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11. Ответьте на вопросы теста.

11. Ответьте на вопросы теста.



1. Do you love to argue?

Please answer this question.

o Yes.

o Not really.

2. Can you manipulate things for your benefit?

Please answer this question.

o Yes, why not?

o Not sure.

3. Is your mind sharp like a knife?

Please answer this question.

o Yes, it can cut even iron!

o It is more like a butter knife.

4. How good are your lying abilities?

Please answer this question.

o Well honed.

o Not worth mentioning.

5. How good are you at convincing people?

Please answer this question.

o Very good.

o Barely ok.

6. Can you twist the truth in your favour?

Please answer this question.

o Maybe.

o Not sure.

7. What genres of movies/novels do you like most?

Please answer this question.

o Detective and crime thrillers.

o Romantic and comic stories.     


1. a) 10; b) 0 2. a) 10; b) 0 3) a) 10; b) 0 4. a) 10; b) 0 5. a) 10; b) 0 6. a) 10; b) 0 7. a) 10; b) 0

Score: 1. 0 -30. You can't become a lawyer.

You don't have the qualities of becoming a lawyer. Forget it!      

2. 40- 70. You can become a lawyer. Why not try to be one?





Повторение грамматики: степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий


1. Прочитайте прилагательные: а) в положительной степени б) в сравнительной степени в) в превосходной степени. Сформулируйте основное правило образования степеней сравнения прилагательных и наречий в английском языке.

many, more, the most, wise, wiser, the wisest, competitive, more competitive, the most competitive, clear, clearer, the clearest, concise, more concise, the most concise, bad, worse, the worst, simple, simpler, the simplest, complex, more complex, the most complex, little, less, the lest (least), persuasive, more persuasive, the most persuasive, good, better, the best, efficient, more efficient, the most efficient, far, farther (further), the farthest (furthest), effective, more effective, the most effective.



2. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, содержащие сравнительные обороты.


1. This method is as effective as the previous one. 2. The period is twice as long as a semester. 3. Inform us as soon as possible. 4. His job is not so efficient as his colleague’s one. 5. The more you work, the better you study. 6. The document is as concise as possible. 7. Her resume is not so clear as required. 8. His career promotion is twice as quick as that of the friend. 9. The better you communicate with people, the more clients you will have.



3. Сравните ученые степени, которые присваиваются выпускникам высших учебных заведений. Используйте как можно больше сравнительных оборотов.

University Degrees high / low popular honorable
Bachelor’s Degree (LLB)      
Master’s Degree (LLM)      
Doctor of Jurisprudence (JD)      
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D)      

4. Прочитайте и переведите текст со словарем.



While legal positions vary greatly in scope and responsibility, there are several core legal skills that are required in most legal functions. If you are considering a career in the law, it is wise to polish these top ten legal skills to excel in today’s competitive legal market.

1. Oral Communication

Language is one of the most fundamental tools of the legal professional. Legal professionals must:

· Convey information in a clear, concise, and logical manner.

· Communicate persuasively.

· Advocate a position or a cause.

· Master legal terminology.

· Develop keen listening skills.

2. Written Communication. From writing simple correspondence to drafting complex legal documents, writing is an integral function of nearly every legal position. Legal professionals must:

· Master the stylistic and mechanical aspects of writing.

· Master the fundamentals of grammar.

· Learn how to write organized, concise and persuasive prose.

· Draft effective legal documents such as motions, briefs, memos, resolutions and              

· legal agreements.

3. Client Service. In the client-focused legal industry, serving the client honestly, capably and responsibly is crucial to success.

4. Analytical and Logical Reasoning. Legal professionals must learn to review and assimilate large volumes of complex information in an efficient and effective manner. Legal analytical and logical reasoning skills include: reviewing complex written documents, drawing inferences and making connections among legal authorities; developing logical thinking, organization and problem-solving abilities; structuring and evaluating arguments; using inductive and deductive reasoning to draw inferences and reach conclusions.

5. Legal Research. Researching legal concepts, case law, judicial opinions, statutes, regulations and other information is an important legal skill.

6. Technology. Technology is changing the legal landscape and is an integral part of every legal function. To remain effective in their jobs, legal professionals must master communications technology including e-mails, voice messaging systems, videoconferencing and related technology.

7. Knowledge of Substantive Law and Legal Procedure. All legal professionals, even those at the bottom of the legal career chain, must have basic knowledge of substantive law and legal procedure.

8. Time Management. In a profession based on a business model (billable hours) that ties productivity to financial gain, legal professionals are under constant pressure to bill time and manage large workloads.

9. Organization. In order to manage large volumes of data and documents, legal professionals must develop top-notch organizational skills.

10. Teamwork. Legal professionals do not work in a vacuum. Even solo practitioners must rely on secretaries and support staff and team up with co-counsels, experts to deliver legal services.



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