The method of analysis as a method for processing scientific information. Метод анализа как метод обработки научной информации.
Scientific information is a logical information obtained in the process of learning, adequately reflects the laws of the objective world and is used in the socio-historical practice. Method of analysis as a method of treatment of scientific information can be of the following types: Pronged analysis - a review of the scientific text under some specific point of view, through the prism of a particular theory or idea based on any doctrine. Hermeneutical analysis - a method of finding out the hidden, implicit meanings of the author's text. Holographic analysis - analysis of holistic phenomenon or process in all its relationships and dependencies in the movement and its relations with the external environment. Content analysis - a method of identifying a scientific text use of certain terms, concepts and stable combinations of frequencies and their compatibility with other concepts. Critical analysis - a method of identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the scientific text. Complex analysis - this interdisciplinary analysis, that is consideration of the same subject of research in various disciplines, such as philosophy, linguistics, psychology, or medicine, psychology and history. Conceptual analysis - analysis of scientific texts from the perspective of a particular concept or theory, as well as search for the conceptual foundations of the author's research and received his conclusions. Problem analysis - analysis of unsolved problems, but being in the research stage. System analysis - considering the subject of research as much as possible in all its internal and external relationships and dependencies. Comparative analysis - a method of comparison and identification of common and different features of two or more objects of study. The method of deconstruction as a method of treatment of scientific information. Метод деконструкции как метод обработки научной информации. The contents of scientific information should be processed and in the processed use in the text. It becomes by means of various theoretical methods and mainly analysis methods. Thus the analysis assumes decomposition of the text, allocation according to a type of the analysis of its separate elements. The method of a deconstruction consists in opportunity to change sequence of statements of the author, to select the necessary material and to include it in the text with the indication of a source, to combine it with statements of other authors and to give the interpretation. The method of a deconstruction is based on the right of the reader and user to interpret and estimate the text according to the views and requirements, without distortion of the author's text. This method is applied most often by students. Breaking down research data into its component parts is a standard technique for analysis. One example of deconstruction is turning an interview transcript into a series of separate comments or answers to questions. Deconstruction is often used simply to prepare data for other analytic processes such as manipulation or summarization, or even abstraction.
The aim of deconstruction is to decouple each component so as to allow inspection of each in its own right.
Axiomatic method as a method of treatment of scientific information. Аксиоматический метод как метод обработки научной информации. Reading and outlining the scientific literature, you should immediately think about how it will be presented in the text of the essay, term papers and dissertations You can not rewrite and retell "in his own words" other people's texts and issue their own Contents should be handled and processed form to use in your text This is done through a variety of theoretical methods and analysis methods mainly Axiomatic method - construction of the author's text on the basis of certain provisions of the studied scientific text taken for granted, as well as a way of building a scientific theory in which its base placed some accepted as true without proof of special provisions (axioms or postulates), all of which the remaining provisions are derived using formal logical proofs. So the student uses the terminology of the sources, ideas, laws, which are then guided Then, taking them as axioms, completes his material: various analysis and evaluation This is also a commonly used method of students. Scientific constructions based on the axiomatic method are usually called deductive. All the concepts of a deductive theory, except for a fixed number of initial ones, are introduced by means of definitions which express (or explicate) the concepts through previously introduced concepts. In varying degrees, deductive proofs characteristic of the axiomatic method have been applied in many disciplines.
Method of apperception as a method of treatment of scientific information. Метод апперципирования как метод обработки научной информации. Reading and summarizing scientific literature, it is necessary to think at once how it will be presented in the text of the paper, course and degree works. It is impossible to copy and retell "by the own words" someone else's texts and to give out for them. The contents should be processed and in the processed look to use in the text. It becomes by means of various theoretical methods and mainly analysis methods. Thus the analysis assumes decomposition of the text, allocation according to a type of the analysis of its separate elements, definition of the leading backbone element, establishment of communications between elements. The apperception method — consists in simple addition of the knowledge used and taken for axioms of any source with the knowledge directly of this subject. Apperception - an addiction own judgments on the basis of accepted knowledge. Using this method most often occurs during the formation of "self-judgments." The choice of method for studying theoretical text based on the formulation of clear research objectives and goals of the analysis, on the understanding of the specifics of the studied text on the technique of a particular type of analysis. Generaly, apperception is method for all mental processes in which a presentation is brought into connection with an already existent and systematized mental conception, and thereby is classified, explained or, in a word, understood; e.g. a new scientific phenomenon is explained in the light of phenomena already analysed and classified. The whole intelligent life of man is, consciously or unconsciously, a process of apperception, in as much as every act of attention involves the appercipient process.
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