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Summary writing. Now, get back to the text “what is political socialization? ” and write a Summary on it, also refer to ex. 2, which may help you to highlight the key ideas.


Summary is a short account of something that gives only the most important information and not all the details. Macmillan Dictionary

Summary writing requirements:

· Summary covers the original as a whole and provide a balanced coverage of the key ideas of the original text.

· Summary presents the material of the original in a neutral fashion.

· Summary presents the original in a condensed way and should be written in the author’s own words.


Summary writing steps:

Step 1 Read the original attentively for the first time to become familiar with the main idea of the author.

Step 2 Reread the original and mark the important points in the text: underline topic sentences and supporting arguments. Summary does not include details or examples.

Step 3 Organize the arguments you have collected in a logical way, think about linking devices that will make your piece of writing coherent.

Step 4 Write your summary, using the notes you have prepared.

Step 5 Read your summary, make sure that the key arguments are given in a concise logical way. Check the language of the summary.


The Format of Summary:

· The paragraph should be about 150 words

· Information should be presented in the formal style without the use of personal pronouns and colloquial expressions.

· You are not allowed to borrow sentences or expressions from the original.

· Open the paragraph with the introduction of the article (title, source, and author), present the key message, and then present the key arguments of the original.

Here you may use the following introductory expressions:

The article deals with/touches upon the issue of …

The article revolves around/ considers/looks into/presents the issue of…

The article analyzes the issue…

The author considers/ reflects on the subject/ issue of …

The author/article provides the analysis of…


Now, get back to the text “What is political socialization? ” and write a summary on it, also refer to ex. 2, which may help you to highlight the key ideas.


Watch the following video and do the assignments below.

https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=1ZTnRWbdszs

1. What does the speaker tell us about the role of the following agents in the     

process of political socialization:


· family

· school/education

· religion

· income

· race

· media

· gender

2. Watch the video again and complete the gaps.


Human beings are 1. _____________, they develop certain characteristics that are not 2. ________________ them. That doesn’t come to them 3. _____________evolution. We have created these institutions where politics 4. _______________who gets what when and how. Over time we 5. ____________ certain beliefs about those institutions and our beliefs about who gets what and how and it is called political socialization, our beliefs as an individual about the role of government in distribution and 6. ____________ of resources. So, every person has a 7. _____________ different view 8.  ___________ political socialization.

Family is very important, because you ‘re influenced by family members, you have the same beliefs that your parents 9. ______________ government politics. High school is definitely part of socialization, although it’s been found that high school government teachers don’t have an 10. __________ on people’s political beliefs, they do 11. ___________ certain and important civic values about civic duties and about the importance of voting and political 12. _____________. However, people’s political beliefs are pretty much 13. _______________ by the time they reach their senior year. Religions definitely have an opinion on how governments should care for persons or how influential or 14. ______________ it should be in people’s lives. Income is highly influential on people’s ideology or 15. ____________. Higher incomes 16. ____________ be more conservative.



Watch the following video and do the assignments below.

https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=lm5P0LFpZGo

 Watch the video and answer the following questions.

1. How do parents contribute to early political socialization of their children? To

what extent do they impose their political views on them?

2. How do parents try to make their children more politically engaged and increase  

their political participation?

3. How does school help to learn more about democratic institution in the US?

4. How does religion influence people’s political perspectives?

5. What impact do certain political events and life experiences have on people’s

political and professional perception?

6. To what extent do people’s political beliefs change in the course of life?

7. How can changes in people’s private lives alter their political beliefs?

8. How does the situation at workplace change a political stance?



Work in small groups and discuss the following questions.

1. Do you believe that people in your country have the power to make an impact on the political process?

2. What agents of political socialization had the most significant influence on your political views?

3. What is the first political event you were aware of? What did you think about what was going on? Who influenced how you thought about it?

4. How do members of your political generation feel about the government? How do your attitudes differ from those of your parents?

5. To what extent are people in your country politically engaged?



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