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Exercise VIII. Translate into English.


1. Порт в этой стране не такой большой как наш порт. 2. Наше судно больше вашего. 3. Это не мои документы, а ваши. 4. Чья это радиограмма? – Наша. 5. Второй помощник капитана заканчивает составлять план погрузочных работ. 6. Вчера мы разгружали груз и потратили много времени. 7. Завтра целый день радисты будут тщательно осматривать приборы спутниковой связи, радиоприемники и телетайп. 8. Судно сейчас входит в порт. 9. На палубе десять матросов. 10. Механики ремонтировали главный двигатель вчера с 3 до 5 часов вечера.


Exercise IX. Tell about the students who visited m/v Seagate. What did they do and see there?





shipboard training to have shipboard training either on training vessels or merchant ships wheel life-saving appliance a wheel-house superstructure mast to launch and hoist life-boats helmsman to handle a sextant apprentice light-vessel lighthouse coastal object echo-sounder log finder to transmit and receive weather reports   navigational warning in case of trouble auxiliary machinery to stow (cargo) плавательная практика проходить плавпрактику или на учебных или на торговых судах руль спасательное средство рубка надстройка мачта спускать и поднимать шлюпки рулевой управлять, обращаться сектант практикант плавучий маяк маяк береговой объект, ориентир эхолот лаг пеленгатор передавать и принимать сводки погоды навигационное предупреждение в случае повреждения вспомогательные механизмы размешать (груз)



The cadets of maritime colleges usually have their practical studies either on board training vessels or merchant ships. Now summer is coming and the cadets are going to have their shipboard training. The cadets of the Navigation Department will keep watch at the wheel, paint the hull, deck superstructures, masts, wash and scrub decks. They will launch and hoist life-boats and learn how to use life-saving appliances. They are going to work in the wheel-house as helmsmen.

Skilled officers will instruct our boys how to handle a sextant and other navigational instruments. The apprentices will learn how to take bearings of some light-vessels, lighthouses, different coastal objects and define the ship's position on charts. They must also know how to use echo-sounders logs, finders and satellite navigation systems.

During their shipboard training the cadets of the Radio Engineering Department will work in the radio room transmitting and receiving radio-telegrams, weather reports and navigational warnings. They will learn how to tune and repair the ship's radio equipment in case of trouble.

The cadets of the Engineer Department will work in the engine room. They will learn how to maintain the main engine, auxiliary machinery, how to lubricate and repair the engine room equipment.

The cadets of the Port Operation Department will work in ports and on board ships during their training. When in ports they will learn how to load, unload and stow cargo.

All the cadets must work hard to master their profession.


ASWER THE QUESTIONS: 1.Where do the cadets of maritime colleges have their practical studies? 2. What will the cadets of the Navigation Department do during their practice? 3. Where are the cadets of the Navigation Department going to work? 4. What will the apprentices learn? 5. Where will the cadets of the Radio Engineering Department work during practical studies? 6. Who will work in the engine room? 7. What can be learnt while practicing in port? 8. What must be done in order to master the profession? 9. What is the difference between lighthouse and light-vessel?



Exercise I. a) Find the English equivalents in the text: to launch; to handle a sextant; to receive weather report; to handle navigational equipment; auxiliary machinery; stowed cargo; transmitted telegram; received order; painted life-boat; to receive navigational warning; checked life-saving appliances light-vessel.


b) Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: нести вахту; мыть и чистить палубу; спускать и поднимать шлюпки; использовать спасательные средства; красить надстройку; рулевой; определять местоположение судна; опытные офицеры; навигационные приборы; плавучий маяк; плавательная практика; передавать и принимать радиограммы; настраивать радиооборудование; вспомогательные механизмы; учиться укладывать груз; освоить профессию; усердно работать.

Exercise II. Work in pairs, read the statements and agree or disagree with them using following phrases: I quite agree with you / Sorry, I can’t agree with you; You are absolutely right / You are completely wrong; It’s true / It’s false.


Model I: - The Third Officer will keep watch in the engine room.

- Sorry, I can't agree with you. The Third Officer will not keep watch in the engine room. He will keep watch on the navigating bridge.

Model II: - Radio Officers will keep watch 8 hours a day.

- I quite agree with you. The Radio Officers will keep watch 8 hours a day.

