New words and word combinations
к практическим занятиям по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов I курса факультета «Морские технологии судоходства» специальностей « Судовождение», «Электромеханика», «Кораблестроение», «Эксплуатация судовых энергетических установок» дневной и заочной формы обучения
УДК.629.123 + 656.61.052
Методические указания к практическим занятиям по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов I курса факультета «Морские технологии судоходства» специальностей «Судовождение», «Электромеханика», «Кораблестроение», «Эксплуатация судовых энергетических установок» дневной и заочной формы обучения / Сост. ст.преп. Лысенко В.В. – Севастополь: Изд-во СевНТУ, 2012. - 60 с.
Методические указания предназначены для практических занятий студентов I курса всех специальностей факультета «Морские технологии судоходства» дневной и заочной формы обучения. В каждом уроке представлен текст, лексико-грамматические упражнения на закрепление материала урока и задания, развивающие и совершенствующие соответствующие коммуникативные навыки.
Методические указания утверждены на заседании кафедры Практики романских и германских языков (протокол № 11 от 14.05.2012 г.).
Допущено учебно-методическим центром и научно-методическим Советом СевНТУ в качестве методических указаний.
Рецензент:Клепикова Т.Г., канд.пед.наук, доцент кафедры Практики романских и германских языков СевНТУ.
Введение ……………………………………………………………………4 1.Lesson 1. The Ship'sCrew………………………………………………….5 2. Lesson 2. Visiting a Ship…………………..………………………………11
3. Lesson 3. Shipboard Training……………………………………………...17 4. Lesson 4. The Sea Fishing Port of Sevastopol……………………………..21 5. Lesson 5. IMO’s Convention……………………………………………....27 6. Lesson 6. Safe Operation of the Ship………………………………………32 7. Lesson 7. Sanitary Rules…………………………………………………...38 8. Lesson 8. Fire Prevention Measures………………………………………..43 9. Lesson 9. Fire-Fighting …………………………………………………….47 10. Lesson 10. Register of Shipping ………………………………………….50 11. Lesson 11. The main parts of a ship ………………………………………54 12. Lesson 12. Necessary Repair and Damage Survey………………………..56 Библиографический список………………………………………………….59 Приложение А. Глаголы с послелогами………..…………………………..60
Методические указания предназначены для студентов I курса всех специальностей факультета МТС. Целью данных методических указаний является развитие навыков перевода, навыков устной и письменной английской речи для подготовки к чтению и пониманию английской литературы по специальности, для обучения активному владению языковым материалом по предложенным темам. Лексико-грамматический материал является основой для дальнейшего совершенствования навыков беседы на профессиональные темы. Методические указания состоят из двенадцати основных уроков, которые охватывают следующие профессиональные темы: · The Ship's Crew, · The Ship’s Overview, · Shipboard Training, · The Ship’s Safety, · The Ship’s Equipment, · The Sip’s Repair, · IMO. Лексический материал, предлагаемый в каждом уроке, способствует формированию, развитию и совершенствованию навыков устной и письменной речи по основным для морских специальностей темам. Каждый урок включает в себя текст для чтения с подготовкой пересказа по предложенному плану, вопросы к тексту для дальнейшего обсуждения, список слов и выражений для запоминания, которые рекомендуются использовать в своей речи, лексико-грамматические упражнения, цель которых отработать специальную лексику, а также закрепить грамматические навыки.
Система упражнений к урокам включает в себя упражнения, направленные на: - развитие навыков различных видов чтения; - усвоение специальной лексики; - формирование навыков профессиональной устной речи (диалогической и монологической); - развитие навыков письма. Вопросы по теме урока служат основой для всестороннего и систематизированного обсуждения изучаемой темы. Контроль осуществляется при выполнении упражнений.
