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5. Find in the text and read out English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations.

5. Find in the text and read out English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations.

Неочищенная нефть; попутный газ; происхождение нефти; образоваться из органических веществ; распад органического вещества; преобразоваться в нефть; смесь углеводородов; темная вязкая жидкость; различные химические соединения; состоять из углерода, водорода и кислорода; перемещаться из материнской породы; перепады давления; изменения температуры; разница в плотности между нефтью и соленой водой; накапливаться в породе- коллекторе; пористая порода, насыщенная нефтью; залежь нефти; непроницаемый пласт; накапливаться в достаточном количестве.


6. Answer the questions.

1. What does the term “petroleum” include?

2. Do all geologists believe petroleum to be of organic origin? What points to the organic origin of petroleum?

3. How did petroleum form?

4. What is chemical composition of petroleum?

5. What are the main reasons of oil migration from the source rock?

6. Where do hydrocarbons accumulate?

7. What does the term “oil pool” imply? Is it an actual pool or underground lake?

8. What geologic elements are necessary for oil and gas to create a pool large enough to be worth producing?

9. Why is it important to investigate petroleum genesis?


7. Match the words and word-combinations from the first column with the words and word-combinations that have the same meaning from the second column.

1. speculation   2. composition                    3. point to                           4. migrate 5. breakdown   6. convert  7. oil pool                           8. material 9. quantity                          10. investigation          11. source rock  12. determine                        13. place                               14. nearly a) indicate b) parent rock c) theory d) make – up e) move f) exploration g) transform h) oil accumulation i) decomposition j) define k) substance l) amount m) almost n) location

8. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions: between, on, in, to, of, for, by, with, over, from.

1.  The organic theory _____ the petroleum origin is accepted _____ most scientists.

2. Oil formed _____ million of years _____ the remains of marine plants and animals.

3. The remains of marine plants and animals were covered _____ sand or mud.

4. The organic materials were slowly converted _____ oil.

5. Petroleum is a complex mixture _____ hydrocarbons.

6. The chemical composition points _____ the organic origin of petroleum.

7. Pressure and temperature changes created the conditions _____ the formation of oil and gas.  

8.  Differences _____ density _____ oil and salt water caused the oil to migrate _____ the source rock and to accumulate _____ a reservoir rock.

9. Oil pool is a porous rock saturated _____ oil.


9. Match the terms and their definitions.

1. Organic matter   2. Porous rock   3. Source rock   4. Reservoir rock   5. Impermeable layer (cap rock, seal) a) a type of rock with spaces (pores) inside which contains oil and gas b) material produced from living things c) a rock with spaces that allow liquids and gas to pass through d) a rock that prevents liquids or gas from leaking away e) a type of rock containing deposits of natural material from which oil and gas are produced by bacteria

10. Listening

10. 1 Listen to the text ‘The Formation of Oil and Gas’ and answer the questions.

1. What does the term ‘fossil fuels’ mean?

2. When were oil and gas formed?

3. What plants and animals was petroleum formed from? How are they called?

4. What made the organic matter change to petroleum?

5. Why did oil and gas begin to move from the source rock to porous rock?

6. What example of a porous reservoir rock is given in the text?

7. When did petroleum stop to rise?

10. 2 Listen again and label Diagram 2.
  Diagram 2
10. 3 Listen again and label Diagram 3 with source rock, impermeable layer, reservoir rock, oil and gas.
  Diagram 3
(from: Jon Naunton, Alison Pohl. Oxford English for Careers: Oil and Gas 2. )


11. Translate into English.

1. Большинство геологов считают, что нефть имеет органическое происхождение.

2. Она образовалась из останков морских растений и животных.

3. Эти организмы погибали, оседали на дно океана, где их покрывал ил.

4. Под воздействием времени и температуры органические вещества медленно превращались в нефть.

5. Нефть – это темная вязкая жидкость, состоящая в основном из углеводородов.

6. Под воздействием перепадов температуры и давления нефть перемещалась из материнской породы и накапливалась в подходящих геологических пластах.

7. Породы, способные аккумулировать значительное количество нефти и газа, получили название природных резервуаров или коллекторов.

8. Нефтяная залежь – это пористая порода, насыщенная нефтью и покрытая слоем непроницаемых горных пород.


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