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See how well you remember the text and choose the right item.

See how well you remember the text and choose the right item.

1. The patient had a... problem.

a) brain b) heart c) eye

2. Before the operation the surgeon wanted to talk to the... . a) nurse b) medical engineer c) patient

3. The surgeon wanted to supply the patient with a... heart, a) metallic b) fibrous polymeric c) human

4. The patient wanted to get a... heart.

a) metallic b) fibrous polymeric c) human

5. The surgeon... the results of his talk with the patient.

a) was pleased with b) was not pleased with c) didn't care about

6. The medical engineer thought that in the near future there would be only... on Earth.

a) humans b) robots c) hybrids of men and robots

7. The surgeon himself was... .

a) a human

b) half a man and half a robot

c) a Metallo

Answer the questions.

1. Why was the patient nervous before the operation? 2. What did the surgeon want to try and do? 3. Why was a fibrous cyber-heart better for the patient? 4. Did the patient agree with his doctor? 5. What was the patient's argument? 6. Who were Metallos? 7. What made Metallos attractive for humans? 8. Was the idea of becoming human also attractive for Metallos? What could make this idea attractive for them? 9. How did the medical engineer see the future of his planet? 10. Why did the engineer's words make the surgeon angry? 11. Whose point of view - the surgeon's or the engineer's — would you support? Why? 12. At what point in the story did you begin to understand that the surgeon was not human? 13. What details in the story could make us understand that the surgeon was a Metallo? 14. Science fiction stories tell us about impossible things but they also help us to understand ourselves better. What does this story teach us? 15. Do you think that hybrids of humans and robots can appear in future? Can modern engineers and doctors make polymeric organs for the human body? Can you look at that as the first step in this direction?



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