Practices to Aid Clearance
MercuryCertain fish, especially king mackerel, marlin, orange roughy, shark, swordfish, tilefish, ahi tuna, and bigeye tuna Coal-burning plants, amalgams, vaccines Alkalize the urine with a magnesium or potassium sup- plement to boost clearance. Take a selenium supple- ment.
Cadmium Shellfish, organ meat Cigarette smoke, pesticide spray, air Alkalize the urine with a magnesium or potassium sup- plement to boost clearance. Sweat!
Gentle Metal Detoxification Protocol Two important parts of detoxification involve mobilizing the toxins and adsorbing the toxins. Mobilizing toxins can be done with prescrip- tion chelating agents or cilantro in concentrated form. As I often find that people with Hashimoto’s report feeling worse rather than better after prescription chelation agents, I prefer to use cilantro to start. fte second important part of detoxification is adsorbing the toxins so they stick to the substance and are ushered to removal rather than roaming free within the body. Various substances are used for ad- sorbing toxins, such as chlorella, activated charcoal, and fiber as apple pectin or psyllium. I personally have preferred activated charcoal and psyllium husk fiber, as chlorella can be problematic for some with Hashimoto’s due to high iodine content and immune-modulating properties associated with seaweeds. fte following is a gentle protocol for heavy metals. fte duration of treatment will depend on the toxic load. • A psyllium mixture can help adsorb toxins from the gut and prevent their reabsorption by stimulating bile excretion. Psyl- lium has the added benefit of lowering cholesterol and blood sugar, preventing gallstone formation, and increasing colonic butyrate, which boosts good bacteria. Charcoal and psyllium should be used together, as psyllium can prevent charcoal- induced constipation. Add 1 teaspoon of psyllium husks to 8 oz. of water and mix. Drink mixture, and then follow with one more 8 oz. cup of water. Be sure to separate from food and other supplements by 2 hours. Utilize this mixture 1–3 times per day. • Activated charcoal can help clear toxins from the intestinal tract and appendix and prevents hepatic recycling of toxins. Start with 1 capsule of activated charcoal daily apart from meals (midday around 3: 00 to 4: 00 p. m. usually works best for most people), and then work your way up to 3 capsules. Be sure to supplement with magnesium citrate, as activated charcoal can deplete magnesium and lead to constipation and other symp- toms of magnesium deficiency. • Cilantro mobilizes toxins. Take 2 drops twice per day before meals (or 30 minutes after charcoal or psyllium mixture) for 1 week on, then 3 weeks off. May repeat for 1 week each month to move toxins out gradually and gently. • Apple pectin or rice bran fiber may also be used as sources of fiber that can help with clearing out toxins from the body. Take 7 to 10 g per day.
• Alpha-lipoic acid is a sulfur-containing supplement that can help reduce heavy metals and increase glutathione levels. Take 100 to 300 mg per day. (Avoid with CBS gene mutation. )
A note about fiber: Ideally, you will have cleared out any gut in- fections, especially SIBO, as you’re working on detoxification. Detox- ification protocols that contain fiber can aggravate SIBO, dysbiosis, and other types of gut imbalances. If you do have toxins in your body, it may also help to continue taking vitamin C, a multivitamin, betaine with pepsin (heavy metals deplete stomach acid), probiotics, magnesium, zinc, selenium, and NAC as you work on clearing them out of your body. Furthermore, you may also want to repeat the Fundamental Liver Support Protocol while detoxifying. It may also be helpful to ensure that your urine is alkaline, which can increase the elimination of toxins. A urine pH above 7 is recom- mended. If you find that your urine pH continues to be lower (or more acidic), you can try supplementing with magnesium to enhance alkali- zation. You can find pH sticks online to measure the pH of your urine.
Sulfur Sensitivity I have found that individuals with the CBS gene mutation are more likely to have sulfur sensitivity. Sulfur requires specific protocols to encourage elimination. In some cases, sulfur toxicity or sensitivity may be present in people with mercury toxicity, and some of my clients have reported this reaction after treatment with DMSA. Symp- toms of sulfur toxicity include skin rashes and reactions to sulfur-rich foods such as eggs and garlic. Sulfur ToxiciTy ProTocol • Follow a 2-week vegan diet cleanse (if tolerated). • Avoid sulfur-rich foods such as eggs, garlic, onions, and cruci- ferous vegetables for 4–8 weeks. • Supplement with butyrate, molybdenum, B12, L-carnitine, and thiamine to help to clear out excess sulfur for 4–8 weeks. • Avoid sulfur-containing supplements, including NAC, sele- nium, glutathione, and alpha-lipoic acid for 4–8 weeks.
Copper Toxicity Copper toxicity is a relatively common root cause for Hashimoto’s. Symptoms include fatigue, irritability, anxiety, emotional lability,
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