Lesson 4. The sea Fishing port of Sevastopol
THE SEA FISHING PORT OF SEVASTOPOL The Sea Fishing Port of Sevastopol is strategically placed on the south-eastern coast of the Crimean Peninsula in the Kamishovaya bay (lat 44° 37' N long 33° 32 E). General cargo, iron, timber, containers and other goods are handled round the clock every day. Except loading dry cargoes, the port realizes passenger transportation inside the city and on the local routes. The port has more than ten berths (passenger and auxiliary berths also). The berth # 19 (220 m long), for example, is used to handle oil, diesel fuel and other liquid fuel. The maximum depth near the berth is 9.2 m. The maximum draft should not exceed 9 m. The berths are equipped with different cranes with sufficient lifting capacity. There are different storage facilities, refrigerated warehouse and open storage areas in the port. Some berths are provided with the arterial roads of the country. The port is provided with various motor vehicles. There is also a ship-repairing yard with some dry and floating docks where major repairs are possible. It is possible to replenish a vessel with fuel, water and food, to repair a hull and machinery.
Navigation in the port is all year round. But in autumn and winter the sea fishing port of Sevastopol is capable to take vessels with overall dimensions not more than: Length 175 m Breadth 23m Tonnage 17 thousand registered tons. Permission to enter the port is given by Port Authority after the communication with a ship is established. Pilots embark or disembark vessels at exterior anchorage two miles from the entrance (lat 44°37'N long 33°27'E). Masters of the vessels should advise Inflot Agency of ETA. Preliminary notice should contain name flag of the vessels, ETA, length, breadth, draft, maximum height. The port provides all vessels with agents. The agent arranges everything necessary for the ship. He must advise port authorities and the receivers of the cargo about the estimated time of arrival. With the help of the control section the agent applies for drawing up papers in the Frontier Service and the Customs 24 hours prior to arrival. In two hours the agent coordinates the order of anchorage. In case of fever or other decease it is necessary to control the agency. The Medical Officer usually requires the Master to produce the following documents: the Crew list, the list of passengers (if any), the bill of Health (санитарное свидетельство), the Disinfection and Deratization Certificates (свидетельства о дезинфекции и дератизации) and the Tonnage Certificate (мерительное свидетельство).
ASWER THE QUESTIONS: 1.Where is the sea fishing port of Sevastopol situated? 2. What kind of activities does the port have? Which of them do you know? 3. How many berths does the port have? Which of them do you know? 4.What is the maximum draft of the vessel near the berth? 5. What kind of equipment and storage facilities is the port provided with? 6. With what supplies can a vessel replenish in the port? 7. Indicate the overall dimensions of a vessel possible for anchoring in the port in autumn and winter. 8. What information should preliminary notice contain? 9. What duties should an agent carry out? 10. When and where does the agent apply for drawing up papers? 11. What documents does the captain present to the Medical Officer?
VOCABULARY EXERCISES Exercise I. a) Find the English equivalents in the text: replenish with diesel oil; arranged by the agent; floating docks; overall dimensions; port authority; list of crewmembers; to be supplied with water; auxiliary berth; to establish the communication with a ship; to embark a pilot on board ship.
b) Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: oбрабатывать грузы круглосуточно; местные линии; жидкое топливо; осадка превосходит 9 м; достаточная подъемная способность; склад; таможня; расчетное время прибытия; причал; недостаточная глубина; капитальный ремонт; судоремонтная верфь; внешний рейд; лоцман; власти порта; ширина судна; высота надстройки; якорная стоянка в порту.
Exercise II. Translate using the vocabulary.
1.Sevastopol was found by Suvorov as strategically placed seaport. 2. All the berths are used to load cargoes. 3. There is a number of passenger and auxiliary berths to the sea fishing port. 4. These storage facilities and open storage areas are well-equipped. 5. The port works round the clock. 6. Indicate the overall dimensions of your ship first. 7. The hull and machinery of the ship need repairing. 8. You should replenish your active vocabulary with new terms (терминами). 9. This preliminary notice does not contain ETA of the vessel. 10. An agent addresses the control section to apply for drawing up papers.
Exercise III. Translate into English.
1. Каждый год по всему миру строятся новые доки. 2. Груз был размещен в трюме. 3. Спасательное оборудование используется в случае необходимости. 4. Двигатель судна обслуживается мотористами. 5. Оборудование машинного отделения регулярно осматривается с целью ремонта. 6. Паром будет подготовлен к отправлению через 4 часа. 7. Много денег тратится на современное оборудование. 8. Каждый год в наш порт заходят иностранные суда. 9. Ледокол «Ермак» был построен адмиралом Макаровым в 1899 году. 10. Третьему помощнику вчера приказали сделать записи в судовом журнале. 11. Местоположение нашего судна было определено очень точно. 12. Мы будем ремонтировать вспомогательные механизмы в случае повреждения. 13. Корпус судна был окрашен вчера. 14. Радиограмма была передана радистом вчера. 15. О нашем капитане много говорят и пишут в газетах.
Exercise V. There are different types of containers. Match the name and the type of cargo with the correct container.
Exercise IV. Practice saying large numbers.
