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Formulate the goals and objectives of science. Сформулируйте цели и задачи науки.

Science (Latin scientia) sphere of human activity aimed at developing theoretical and schematization objective knowledge about reality. Science goals - gaining knowledge about the world, the prediction processes and phenomena of reality based opened its laws. The main tasks of science: 1) discovery of the laws of motion of nature, society, thought and knowledge; 2) the collection, analysis, summary of facts; 3) systematization of the knowledge gained;4) an explanation of the essence of phenomena and processes; 5) prediction of events, phenomena and processes; 6) setting directions and forms of practical use of the knowledge gained.

The purpose of applied Science - use the results of basic sciences to solve not only cognitive, but also social and practical problems. Between the actual social and human sciences are sciences that can be called normative: ethics, aesthetics, art, etc. To include formal sciences of logic and mathematics. Classification facilitates the movement of science degree from the accumulation of empirical knowledge on the level of theoretical synthesis. Classification of the sciences is of great importance for the organization of research, educational and library activities.

Objectives of science:

• collecting, description, analysis, generalization and explanation of the facts;

• detection of laws of the movement of the nature, society, thinking and knowledge;

• systematization of the gained knowledge;

• explanation of essence of the phenomena and processes;

• forecasting of events, phenomena and processes;

• establishment of the directions and forms of practical use of the gained knowledge.


Relate about the subjects and objects of science. Расскажите о субъектах и объектах науки.

For scientific and educational activities of any content of the primary (after having a knowing subject) is an object, like a fragment of reality chosen subject for research. Object arises as a result of separative look at the reality of the researcher. He appears to reflect a consciousness researcher.

The subject of science - a key element of scientific knowledge - individual researchers or research community, the team ultimately - society as a whole. Subjects science exploring various manifestations, properties, and relations side of the material and spiritual objects. In this scientific activity requires special preparation of the knowing subject, in which he develops his historical and contemporary conceptual material, existing tools and methods of scientific research. According to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the subjects of scientific activity are the physical and legal entities engaged in scientific activities

The object of science - the subject area of scientific knowledge, that it is studying this science or scientific discipline, everything that is directed at the thought of the researcher. And - this is a specific area of reality, which is directed process of scientific knowledge. In accordance with the principles of modern science methodology of science taken to distinguish the object from its object.


Consider the classification of sciences. Рассмотрите классификацию наук.

Science as an integral developing shaping includes a number of individual sciences, which are subdivided into many scientific disciplines. Classification of the Sciences is a disclosure of their relationship based on certain principles and criteria and the expression of their connection as logically relevant locations on a certain line.

One of the first attempts of systematization and classification of accumulated knowledge belongs to Aristotle. All knowledge (in the ancient it coincided with philosophy) depending on the scope of its application, he divided into three groups:

1. Theoretical, where knowledge is conducted for its own sake;

2. Practical, which gives the guiding ideology for human behavior;

3. Creative, where knowledge is carried out in order to achieve something wonderful.

Aristotle, in turn, divided theoretical knowledge (on its subject) into three parts:

a) "first philosophy" (later "metaphysics" is the science of the highest principles and first causes of all that exists that is inaccessible for the sense organs and comprehended intellectually,

b) Mathematics;

c) Physics studies the various state bodies in nature.

During the occurrence of a science as an integrated social and cultural phenomenon (XVI-XVII centuries) Bacon took "Great Restoration of Science". Depending on the cognitive abilities of person (such as memory, reason and imagination), he divided the sciences into three major groups:

a) History as a description of the facts, including the natural and civil one;

b) Theoretical sciences, or "philosophy" in the broad sense of the word;

c) Poetry, literature, and art in general.

Bacon believed that science studying thinking (logic, dialectics, epistemology and rhetoric), are the key to all the other sciences, because they contain the "mental tools" that give instructions for his reason and warn of mistakes ("idols ").

Hegel gave classification of sciences based on the dialectical idealist foundation. Assuming as a basis the principle of development, subordination (hierarchy) of the knowledge forms, he divided his philosophical system into three major sections corresponding to the main stages of development of the Absolute idea ("world spirit"):

a) Logic, which coincides with the dialectic and the theory of knowledge and includes three teaching: of being, of essence, and of the concept;

b) Philosophy of Nature;

c) The philosophy of spirit

O. Cont who was the founder of positivism suggested his own classification of Sciences. Rejecting the Bacon’s principle of division of sciences in various abilities of the human mind, he believed that this principle should flow from the study of classified subjects and be determined by the valid and the natural connections that exist between them.

Engels decided the problem of sciences classification on a materialist and with dialectical basis. Relying on the contemporary scientific discoveries, he took motion of matter in nature as the main criterion of sciences division.

In accordance with this understanding of objects of different sciences and "taking into account this state of our knowledge, we can distinguish in the noosphere (the sphere of reason) manifestation of an impact of two regions of the human mind on its structure:

Sciences that is common to the whole of reality (physics, astronomy, chemistry, mathematics), and Earth Sciences (biological, geological and human sciences).



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