Lloyd's Register 2. Indian Register of Shipping 3. Shipping Register of Ukraine 4. Russian Maritime Register of Shipping 5. Bureau Veritas 6. American Bureau of Shipping 7. Registro Italiano Navale
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 8 из 8
Exercise V. Retell the text.
READ AND TRANSLATE THE TEXT Main Parts of a Ship The main body of a ship is called hull. This is the area between the main deck, the sides and the bottom. The front part is the bow, the rear part is stern. Decks and bulkheads divide the hull up into several watertight compartments. Some of them are used for the dry cargo (cargo holds) or the liquid cargo (tanks). The hull contains engine room, cargo spaces and a number of tanks. Some tanks are used for fresh water and water ballast. The space between the holds and the bottom of the hull contains double bottom tanks. These are used for ballast water and fuel. Traditionally sailors use different words at sea. A bedroom is called a cabin. A bed is a bunk. The sailors call a kitchen as a galley. Right is starboard and left is named port. The group of people who work on board is called the crew. Sailors also refer to their vessels as she rather than it. ASWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. What is the main body of a ship? 2. How is the front part of a ship called? 3. What is the stern? 4. What do you know about the ship’s structure? 5. What is the difference between tanks and holds? 6. Where is fresh water stored? 7. How is kitchen called on a ship?
VOCABULARY EXERCISES Exercise I. a) Find the English equivalents in the text: accommodation; cargo spaces; hold; dry cargo; galley; bunk; weather deck; stern; main bulkhead; to store ballast water; double bottom tank; superstructure. b) Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit:нижняя палуба; переборка; танк; левый борт; трюм; корпус; передняя часть; трап; машинное отделение; пресная вода.
Exercise II. Read the dialogue and translate into Russian. Chief Officer: Ah Mr. Hansen, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm the Chief Officer. I believe you want to see some places on the ship? Mr Hansen: Ah yes, hello there. That's correct. Chief Officer: OK, let me show you the way. First, we can look at the bridge. Please turn right and go up these stairs one level... it's in front of you there. Mr. Hansen: Yes, I see. Very good. Everything seems to be in order. Which way to the radio room? Chief Officer: The radio room is on the right - and the chart room is behind us. Mr. Hansen: I see. Is the Radio Officer in there? Chief Officer: No, he isn't. Let me show you the hospital. Mr. Hansen: Certainly. Chief Officer: OK, go straight ahead to the end of the corridor. It's on the starboard side. Mr. Hansen: All right, then. And where are the cabins? Chief Officer: The officers' cabins are one level below us. The ratings' cabins are two levels down.
Mr. Hansen: OK. Chief Officer: So here we have the hospital. Do you want to see inside? Mr. Hansen: No, that's not necessary. There is somebody in there. Chief Officer: In that case Captain MacMillan is ready to see you. Please come this way. We can turn left here and his office is on the port side. Mr. Hansen: Very good. Thank you for showing me around.
Exercise III. Translate into English or Russian where it is necessary.
1. What are the structural parts of the ship's hull? - Это бимсы, шпангоуты, скуловые кили, наружная обшивка, переборки, и палубы.
2. How many life rafts are there on board? - Четыре. Они находятся в кормовой части шлюпочной палубы: два по левому борту, два - по правому.
3. Как называется по-английски грузовое пространство, расположенное под
4. Извините, Вы можете сказать мне, где находится помещение аварийного
5. How can I get there? - Поднимайтесь двумя палубами выше по трапу правого борта и идите в носовую часть судна. После первого на Вашем пути трюма есть рубка. Дизель генератор находится в той рубке.
READ AND TRANSLATE THE TEXT NECESSARY REPAIR AND DAMAGE SURVEY The cargo vessels operate in various parts of World Ocean far away from native shores. In case of emergency when some machinery fails the vessels call at foreign port for emergency repair. The planned repair is usually carried out at the same shipyard where the vessel has been built before. As soon as the hull works are completed the ship-owner sends their representatives to supervise installation machinery and equipment. The ship's engineers also take part in the repair process. They discuss the list of repairs with the shipyard's representatives, verify the scope of the work, supervise and check up the repair process. On completion the delivery trials are carried out, the protocol of delivery is made out and the ship is ready for service again.
ASWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. What should the vessel do in case of emergency? 2. Where is planned repair usually carried out? 3. What is the duty of ship-owner representatives? 3. Do ship’s engineers take part in the repair process? 4. What actions do they perform? 5. When is the ship ready for service again?
VOCABULARY EXERCISES Exercise I. a) Find the English equivalents in the text: various parts, far away from native shores, in case of emergency, planned repair, at the same shipyard, the list of repairs, scope of the work, the delivery trials, service. b) Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: мировой океан, иностранный порт, корпусные работы, установка оборудования, процесс ремонта, представитель судовладельца. Exercise II. Enrich your vocabulary with the following Repair Verbs. Match the Verb with its meaning.
Exercise III. Translate into Russian paying attention to the meaning of Repair verbs. 1. We have done the necessary repairs. 2. I will repair the damaged pump. 3. Second Engineer is fixing the high pressure fuel oil pump. 4. Motormen fixed the motor to the main deck. 5. We fixed the shelves to the wall using screws. 6. The Main Engine needs a complete overhaul. 7. We plan to overhaul the auxiliary engine. 8. We need to assemble to motor as soon as possible. 9. Please bring all the disassembled parts. 10. This place needs cleaning. 11. This surface is already clean. 12. Close the door tightly. 13. Connect this hose to that flange. 14. Have you filled this tank? 15. Have these cables been checked for faults? 16. Carefully examine the quality of the fuel oil. 17. He is going to inspect our work. 18. The new electronic equipment needs inspection. 19. He lubricated the cylinder. 20. Can you measure the cylinder pressure? 21. We need your help in moving of this machinery.
Exercise IV. Read and translate the dialogue. Mr.Wilson: How do you do gentlemen! My name is Mr. Wilson. I am the manager of ship repairing department and I will be responsible for your ship’s repair. Can you introduce your colleagues, please?
Mr.Wilson: Do all of them understand English, because I am sorry to say I can’t speak Russian at all. Chief Engineer: Don’t worry; I can speak English quite well. As to my colleagues they understand English enough to communicate without problems during their work but they are too shy to speak. Mr.Wilson: So, we have the list of repair which consists of general parts concerning the repair of Main Engine, auxiliary engine, steam boilers, deck machinery and hull. We have some preliminary information about future repair but I’d like to correct the volume of repair. Chief Engineer: The volume of repair has somewhat changed. Here you can see the additional list of repair. Besides the repair known to you it’s necessary to put the ship in the dock and to replace aft bulwark. Mr.Wilson: We can do this extra work. Floating dock #2 will be available in 5 or 7 days and your ship will be docked. What else? Chief Engineer: We need to replace the outboard fittings and replace the outboard fittings and replace the blade of CPP. We damaged it during fishing in Labrador area. There is too much floating ice there as you know. As to the bulwark we damaged it when mooring in the open sea. The repair isn’t too complicated but you must do a low of welding. Mr.Wilson: I’ve looked through the list of spare parts. Why is there so much zinc here in the list? Chief Engineer: There are zinc protectors to replace the old ones all over the hull. Moreover ballast duct and boottop must be cleaned by sand blast and painted. Mr.Wilson: I must see damages myself. Tomorrow the representative of our company will come on board and you’ll have an opportunity to discuss everything in details. Notes steam boiler – котёл spare parts – запасные части preliminary – предварительный additional – дополнительный to put the ship into the dock – поставить судно в док aft bulwark – кормовой фальшборт outboard fittings – заборная арматура blade – лопасть welding – сварка sandblast – пескоструй CPP (controllable pitch propeller) – ВРШ (винт регулируемого шага) boottop – пояс переменной ватерлинии ballast duct – балластный канал
БИБЛИОГРАФИЧЕСКИЙ СПИСОК 1. Гогина Н.А. Практическая грамматика английского языка для моряков. Сборник упражнений. / Сост. Н.А. Гогина – М.: Транслит, 2007, – 222с. 2. Качалова К.Н. Практическая грамматика английского языка/ К.Н. Качалова, Е.Е. Израилевич. – М.: Высш. шк., 1997. – 716с. 3. Современный англо-русский технический словарь. – К.: OOO «ИП Логос», 2004. – 565с.
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