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4. Find in the text and read out English equivalents of these words and word-combinations.

4. Find in the text and read out English equivalents of these words and word-combinations.

Неочищенная нефть; попутный газ; легкая неочищенная нефть; тяжелая неочищенная нефть; низкая плотность; малая вязкость; высокая вязкость; легко течь; плавать на поверхности воды; опускаться на дно; низкое содержание парафина; высокое содержание серы; добывать нефть; качать нефть; транспортировать нефть; перерабатывать нефть; бензин; дизельное топливо; различия между легкой и тяжелой нефтью; физические свойства; развитие нефтяной промышленности; методы добычи и транспортировки нефти; снизить негативное влияние на окружающую среду; нефтепромысел; большое месторождение тяжелой нефти; большое количество нефти было обнаружено; незначительная глубина месторождения нефти; разведка и добыча нефти; низкая себестоимость добычи.



5. Answer the following questions.

1. What is crude oil?

2. What classifications for crude oil do you know?

3. What properties does light crude oil have?

4. What properties does heavy crude oil have?

5. What special challenges do production, transportation, and refining of heavy crude oil present?

6. Why do many refineries prefer to work with light crude oil?

7. Are specialized techniques being developed for exploration and production of heavy oil? Why?

6. React to the statements (true or false).

1. Crude oil formed over millions of years from clay minerals.

2. Most of the compounds found in oil are composed of nitrogen and sulphur.

3. Crude oil comes in many forms. It can be black, green, red or brown.

4. Physical-chemical properties of oil include density, viscosity, freezing temperature, percentage of wax and sulphur content.

5. Heavy crude oil has high density and viscosity, which makes it easier to pump and transport.

6. Light crude is crude oil, which has a low percentage of wax.

7. Light crude oil is so dense that it sinks, rather than floats, in water.

8. Because the resources of heavy oil in the world are large, many refineries prefer to work with it.

9. Physical properties that differ between heavy crude oils and lighter grades include depth of oil fields and production costs.

10. Specialized techniques are being developed for exploration and production of heavy crude oil because with current methods, heavy crudes have a severe environmental impact.

7. Match the terms and their definitions.

1. fossil fuel 2. petroleum 3. crude oil 4. natural gas 5. hydrocarbon 6. light crude oil 7. heavy crude oil 8. oil production 9. oil refining   a) liquid petroleum that is found accumulated in various porous rock formations in Earth’s crust and is extracted for burning as fuel or for processing into chemical products. b) colourless, highly flammable gaseous hydrocarbon consisting primarily of methane and ethane. It is a type of petroleum that commonly occurs in association with crude oil. c) complex mixture of hydrocarbons that occur in the Earth in liquid, gaseous, or solid forms, it is believed to have formed from animal and vegetable debris d) crude oil with an API gravity less than 20°, it has high density and viscosity and does not flow easily.   e) materials of biological origin occurring within the Earth’s crust that can be used as a source of energy f) conversion of crude oil into useful products such as gasoline or diesel fuel g) a class of organic chemical compounds composed only of the elements carbon (C) and hydrogen (H). h) recovery of crude oil and, often, associated natural gas from the Earth. i) liquid petroleum that has a low viscosity and low wax content, and flows easily at room temperature.                           

8. Fill in the gaps in this paragraph about light crude oil.

Light crude oil is a form of crude oil which can be used to make products like 1. ________ and 2. ________. Light crude oil is considered more valuable than 3. ________ and usually receives a 4. ________ price on commodity markets. Light crude oil usually has a low 5. ________ content. This means that the viscosity of the oil is much lower, which makes it easier to 6. ________ and 7. ________. It also contains a larger percentage of fractions, which can be 8. ________ into fuels which are in high demand. Many 9. ________ prefer to work with light crude oil.

9. Listening

9. 1 Listen to the text ‘Different Types of Crude Oil’ and answer the questions.

1. What properties is crude oil classified by?

2. What does the gravity of the oil signify?

3. How many types is crude oil classified into by its gravity? What are these types?

4. What crude oil is considered as light oil?

5. What crude oil is considered as heavy oil?

6. What crude oil is considered as moderate oil?

7. What property of oil does sulfur content define?

8. What types is crude oil classified into by sulfur content?

9. 2 Listen to the text again and fill in the table.

Types of crude oil Location where it is extracted from API gravity Type of oil by its gravity Sulfur content Type of oil by sulfur content Locations where it is used or exported to
Brent Blend            
West Texas Intermediate            
Russian Export Blend            
Dubai Crude            

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