READ AND TRANSLATE THE TEXT THE SHIP'S CREW There is a lot of complex equipment on board modern ships so it is necessary to have skilled crews to operate the ships. The organization of the crew of a cargo ship is changing, but usually one can find at least two departments on such ships: the deck department and the engine department. The deck department includes navigators, radio officers, a bosun, sailors and a doctor. We call navigators according to their rank on board ship: the Master (Captain), the Chief Officer (First Mate), the Second Officer (Second Mate), the Third Officer (Third Mate), the Fourth Officer (Fourth Mate). The Master is responsible for the ship, his cargo and the crew. He must be an experienced navigator. The Chief Officer is the Master's main assistant and the head of the Deck Department. He must be always ready to replace the Master and perform his duties. All the navigators must keep watch on the navigating bridge. They may not leave it when on watch. The navigators relieve each other of watch every four hours. Every navigator must know how to define the ship's position, plot his course on the chart and take bearings. Radio officers keep watch in the radio room and are responsible for radio-communications. There are often one or two radio officers on board the ship, but on ships with continuous radio watches there may be even three radio officers. A bosun and sailors must keep the ship's hull, holds and tackle in good condition.
The engine department consists of the Chief Engineer, the Second, Third and Fourth Engineers, some motormen and two or three electricians. They keep watch in the engine room and must maintain and repair its equipment. Only well-qualified sailors can perform their duties properly that's why the crews' training is very important.
ASWER THE QUESTIONS: 1.Who is the head of the Deck Department? 2. How many departments are there on board ship? What are they? 3. Who is the head of the Engine Department? 4. Who keeps watch on the navigating bridge? 5. Who keeps watch in the radio room? 6. Who keeps watch in the engine room? 7. Why is it necessary to have skilled crews on board ships? 8. What are the duties of the Chief Officer, the Second Engineer? 9. Who is responsible for the Ship’s cargo; radio-communications; the engine?
VOCABULARY EXERCISES Exercise I. a) Find the English equivalents in the text: современное судно; сложное оборудование; палубная служба; машинное отделение; быть ответственным за; состоять из; быть готовым заменить капитана; нести вахту; сменять друг друга на вахте; высококвалифицированный; подготовка (обучение) экипажа; определять местоположение судна; ремонтировать оборудование; брать пеленг; выполнять обязанности. b) Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: to operate a ship; responsible; head of the Deck Department; to keep smth in order; to perform one's duties properly; continuous radio watches; in good condition; the Master’s main assistant. Exercise II. Find the sentences describing the duties of the ship's crew in the text. Make up sentences using the model. Model: The ship's doctor is responsible for the health of the crew members.
Exercise III. Translate into English:
1.Они могут управлять судном. 2. Кто несет ответственность за работу машинного отделения? 3. Мы должны определить местоположение этого судна. 4. Они не могут отремонтировать главный двигатель. 5. Наш экипаж состоит из 23 человек. Все члены экипажа – хорошо
Exercise IV. Look through this table, find the position you will start with and then find the highest position you can be promoted to. Use the following models in order to make up sentences: My future position is … My father/ uncle/ friend is… I can be promoted to… (Меня могут повысить до…) I would like to become a… (Я бы хотел стать…)
Exercise VI. Read the interview of Sergey Ivanov. Make up your own replies to these questions. Interviewer: What’s your name? Sergey: My name is Sergey Ivanov. Interviewer: What is your rank? Sergey: I am a motorman. Interviewer: How old are you? Sergey: I am twenty-nine. Interviewer: What position are you looking for? Sergey: I would like to get a position of an Oiler / Motorman. Interviewer: What’s your date of birth? Sergey: 14th of January, 1990. Interviewer: What is your nationality? Sergey: I am Ukrainian. Interviewer: Are you married? Sergey: Yes, I am / No I/ am not. Interviewer: Do you have children? Sergey: Yes, I do / No, I don’t. Interviewer: Where are you from? Sergey: I am from Sevastopol, Ukraine. Interviewer: What’s your seaman’s book number? Sergey: AB925473 Interviewer: What types of ships did you work on? Sergey: I worked onboard a container ship, a Panamax bulk carrier and reefers. Interviewer: Do you have foreign crew experience? Sergey: Yes, I do. I worked with Greek Master, Filipino deck ratings. Engine crewmembers were from Romania. Interviewer: What were/was your previous wages/salary? How much did you make a month? Sergey: I made about twelve hundred U.S. dollars per month, plus I had 2 dollars per hour for extra overtime. Interviewer: Describe your last vessel. Sergey: I worked onboard a container ship. She carried up to 2000 TEU. Her DWT is 32,000 MT, Length is 265 metres, Flag is Liberia. Her shipowner is Zodiac Maritime Agencies, U.K. Interviewer: Describe some of your daily responsibilities and daily activities. Sergey: I kept watch in the engine room, took care of machinery and repaired it in the case of emergency.
