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1. an artificial brain can learn faster than a human brain?

1. an artificial brain can learn faster than a human brain?

2. robots have emotions?

3. robots can be smarter than humans?

4. people will be controlled by intelligent machines?

5. A. I. can make the world a better place?

6. robots can help us create a more pleasant way of life and more free time?


Arguments in favour of robots Arguments against robots
J do the heavy, repetitive work (are very useful on production lines); J do the difficult and dangerous jobs (in space, with bombs, …); J can help those with disabilities to be more independent; J simplify the work; J allow a considerable reduction in costs (don’t get paid); J increase productivity; J don’t eat or sleep; J don’t get bored; J don’t get sick or grow old (don’t die); J don’t have feelings, so, don’t get depressed and don’t create bonds with people, treating everyone equally; J don’t go on strike; J make the world a better place; J can simulate some aspects of human intelligence; J don’t need to go to school, just need to be programmed; J can learn faster than humans; J can be controlled by humans;   L cause unemployment; L make the workplace and the world impersonal; L don’t keep company; L don’t solve problems and make decisions; L aren’t adaptable to circumstances and can’t handle emergency situations; L can get smarter than humans; L can turn against humans and, consequently, control them; L can’t recognise and express emotion (so, will never have true Emotional Intelligence) and, therefore, can’t help people at an emotional level; L can make people get lazy, with no will to learn, study or work; L can make people get dependent on them;    


Useful expressions:

            ❀ Do you really think so?

       ❀ I agree up to a point, but don’t you think…?

       ❀ I’m not sure you’re right about…

       ❀ But surely that can’t be right.

       ❀ No, I’m sorry but I disagree with you there.

       ❀ No, I’m afraid I can’t agree with you about that.

       ❀ You can’t be serious!

       ❀ You must be joking!

       ❀ Like I mentioned / said before…

       ❀ I’d just like to say…

       ❀ In my opinion… / From my point of view…



Read the text " The Surgeon" and say what makes the end of the story unexpected.

The Surgeon

(After Isaac Asimov)

The surgeon looked up without expression. " Is he ready? "

" He is nervous, " said his assistant.

" They always are... Well, it's a serious operation. "

" I'll see him in this room, " said the surgeon. " Has he made up his mind? "

" Yes. He wants metal; they always do. "

The surgeon's face didn't change expression. He stared at his hands. " Sometimes one can talk them out of it. "

" Why bother? " said the assistant, indifferently. " If he wants metal, let it be metal. "

" You don't care? "

" Why should I? Both way it’s a medical engineering problem and I'm a medical engineer. Why should I go beyond that? "

" I care. I have to try. " The surgeon pushed a small button and the door opened. The patient moved into the room in his motorchair, the nurse stepping along beside him.

" You may go, nurse, " said the surgeon, " but wait outside. I will call you. " He nodded to the assistant, who left with the nurse, and the door closed behind them. The man in the chair watched them go. He looked worried and uncomfortable. He said, " Will we be starting today? " The surgeon nodded. " This afternoon. "

" I understand it will take weeks. "

" Not the operation itself. But there are a number of small points to take care of. "

" Is it dangerous? " Then, as though trying to sound friendlier, but against his will, he added, "... doctor? "

The surgeon paid no attention to this. He said calmly, " We take our time to make it less dangerous, and we already have all the required equipment. But I must ask you to make a decision. It is possible to sup­ply you with either of two types of cyber-hearts1 metal or... "

" Plastic! " said the patient irritably. " Cheap plastic. I don't want that. I've made my choice. I want the metal because it is better. "

" It depends on the patient. In my opinion, in your individual case, it is not. And we prefer not to call them plastic. It is a fibrous2 cyber-heart. It's made of a polymeric material designed to imitate as closely as possi­ble the human heart you now have in your chest. "

" Exactly, and the human heart I now have in my chest is worn out, al­though I am not yet sixty years old. I don't want another one like it, thank you. I want something better. "

" We all want something better for you. The fibrous cyber-heart will be better. It has a potential life of centuries. "

" But it does wear out. No, I want it to be metallic, doctor. What's the matter with you? Are you afraid I'm making myself into a robot... into a Metallo, as they call them since Metallos became citizens? "

" There is nothing wrong with a Metallo. As you say, they are citizens. But you're not a Metallo. You're a human. Why not stay a human? "

" Because I want the best and that's a metallic heart. And will you be the surgeon in charge? They tell me you're the best. "

The surgeon nodded. " Very well. I will do what I can to make the op­eration an easy one. "

The door opened and the chair moved the patient out to the waiting nurse.

The medical engineer came in. " Well, " he said, " I can't say what hap­pened just by looking at you. What was his decision? "

The surgeon bent over his desk, putting together some records. " What you predicted. He insists on the metallic heart. It has become a real mania with people ever since Metallos became citizens. Men have this strange desire to make Metallos out of themselves because they think that Metallos are physically strong and powerful. "

" It isn't one-sided, doc. You don't work with Metallos but I do; so I know. The last two who came in for repairs have asked for fibrous ele­ments... I suppose that someday we shall have Metallos that are a kind of flesh and blood, and humans half made of metal. We have two variet­ies of intellect on Earth now and in the near future we won't be able to tell the difference between them. We'd have the best of both worlds; the advantages of man combined with those of robot. "

" You'd get a hybrid, " said the surgeon almost angrily. " You'd get something that is not both but neither. I believe in being what one is. I wouldn't change a bit of my own structure for any reason. I am myself; well pleased to be myself; and would not be anything else. "

He had finished now and had to prepare for the operation. He placed his strong hands into the heating oven and kept them there until they became red-hot and completely sterilized. Though his speech had been emotional, his voice had never risen, and on its metal face there was, as always, no sign of expression.


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