to the College Scholar program. Provide the Executive Director with regular updates on program outcomes and student achievement. Develop various student, administrative, and grant reports.
Appointment Type: Department(s): PEOPLE COLLEGE Full Time Salary Rate: Minimum $55, 000 ANNUAL (12 months) Depending on Qualifications Term: N/A Appointment percent: 100% Anticipated begin date: MAY 01, 2013 Number of Positions: 1 TO ENSURE CONSIDERATION Application must be received by: APRIL 01, 2013 HOW TO APPLY: Unless another application procedure has been specified above, please send resume and cover letter referring to: Amanda Woodward Email: awoodward@cdo. wisc. edu
UW-Madison is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. We promote excellence through diversity and encourage all qualified individuals to apply. BASIC VOCABULARY UNIT 1 Reading and Discussing Professional Literature a list of references – список цитируемой литературы to make reference to smb/ smth – сослаться на … a reference book – справочник, указатель, справочное издание with reference to – ссылаясь на…/ со ссылкой на… a work of reference – цитируемая работа subject matter – предмет изучения, тема/содержание книги the target audience – целевая аудитория comprehensive – всесторонний, обстоятельный insightful – поучительный, глубокий, проницательный succinct – исчерпывающий, емкий, сжатый controversial – дискуссионный, противоречивый, путаный, небесспорный challenging – смелый, интересный, непростой cogent – убедительный, неоспоримый, обоснованный sophisticated – утонченный, продуманный, высокого уровня peer review – экспертная оценка/ рецензирование коллег cohesiveness of argument - логичность доводов/ последовательность рассуждений conciseness – сжатость, лаконичность, краткость the book is written mainly for – эта книга предназначена/ адресована … the book aims to acquaint the reader with – цель этой книги – познакомить читателей с… the author imparts smth – автор передает/ делится (знаниями, сведениями и т. п. ) the book is highly readable – книга очень хорошо читается/ это захватывающая книга UNIT 2 Abstracts and Annotations foreword to the book – предисловие, введение, вступление к книге account – описание, рассказ, сводка, отчет insight – проницательность, понимание, проникновение, способность проникновения a thorough/deep insight into smth – проникновение в самую суть
hardcover edition – издание в твердой обложке paperback edition – издание в мягкой обложке critical annotation - справочная аннотация descriptive annotation - описательная аннотация in conformity with specified criteria – в соответствии с определенными критериями to keep up (with) – быть на уровне, держаться на плаву, быть в курсе, быть хорошо осведомленным concise – краткий, сжатый, конспективный explicitly – ясно, однозначно, напрямую, открытым текстом introduction – введение main body/ the body of the text – основная часть conclusion – заключение pull quote – броские цитаты; вставка, врез в текст ( полигр. ) in lieu of – взамен, вместо selling point – довод в пользу приобретения ч-л; коммерческий аргумент public domain – всеобщее достояние primary objective – основная цель, первоочередная задача rationale–логическое обоснование, объяснение; обоснование/ актуальность
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