Notes to look for – искать to get a position – получить должность date of birth – дата рождения seaman’s book – паспорт моряка reefer - рефрижераторное судно bulk carrier – судно сухогруз wages / salary – заработная плата extra overtime – сверхурочная работа to make a month – зарабатывать в месяц MT – миллионов тонн shipowner – владелец судна length - длина to be married/ single / divorced – быть женатыми, неженатым, в разводе TEU - единица измерения контейнеров, эквивалентная 20-футовому контейнеру DWT - полная грузоподъёмность судна в тоннах to take (took, taken) care of - следить за (заботиться, ухаживать) in the case of emergency - в случае возникновения чрезвычайной ситуации GRAMMAR EXERCISES Exercise I. Put am, is, are, am not, isn’t, aren’t into the gaps (пропуски). Model: The captain is on the bridge. He isn’t on the bridge.
1. The officer of the watch _____ on the navigating bridge.2. He _____ a cadet. He _____ at the college. 3. The sailors _____ on the deck. 4. The motor-man _____ on the bow. 5. The Second Mate _____ in his cabin. 6. The deck _____ very clean. 7. I _____ a first-year student. 8. My friend and I _____ seamen. We _____ good sailors. 9. This work _____ very interesting.10. The cargo _____ in the port. 11. The cadets _____ in the class-room.12. The ship _____ in the dock. 13. I _____ the Chief Engineer. 14. You _____ from Italy. 15. You _____ 25 years old. 16. He _____ from Japan. 17. _____ she married? 18. _____ he the Captain? 19. _____ they cadets? 20. _____ you engineers?
Exercise II. Put there is / there are into the gaps.
Model: There is a book on the table.
1._____ many ships in the port. 2._____ a plan on the desk. 3._____ not any tankers in the port. 4._____ many groups at our college. 5._____ a captain on the bridge. 6._____ many sailors on the deck. 7._____ a radiogram in the radio-room. 8._____ many texts in this text-book. 9._____ three windows in our class-room.. 10._____ a tanker at sea. 11. _____ a maritime college in the city.12._____ many tests in the book.
Exercise III. Put demonstrative pronouns this, that, these, those into the gaps.
Model: That (This) ship is new.
1. _____ sailor is on the deck, and _____ one is in the cabin. 2. _____Ships are at sea, and _____ ships are in the port. 3. _____ man is captain and _____ men are officers. 4. _____ men are good sailors. 5. _____port is big. _____ port is big too. 6. _____decks are white and clean.
Exercise IV. Make up the questions.
1. This Greek ship is in the port. (What ship? What? Where?) 2. The Master is on the bridge. (Who? Where?) 3. The seamen are in the cabins at night. (Where? When?). 4. A white tall ship is in that port now. (What ship? Where? What port? When? What color?). 5. An old sailor is in the cabin. (What sailor? Who? Where? Why?) 6. The cargo plan is on the table. (Where?)
Exercise V. Translate into English:
а). Наше судно, его капитан, их палуба, ваши матросы, их документы, мои вещи, твоя книга, наш груз, их лодка.
b). 1. Палубы нашего судна чистые. 2 Документы нашего капитана на столе в его каюте. 3. Родители нашего второго помощника тоже моряки. 4. Это вещи нашего нового моториста. 5. Это каргоплан (cargo plan) второго помощника. 6. Их судно в море. 7. Наш капитан на мостике. 8. Мой экипаж очень квалифицированный.
