Consider the development of science. Рассмотрите процессы развития науки.
Стр 1 из 5Следующая ⇒ Formulate the basic approaches for the definition of the concepts of science and scientific knowledge. Сформулируйте основные подходы к определению понятий наука и научное знание. Science (Latin scientia) sphere of human activity aimed at developing theoretical and schematization objective knowledge about reality. Science goals - gaining knowledge about the world, the prediction processes and phenomena of reality based opened its laws. The main tasks of science: 1) discovery of the laws of motion of nature, society, thought and knowledge; 2) the collection, analysis, summary of facts; 3) systematization of the knowledge gained;4) an explanation of the essence of phenomena and processes; 5) prediction of events, phenomena and processes; 6) setting directions and forms of practical use of the knowledge gained. Classification (from Lat. Slassis - digit) - a system of coordinated concepts in any field of knowledge or activity. Science can be divided into 3 groups (subsystems) - natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. The natural sciences include physics, chemistry, biological sciences and a number of others in the number of social sciences include economics, sociology, political science, social psychology. By the humanities are a number of historical science, linguistics, psychology and others. Some of these disciplines tend to be pure description, for example the story, the other - combined with the description of the assessment and prefer absolute estimates, for example psychology. Each of these subsystems form a variety of ways a system of coordinated and subordinated substantive and methodological constraints of the separate sciences. Challenge the basic sciences is knowledge of the laws that govern the behavior and interaction of basic structures of nature, society and thought. The purpose of Applied Science - use the results of basic sciences to solve not only cognitive, but also social and practical problems. Between the actual social and human sciences are sciences that can be called normative: ethics, aesthetics, art, etc. To include formal sciences of logic and mathematics. Classification facilitates the
Identify the features of science. Сформулируйте отличительные признаки науки. 1. Science uses a model to explain the aspects of the real world. Scientists try to explain aspects of the real world, comparing them with models that are based on known mechanisms. Scientific models should be checked and they are accepted by scientists only after they have been tested in the real world. 2. Scientific models falsifiable (Popper's criterion). To recognize as a scientific model, there must be some way of checking to see whether it is false. Model / idea still in dispute as long as they falsify evidence in such trials. 3. Scientific models are tested for predictability and cross-checked with data obtained in the real world. Real research models protect science from wishful thinking. Scientific model recognized as valid only after will be tested in the real world and the evidence will confirm it. Scientists believe most of the model, which is supported by several independent lines of evidence
4. Science uses controlled experiments to test the model. Experiments were used to collect data in a controlled environment 5. Science uses surveillance to verify the model. In the case where the conditions can not be controlled, scientists can collect data by observing past events or phenomena occurring within events 6. Science quantifies the uncertainty of their data and findings. Every scientific measurement should include an indication of its error. 7. Science is a collective activity: its models are cumulative, interrelated and consistent. Every scientific model is based on the cooperation of the scientific community. Models who survive do so because they fit into the accepted model and reinforce scientific knowledge. 8. Science is based on the contributions of scientists, and not on their authority. The work of scientists, does not depend on whether they are prominent or influential, evidence is always evaluated for their quality and reasoning, not by the authority of the author
Relate the science as a system, its features and structure. Расскажите о науке как Системе, ее особенностях и структуре. Science (Latin scientia) sphere of human activity aimed at developing theoretical and schematization objective knowledge about reality. Science goals - gaining knowledge about the world, the prediction processes and phenomena of reality based opened its laws. The main tasks of science: 1) discovery of the laws of motion of nature, society, thought and knowledge; 2) the collection, analysis, summary of facts; 3) systematization of the knowledge gained;4) an explanation of the essence of phenomena and processes; 5) prediction of events, phenomena and processes; 6) setting directions and forms of practical use of the knowledge gained. Classification (from Lat. Slassis - digit) - a system of coordinated concepts in any field of knowledge or activity. Science can be divided into 3 groups (subsystems) - natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. The natural sciences include physics, chemistry, biological sciences and a number of others in the number of social sciences include economics, sociology, political science, social psychology. By the humanities are a number of historical science, linguistics, psychology and others. Some of these disciplines tend to be pure description, for example the story, the other - combined with the description of the assessment and prefer absolute estimates, for example psychology. Each of these subsystems form a variety of ways a system of coordinated and subordinated substantive and methodological constraints of the separate sciences. Challenge the basic sciences is knowledge of the laws that govern the behavior and interaction of basic structures of nature, society and thought. The purpose of Applied Science - use the results of basic sciences to solve not only cognitive, but also social and practical problems. Between the actual social and human sciences are sciences that can be called normative: ethics, aesthetics, art, etc. To include formal sciences of logic and mathematics. Classification facilitates the movement of science degree from the accumulation of empirical knowledge on the level of theoretical synthesis. Classification of the
Consider the development of science. Рассмотрите процессы развития науки. The origin of science in Kazakhstan began in the early XX century, when they were created: Ural Veterinary Station (1897), Krasnovodopad Seed Station (1909), Ural Experimental Agricultural Station (1914), Alma-Ata sanitary-bacteriological Institute (1925). By the 40 th years. in the country has 12 universities, 11 research, design and technological organizations, design institutes 2, 2 Agricultural Experimental Stations, 6 factories research and design units, a botanical garden and zoological park in the city of Alma-Ata. These research organizations mainly dealt with the development of agriculture and health. In 1932, Kazakhstan's base Academy of Sciences, which had two branches - zoological and botanical, in 1938, was transformed into the Kazakh branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which before World War II served 100 researchers, including 3 doctors and 14 PhDs. May 31, 1946 the legislative bodies of the Republic adopted a resolution "On the establishment of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR." In the period up to 80, the development of the economy in Kazakhstan had a higher rate than in the whole Union. This process was accompanied by intensive and scientific and technical progress. The country in the years a number of new research and design organizations, including the six institutes of the Academy of Sciences. By the early '80s, in Kazakhstan there were 140 academic institutions in which 21.1 thousand. People. Main scientific forces were concentrated in the Academy of Sciences - 31 academic institutions, of which 24 research institutes. Scientists Academy of Sciences conducted research in almost all major areas of business and science. In the 90-ies. in Kazakhstan there were 279 academic institutions, including branches and independent research institutes and university laboratories Union jurisdiction. The number of workers of the main scientific and technical activities amounted to 50.6 thousand. People.
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