1. The cadets of maritime colleges have their training on board training vessels. 2. Only the cadets of navigational department have shipboard training. 3. The cadets of navigational department don't keep watch at the wheel. 4. Skilled officers instruct the cadets how to use navigational instruments. 5. The cadets of the radio-engineer department learn to plot the ship's position. 6. The future radio engineers learn to use life saving appliances in case of trouble. 7. The cadets of the engineer department keep watch and relieve each other of watch every four hours. 8. The future engineers must know how to lubricate and repair the engine room equipment. 9. The port operation department cadets have their training on board ships. 10. All the cadets must work hard to master their profession.


Exercise III. Imagine that you are going to go ashore tomorrow. Look at your timetable and answer the questions.

Visit Ashore, October 24 0730 Breakfast on ship 0830 Crew meeting 0930 Leave the vessel 1000 Bus leaves for city centre 1030 Arrive in city centre / go to café 1115 Visit crew supply office / meet management staff / see new computer system 1230 Lunch in local restaurant 1330 Bus tour of city 1500 Visit shops 1900 Dinner at Toni’s Restaurant 2130 Cinema 2300 Return to ship / report to the Master

1.What is going to happen at 0730? 2. What time is the meeting going to start? 3.What are you going to do first in the city? 4. What are you going to see at the office? 5. Where are you going to have lunch? 6. What are you going to do at 1330? 7.When are you going to see a film? What are you going to do after your return to the ship?



Exercise I. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form.

1. My friend ___ (to work) on a Ro-Ro ship. 2. Chief Engineer ___ (to want) to overhaul the main engine next month. 3. The Rules of the Sea ___ (to say) that the safety at sea is very important. 4. They ___ (to need) to stop the engine as soon as possible. 5. They ___ (to learn) how to stow cargo last month. 6. When I went on board, he ___ (to use) a finder and satellite navigation system. 7. We ___ (to launch) the life-boat in a week. 8. When we entered the radio-room, he ___ (to receive) a navigational warning. 9. While we ___ (to prepare) the ship for the departure, he ___ (to check) the auxiliary machinery in a minute. 10. Our helmsman ____ (to navigate) the cargo ship in some minute.

Exercise III. Answer the following questions: “ Where will you be two weeks from now? At sea? At home? On shore?”

1. Where will you be in two days? In two days I will be …

2. Where will you be in one week? In one week I will be …

3. Where will you be two months from now? In two months I will be …

4. Where will you be one year from now? One year from now I will be …

5. Where will you be in ten years? In ten years I will be …


Exercise IV. Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the brackets into Present Perfect form.

1. The engineer ___ the engine. (repair) 2. The cadet ___ the deck. (sweep) 3. The 2nd Officer ____ the charts. (check) 4. The Chief Officer ___ the cargo. (load) 5. The 3rd Assistant Engineer ____ the fire alarms. (test) 6. The Radio Officer ____ to send the telex. (forget) 7. ____ the vessel ____? (dock) 8. ___ you ___ your safety manual? (read) 9. ___ the ratings ___ the fire drill? (practice) 10. The Cook ___ not ___ the dinner yet. (prepare) 11. The vessel ___ not ___ in port yet. (arrive) 12. The ratings ___ not ___ their duties yet. (finish).

Exercise V. Translate into English.


1. Вчера в 5 часов вечера мы приближались к парому. 2. Вчера весь день матросы готовили судно к отправке. 3. Когда я постучал в дверь каюты, он учился определять местоположение судна. 4. Когда я вернулся на борт своего судна, механик ремонтировал оборудование в машинном отделении. 5. Когда вошел капитан, мы прокладывали курс нашего судна на карте. 6. В то время как матросы мыли палубу, третий помощник капитана делал записи в судовом журнале. 7. В случае необходимости мы ремонтируем радиосвязь. 8. Боцман отвечал за содержание трюмов, палубы и корпуса судна в хорошем состоянии. 9. Механики отвечали за обслуживание и ремонт оборудования в машинном отделении. 10. Пока я нес вахту, наш второй помощник капитана показывал курсантам оборудование радиорубки: передатчики, приемники, телетайпы и приборы спутниковой связи.


Exercise VI. Using Irregular Verb List find, write down and learn by heart three forms of the following irregular verbs with the translation:


get, give, go, grow, hang, have, hear, hide, hit, hold, hurt, keep, know, lay, lead, learn, leave, lend, let, lie, light, lose, make, mean, meet, pay, put, read, ride, ring, rise, run.


Exercise VII. Retell the text about Shipboard training.



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