291; 187; 2170; 33,290; 350; 1820; 1150; 223; 455; 1968; 7600; 9334; 571; 47.
GRAMMAR EXERCISES Exercise I. Complete the following sentences with the Past Continuous (продолжительное действие) or the Past Simple (разовое действие).
1. The vessel was entering the port when the storm ___ (begin). 2. The steward ___ (clean) the Captain’s quarters when he ___ (spill) the bucket of water. 3. The Captain ___ (talk) to some crew members on the bridge when the steering system ___ (fail). 4. The crew __ (load) bales of cotton when it __ (start) to rain. 5. The officers ___ (eat) lunch when the alarm ___ (sound). 6. The Chief Engineer ___ (shout) when the explosion ___ (happen). 7. The Radio Officer ___ (sleep) when the ship ___ (receive) the telex. 8. The ship ___ (cross) the North Atlantic when it ___ (lose) power. 9. The pirates ___ (board) the vessel when the Master ___- (hear) the noise. 10. The light ______ (fade) when we ____ (leave) Karachi.
Exercise II. Write sentences using the Past Continuous. What was happening yesterday between 1500 and 1600?
Model: Chief Officer / check the charts. - The Chief Officer was checking the charts.
1. Cook / prepare the vegetables. 2. Third Officer / watch TV. 3. Master / write reports. 4. Ratings / stow the ropes. 5. Ship / leave port. 6. Helmsman / steer the vessel. 7. Surveyors / check the cargo. 8. Pilot / board the launch. 9. Engineers / repair a valve. 10. Motormen/ check / auxiliary machinery. 11. Cadets / look for / manual about life saving appliances.
Exercise III. Read the report of the MV Karrier’s voyage. Complete the sentences. Choose the correct verb and write the Past Simple form. load damage repair load sail arrive continue carry unload stop
m/v KARRIER VOYAGE REPORT Last September the MV Karrier _____ from Japan to the Philippines. It _____ three times: at Shanghai, Chi-lung and Manila. The vessel _____ ballast from Nagasaki to Shanghai. At Shanghai the crew _____ 10,000 tonnes of rice (рис). On 18 September a tropical storm _____ part of the ship so a fitter _____ the life raft (спасательный плот) at Chi-lung. The ship _____ 286 containers of electrical goods and 400 cars. The vessel ______ to Manila and _____ at 1200 on 22 September. In Manila the ship _____ 6000 tonnes of rice and 286 containers of electrical goods.
Exercise IV. Put the verbs into proper place. Read and translate the texts given. Text A. are used are located is composed are located are placed The Port of San Juan is a seaport facility located in the metropolitan area of San Juan, Puerto Rico. The port ___of a total of sixteen piers (пирсы), of which eight ___ for passenger ships and eight for cargo ships (грузовые суда). The Port of San Juan's cargo facilities ___southern portion of San Juan Bay. Of the approximately eight cargo terminals, five ___ the Puerto Nuevo district of San Juan and the other three ___ in the neighboring (соседний) municipality of Guaynabo. The cargo facilities allow (позволяют) for more than 500,000 square feet (46,000 m²) of space for loading and unloading cargo. Text B. is connected to is located have since been combined is named is recognized The Dante B. Fascell Port of Miami is a seaport located in Florida, United States. It ___ Downtown Miami by Port Boulevard, a bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway. The port ___ on Dodge Island, which is the combination of three historic islands (Dodge, Lummus and Sam's Islands (острова)) that ___ into one. It __ in honor of 19 term Florida Congressman Dante Fascell. It is the 11th largest cargo container port in the United States. The Port of Miami___ and has been for many years, as the "Cruise Capital of the World" and "Cargo Gateway of the Americas". As the "Cargo Gateway of the Americas", the port primarily handles containerized cargo with small amounts of breakbulk (штучный груз), vehicles and industrial equipment. It is the largest container port in the state of Florida and 9th in the United States. As a world-class port, the Port of Miami is among an elite group of ports in the world which cater (ориентирован) to both cruise ships and containerized cargo. Exercise V. Make a report (not less than 500 words) on one of the following seaports using the plan provided:
1. Port of Odessa. 2. Port of Dover. 3. Port of Hamburg. 4. Port of Montreal. 5. Port of Las Palmas. 6. Port of Karachi. 7. Port of Houston. 8. Port of Rotterdam. 9. Port of Los Angeles. 10. Port of Singapore. 11. Port of Shanghai. 12. Port of Manila. 13. Port of Klaipėda 14. Port of Limassol.
Plan. 1. Geographical position and the country. 2. Types of vessels and cargo that are handled. 3. Storage facilities and equipment. 4. Time of work.
Exercise VI. Using Irregular Verb List find, write down and learn by heart three forms of following irregular verbs with the translation:
say, see, seek, sell, send, set, shake, shave, shine, shoot, show, shut, sing, sink, sit, sleep, smell, speak, spend, spread, spring, stand, steal, stick, strike, swear, sweep, swim, take, teach, tell, think, throw, understand, wake, wear, win, wind, write
Exercise VII. Tell about Sea Fishing Port of Sevastopol.
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