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7. Write a summary on both parts of jigsaw reading.

7. Write a summary on both parts of jigsaw reading.


Ten ways the media manipulate our opinions every day.

https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=V8A0Ji5Cl9I

1. Watch the video, complete the chart below, and then be ready to summarize the information.

Before watching focus on the meaning of the following words.


Retraction – a statement in which you say that something that you previously said or wrote is not true

Mediocre – average or below average in quality

The average Joe – an ordinary man

Scapegoat – someone who is blamed for something that is not their fault

Wiretap – listening to someone’s conversations secretly, using special equipment

Ways of manipulation Effects Examples
creating a diversion      
exaggerating problems      
putting out information gradually      
postponing big decisions      
being too kind      
more feelings less thinking      
keeping people uninformed      
promoting mediocre products      
making people feel guilty      
knowing more about people than they do about themselves      


2. Watch the video again and complete the gaps.

Noam Chomsky wrote about manipulation 1. _____________ used by the media, however since then, the media 2. have ______________ tremendously. Today we have many different media sources that 3. _____________ us, but the media isn’t always positive. If you don’t want the media to 4. _____________ you, then 5. _____________ the following ways the media manipulate our 6. ______________.

Creating a diversion is the media’s favorite strategy. You cannot notice the important stuff among an 7. __________________ bigger number of less important facts.

We do have choice when it comes to online media sources, you can easily 8. ____________ the information you want to receive in order to avoid the unimportant stuff.

Exaggerating a problem. Sometimes an9. ________________ or 10. _____________ problem causes incredibly serious 11. ____________ from society and that’s what the media wants from the audience: attention and discussion.

Putting out information gradually. In order to 12. ______________ a certain opinion you can publish materials on the topic bit by bit, the strategy used to 13. ________________ an image of a person a product or an event.

Postponing big decisions. The strategy used to 14. _____________ people to make hard or unpopular decisions the media can present them as painful but necessary but then they tell people that these decisions need to be made tomorrow not today. Being overly kind. Some advertisements use language, arguments and intonation that would better 15. ______________ speaking with children. It makes people be less critical, brands use the 16. _______________ form and they 17. _____________ your core feelings and impulses.

The tone of the media is 18. _______________, the 19. _______________ message is that they know more than we simpletons do.

More feeling, less thinking. News and emotions always go 20. ________________ and there is nothing good about it. Hyped up emotions don’t let you 21. _______________ facts critically and objectively because they22. ______________ the rational part of your mind.

Keeping people uninformed. The media and the government can 23. _________________ any society. This happens due to a lack of education. In the past 24. _________________ to information was very different for the elite versus the average Joe.

Promoting mediocre products. Today we have many shows, sitcoms, tabloids and so on. What would you rather watch after a hard day’s work: an analytical piece 25. __________________ the complexities of a current political system in some country or the Big Bang theory? However, serials and sitcoms are not always for 26. __________________ purposes, very often serve the purpose of 27. __________________ our attention from serious problems.

Making people feel guilty. The idea here is to make people 28. ________________ themselves for local and global problems. The only way to fight it is to stay objective even you’re 29. _____________ to something that makes you feel emotional.

Knowing more about the people than they do about themselves. Often media outlets resort to underhand methods to obtain sensational information. The British tabloid “News of the World” was caught 30. ________________ celebrities and politicians, which resulted in the closing of the tabloid.




Mass Media, Society and Culture.

https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=5RRyX9mI5Lw

Before you watch.

1. How do you understand the following notions?

Shared views, collective experience, social expectations, dominant ideology.

2. Focus on the meaning if the following words:

Tokenism – the practice of doing something in order to make people believe that you are being fare and including all types of people and issues when this is not really true.

A pilot – a TV programme that is broadcast to find out if people would enjoy a whole series.

A stand-in – someone or something that takes place of another person or thing for a short time.


Now watch the video and do the assignments below.

1. Answer the following questions.


1. How does the speaker define mass media? What types of media does she distinguish?

2. What is the role of the media according to a functionalist view?

3. How do the media bring people together?

4. How do media outlets reflect society’s social expectations?

5. What are the ways of promoting the consumer culture through media sources?

6. What does the conflict view focus on?

7. What does gatekeeping mean? What effect does it have on different media sources?

8. What is feminist theory’s understanding of the mass media?

9. How do the media influence the way we communicate with other people?


2. Watch the video again and complete the gaps in the sentences below.


1. We can look at the role of the media 1. _____________different sociological 2. _________________. One of the most important functions of mass media is to 3. _____________ entertainment. At the same time, media can also act as an agent of socialization and an 4. _________________ of social norms. It presents a 5. _______________ view of society.

2. Mass media also 6. _____________as a promoter of a 7. ____________ culture.

3. The conflict view 8. ______________ how the media reflects and 9. _____________ and may even 10. ______________ divisions that exist in society. Like divisions 11. _____________ race, ethnicity, gender or social class.

4. Gatekeeping describes the process by which a small number of people and corporations control what material 12. __________________.

5. There is little 13. ______________ control of what gets posted online.

6. The conflict theory describes how mass media often reflects the dominant ideology. Often stories 14. _______________ the views of certain minority groups are underrepresented. Because of this divide, 15. ________________ of minority groups can often be 16. __________________ or guided by unrealistic generalizations

7. The interaction perspective looks at mass media at the micro level to see how it 17. _______________ day-to-day behavior. It looks at how the mass media ________________ between solitary and group activities.


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