copper Detox Diet. Yes Foods. High in Zinc, Low in Copper. No Foods. High in Copper. mThFr muTATion proToCoL. Homocysteine Test Results Number of Capsules per Day
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 15 из 15 copper Detox Diet Yes Foods High in Zinc, Low in Copper Eggs Poultry Wild game Red meat Fish Vegetables Ginger Cinnamon Filtered water
Occasional (once a week) Pumpkin seeds Legumes Gluten-free grains
*Very high levels of copper No Foods High in Copper Organ meats like liver Shellfish Shrimp Lobster Crab Oysters* Plant proteins (beans, peas, soy) Nuts Seeds Mushrooms Chocolate* Avocados Brewer’s yeast Curry Black pepper Black tea Beer
hair turning reddish, acne, poor concentration, skin rashes, and poor wound healing. You might have been exposed to excess copper through water coming through old copper pipes, food, multivitamins, birth control pills, copper IUDs, and some dental procedures. Copper toxicity can also be a result of poor adrenal function or excess estrogen. ftese are ways to test for copper toxicity:
• Hair test: Elevated copper may show up directly or be hidden, where the copper looks normal but results show high calcium and low zinc-to-copper ratio, or high calcium and high mercury. • Blood test: Copper toxicity may show up as low alkaline phosphatase. • Genova Diagnostics Comprehensive Urine Element Profile provoked with DMPS/DMSA: ftis test will show elevations in copper.
Supporting the adrenals, balancing female hormones, taking sup- plements, and following a low-copper diet can be helpful in eliminat- ing copper toxicity. coPPer ToxiciTy ProTocol (liSTed in order of imPorTance) Please note, the duration of treatment will depend on the overall copper load.
• Copper-free multivitamin (Nutrient 950 from Pure Encapsula- tions): 6 per day • Zinc picolinate: 30–60 mg per day to displace copper • Molybdenum: 100–500 mcg per day to clear out copper from bloodstream • Manganese: 5–30 mg per day to displace copper • Vitamin C: 500–3, 000 mg per day to chelate copper • B6: 50–200 mg per day to aid with symptoms of copper toxicity • Alpha-lipoic acid: 50–150 mg per day to chelate copper • Evening primrose oil: 500 mg twice per day to improve zinc absorption
As copper toxicity often co-occurs with adrenal dysfunction, con- tinuing fish oils, NAC, magnesium, B complex, and adrenal support may also be wise if you have copper toxicity. Additionally, adding higher doses of evening primrose oil (2, 000 to 3, 000 mg per day) can help with symptoms including hair loss.
mThFr muTATion proToCoL Rootcology Methylation Support, Pure Encapsulations Homocysteine Factors, and Designs for Health Homocysteine Supreme are MTHFR sup- port supplements with activated B6 (as riboflavin-5’-phosphate), activated folate, and B12 as methylcobalamin and trimethylglycine. Homocysteine Test Results Number of Capsules per Day
< 6 μ mol/L1 6–9 μ mol/L2 9–15 μ mol/L3 9–15 μ mol/L5
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