Exercise VI. Tell about the ship’s crew and the duties of each crew member. LESSON 2. VISITING A SHIP NEW WORDS AND WORD COMBINATIONS
READ AND TRANSLATE THE TEXT VISITING A SHIP Last month we visited the m/v Seagate a car and passenger ferry which is on regular service between St. Petersburg and Stockholm. When we approached the ferry some cars were rolling off it. The ship was unloading. We knew that the ferry could carry not only 370 passengers, but also 50 cars at a time. The officer on watch met us at the gangway and when we got on board we saw that all the sailors were working hard. Some of them were busy with unloading; others were preparing the ferry for the departure. First of all the officer of the watch took us to the navigating bridge. We found the Third Officer there who was making entries into the log-book. He showed the ship's navigational equipment to us. Then we went to the radio room. When we entered the Second Radio Officer was tuning the emergency transmitter. We saw a lot of modern radio equipment in the radio room: some transmitters, receivers, teleprinters and satellite communication devices. As the Second Radio Officer was busy we decided not to interrupt his work and went to the engine-room. There were many sailors in the engine room. The motormen were lubricating the pumps, the Second Engineer was overhauling the main engine and the Third Engineer was regulating the air-conditioning system. Then our guide showed us comfortable passengers and crewmen's cabins, musical saloons, galley and mess-room. We spent two hours on board the ferry and were very pleased with our visit. We thanked the Second Officer, wished him a happy voyage and left the ship.
ASWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. Describe the m/v Seagate. 2. How many passengers and cars could the ferry carry at a time? 3. What were the sailors doing on board a ship? 4. Who was making entries into the log-book? 5. What did the Third Officer show the cadets? 6. Where was the Second Radio Officer? 7. List radio equipment that was in the radio room. 8. Who were lubricating the pump? 9. What were the duties of the Second Engineer and the Third Engineer? 10. How long were cadets on board a ship?
VOCABULARY EXERCISES Exercise I. a). Find the English equivalents in the text: основные измерения судна; настраивать аварийный радиопередатчик, делать записи в судовом журнале; готовиться к отправлению судна; осадка; скорость судна; смазывать насосы; аппаратура спутниковой связи; паром; прерывать чью-либо работу; грузить/разгружать судно; нести вахту; осматривать насос; перевозить груз; настраивать оборудования; обязанности второго механика / второго помощника капитана; мотористы, главный двигатель, вахтенный; кают-компания, каюта стармеха/старпома; зайти на камбуз; включить/отключить приёмник; смазанный механизм; осмотренный насос; потраченное время; прибытие.
b). Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: to be on regular service; to approach a ship; to roll on; to roll off; to invite smb in; to prepare for the departure; an officer on watch; to make entries into the logbook; navigational equipment; to tune an emergency transmitter; satellite communication; to lubricate equipment; to overhaul the main engine; main particulars; draft, to spend time (money); broken device; to enter the mess-room; tuned receiver; turned off teleprinter; washed deck.
Exercise II. Read the text. The Master describes the m/v Transitor in detail.Pay attention to there is / there are. Replace Russian words with English terms.
On the m/v Transitor there are five палуб. The машинное отделение is below the first deck. There are three rooms on the first deck: the камбуз, the laundry and the storeroom. Above the прачечная there is a hospital. It is on the second deck next to the ratings' кают-компания. To the right of the ratings' mess-room is an office. There are no кают on this deck but there are cabins on the third deck. There is one cabin for the лоцмана and one for the Chief Officer. Between them is the officers' mess-room. There is a cabin for the капитана on the fourth deck between the радио рубкой and the Chief Engineer's cabin. The radio room is to the left of the Master's cabin. The капитанский мостик is on the fifth deck.
Exercise III. Match the crew member with the work he was performing during visiting a ship. Model: When the cadets came the ship's cook was preparing dinner.
Exercise III. Read and translate the dialogue. At the Agent's office: Agent: Glad to meet you, Mr. Petrov. Can I see your Seaman's Book? Agent: Mr. Petrov, we have to furnish a competent man in a second engineer's position. What grade certificate of competency do you hold? Mr. Petrov: I am aholder of a Class 1 engineer certificate issued one year ago by Odessa Harbour Master. Agent: Have you ever thought of working in Italy? Besides I heard you did a first class job for a Greek shipowner. Mr. Petrov: I just did my best to perform the duties competent. Agent: What was the name of the ship on which you were last employed? Mr. Petrov: The "Gloria". Agent: In what capacity were you employed on your last ship? Mr. Petrov: I served on her board as 1st assistant engineer, which equivalent to the position of the 2nd engineer. Agent: What was the ship's power and power plant type? Mr. Petrov: She was propelled by a Sultzer. The engine power output was over 12000-horse power. Agent: What was her trading area? Mr. Petrov: Oriental port, South East Asia, Japan and back to the Mediterranean area Via Singapore and Suez Canal. Agent: What was the reason of your discharging? Mr. Petrov: I’ve just terminated my employment as specified in the Agreement. You can see the dates and places of my joining and leaving the "Gloria" in those columns.
