Questions to Student B. 4. What purpose does brainwashing serve? . How the media brainwash and polarize society
Questions to Student B 1. Why are media the sources of polarity and brainwashing? 2. Why does the audience easily believe media messages? 3. What is brainwashing? What effect does it produce on people? 4. What purpose does brainwashing serve? 5. What is the link between the media, political and business circles? 6. How do media outlets serve the interests of politicians? 7. Why is the viewership sometimes regarded as a victim to media lies? 8. How do media communicate messages to reduce the possibility of developing an alternative viewpoint on certain issues? 9. How do media sources provoke polarization of views? 10. How do the media keep the viewership engaged? 11. Why does the viewership turn into passive consumers of media messages? 12. How can people resist media propaganda?
STUDENT B 1. Read the following passage and get prepared to answer your groupmates’ questions on it. 2. Pick up useful topical vocabulary and share it with your groupmates.
The group: ask the questions to the passage and write down the answers. HOW THE MEDIA BRAINWASH AND POLARIZE SOCIETY 1. Mass Media are probably the top source of, fear, brainwashing and polarity in our societies. Channels and newspapers take sides as they serve the agendas of their owners and their controllers. They feed us and influence us with lies and superficial and empty statements. It’s any easy job because they know that still many of us are conditioned to believe that “if it’s on TV then it definitely true”. 2. Brainwashing (also known as mind control, menticide, coercive persuasion, thought control, thought reform, and re-education) is the concept that the human mind can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques. Brainwashing is said to reduce its subject’s ability to think critically or independently, to allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into the subject’s mind, as well as to change his or her attitudes, values, and beliefs. 3. The mass media are owned and controlled by large corporations. Large corporations maintain close relationships with political system. You scratch my back and I´ ll scratch yours, mentality develops between the political system, corporations and the media. 4. Journalists and politicians play the game together. Situations are presented as black or white. One side is portrayed as righteous and sensible while the others are just malevolent, stupid. Information that does not serve is ignored or hidden while that, which supports the agenda is amplified and repeated. 5. Unfortunately, most of us are victims to the media lies. We just have to look at social media. Many of us propagate what we just heard on the news or from a personality or a journalist. 6. So how do media networks polarize and brainwash us? It is easier to convey messages as absolute than to open long discussions, in which society can participate and reach a consensus. Dialogue and empathy are time consuming. Media networks serve specific agendas, so they prefer to present situations in a simple way and create dilemmas: “It’s this or the other. You cannot choose anything in between. ” The “black or white” approach is a powerful thought-stopping technique.
7. Most European media have caused a significant amount of polarity over immigration. It seems that the only available options are the two extremes. “Everyone is free to enter Europe; no questions asked” or “We don’t let anyone in and kick-out all foreigners already living in the country”. Unfortunately, many of us fall into this trap. In this brainwashed and polarized state, it’s hard to accept an alternative opinion or have an in-depth discussion. Therefore, we have the creation of stereotypes, and the segregation of people. Some will unconsciously reach to wrong conclusions “if he´ s not happy with the immigration situation he must be a racist”. 8. The media want to amplify every news item to keep the public engaged. It´ s all about viewership. The media are masters in making extravagant claims and interpretations. Media taps into our emotions, fears and insecurities to keep us engaged. Conditioned to believe the media, we buy into their exaggerated claims. 9. The media repeat the messages that serve them over and over again. After years of immersion in to this system, we unconsciously passively accept a world controlled by corporations. They dictate how we think what we eat and how to behave. 10. The media propaganda is blatantly obvious now and our attempts to understand situations by doing our own research and not taking everything we see on the major media for granted. It sometimes takes years of personal research to understand the media propaganda model and admit your ignorance. 11. Corporations controlling governments and the media don´ t want a population that is well educated and informed and capable of critical thinking. Voicing your opinion and communicating with others about this subject is the thing that you can do to raise awareness. It is important for people to become aware of the effects of the propaganda. https: //www. historydisclosure. com/
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