Notes power plant – силовая установка, двигатель to propel – приводить в движение GRAMMAR EXERCISES Exercise I. Open the brackets and put the verb into right tense form. Model: The 3rd Mate (to keep watch) now. - The 3rd Mate is keeping watch now.
1. Our ship (to make) regular voyages to London, but now it (not to call) at British ports. 2. I (to keep watch) when the captain came to the navigating bridge. 3. He (to look through) the weather report and then (to ask) me to take bearings of the nearest ship. 4. While I (to take) bearings the captain (to decrease) the ship's speed and (to phone) to the radio-room. 5. "Who (to keep) watch at the moment?" the chief ebgineer asked. 6. "Radio-officer Orlov (to be)." 7. The captain (to write) a short telegram and (to ask) Orlov (to transmit) it immediately. 8. "What the Chief Radio Officer (to do) now?" he asked. 9 "He (to repair) a radio direction finder," answered Orlov. 10. "Tell him to come to the navigating bridge when he (to be) free." 11. We (to lubricate) the bearing at 5 o’clock yesterday. 12. We always (to check) engine room machinery. 13. The motorman (to lubricate) machinery in the engine room at this moment. 14. He (to check) the ME now. 15. During his watch the 2nd Engineer (to overhaul) this pump. 16. Motormen (to repair) between boiler (котел).
1. There are not ___ boats there. 2. There is ___ river in the centre of the city. 3. There are ___ new words in the text. 4. Are there ___ ships at sea? 5. There is __ time for work. 6. There are not ____ tankers in the port. 7. Is there ___ port crane in the port? 8. There is ____ news in this newspaper. 9. Are there ___ sailors on the bow? 10. There are not _____ cadets on the ship. 11. There is _____ information in this radiogram. 12. There are not _____ maritime colleges there.
Exercise III. Fill in the sentences: many, much, little, few instead of gaps: Model: There is much oil in the tank. There is little oil in the tank.
1. There are __ ships in the port. 2. There is __ news in today’s newspaper. 3. There is __ money in my pocket. 4. There are __ days off this month. 5. There are ___ mistakes in your dictation. 6. How ___ sailors are there on the deck? 7. There is ___ petrol in the tank. 8. Are there ___ mistakes in my exercise? 9. There is ___ furniture in the room. 10. How ___ students are there in the college?
Exercise IV. Translate into English: много курсантов, мало ошибок, много работы, мало времени, много судов, мало новостей, много документов, много портов, много денег, мало воды, много трюмов, мало топлива, много моряков, мало матросов, много дел. Exercise V. Change an adjective, which is given into the brackets using comparative or superlative degree of comparison (сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных). Model: My room is larger (large) than my brother’s room.
1. Oil is ___ (light) than water. 2. He is ___ (good) student in our group. 3. This is ___ (big) ship in this port. 4. My cabin is ___ (comfortable) than his one. 5. I make _____ (good) coffee than Mike does. 6. The Baikal is ___ (deep) lake in the world. 7. This liner is ____ (big) than that vessel. 8. He is ____ (lazy) student in their class. 9. Our captain is ____ (experienced) than the Chief Mate. 10. My students are ___ (good) students in our Maritime College!
Exercise VI. Read the table. Compare the information about 2 ships. Complete the sentences.
The m/v Kennedy is ______than the m/v Freedom (old). The m/v Freedom is ______ than the m/v Kennedy (long). The m/v Freedom is ______ than the m/v Kennedy (wide). The m/v Freedom is ______ than the m/v Kennedy (high). The cargo on board the m/v Freedom is_____ the cargo on board the m/v Kennedy (heavy).
Exercise VII. Using Irregular Verb List find, write down and learn by heart three forms of following irregular verbs with the translation: Be, bear, beat, become, begin, bend, bite, blow, break, bring, build, burn, buy, catch, choose, come, cut, deal, dig, do, draw, dream, drink, drive, eat, fall, feed, feel, fight, find, fly, forbid, forget, forgive, freeze
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