Questions to Student A. Now read both texts and compete the chart below. The effect of the media on the audience. Use the chart and summarize positive and negative effects of the media.
Questions to Student A. 1. What are the main functions of mass media? 2. What are the main types of reporting? How do they differ? 3. How do media sources affect public opinion? 4. What does inaccurate reporting mean? 5. Through what sources do the media influence public opinion? 6. What has changed in the media sphere since the beginning of the 21st century? 7. How do public leaders and the media influence the decisions, taken by the audience? 8. What role do the media play in national politics and in election campaigns? 9. How do the media reinforce the beliefs already held by people? 10. How do media outlets awake latent opinions? 11. What role do the media play in shaping election results? 12. How do media sources help those in need? Now read both texts and compete the chart below.
Use the chart and summarize positive and negative effects of the media. Language Work 1. Explain the following sentences from the text, paying special attention to word combinations in italics. STUDENT A 1. … allowing political leaders to have a public forum to share their ideas and to hold other journalists and public leaders accountable for their actions … para 1 2. Inaccurate reporting means that people have the wrong information about various issues and may make uneducated decisions. para 2 3. This is why, during election years, politicians spend an enormous amount of money on commercials, hoping to shape public opinion positively in their favor. para 6 4. They may know that there is suffering but the full extent is revealed to them only through mass media sources. para 7
STUDENT B 1. It’s any easy job because they know that still many of us are conditioned to believe that “if it’s on TV then it definitely true”. para 1 2. …to allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into the subject’s mind... para 2 3. You scratch my back and I´ ll scratch yours para 3 4. Journalists and politicians play the game together. para 4 5. It seems that the only available options are the two extremes. para 7
6. The media are masters in making extravagant claims and interpretations. para 8 7. Conditioned to believe the media, we buy into their exaggerated claims. para 8 2. Find the synonyms for the following words and expression in the text and give the context in which they are used in the text. STUDENT A 1. start to think that something is normal or natural (phrase) para 1 2. spread (v) para 1 3. different (adj) para 2 4. form, influence (v) para 3 5. present everywhere (adj) para 6 6. firmly, definitely (adv) para 4 7. change (v) para 6 8. show, disclose (v) para 7
1. not complete or thorough (adj) para 1 2. reasonable, practical (adj) para 4 3. thorough, detailed (adj) para 7 4. obviously, clearly (adv) para 10 5. lack of knowledge (n) para 10 6. know (v) para 10
2. Find in the text words and expressions that match the following definitions
STUDENT A 1. concentrate on something (v) para 1 2. responsible for (adj) para 1 3. made, done or said for a particular purpose (phrase ) para 3 4. make someone learn or experience something new (v) para 3 5. cause someone to do a particular thing (v) para 2 6. make something stronger, likely to continue (v) para 4 7. watch or listen to a particular broadcast (v) para 4 8. existing but not obvious (adj) para 5 9. send out programs to be received by TV (v) para5
1. show or describe something in a particular way (v) para 4 2. morally good or correct according to certain standards (adj) para4righteous 3. showing that you want to do something bad to someone (adj) para 4 4. spread ideas, beliefs (v) para 5 5. keeping people from different groups separate (n) para 7 6. the total number of people who watch a particular TV channel (n) para 8 7. the process of involving someone into something (n) para 9
3. Find in the text the equivalents of the following words and expressions. STUDENT A 1. информировать общественность о последних событиях para 1 2. делиться идеями para 1 3. влиять на общественное мнение para 2 4. СМИ влияют на общественное мнение, так как они распространяют информацию о… para 2 5. люди имеют ошибочную информацию по различным вопросам para 2 6. иметь доступ к сообщениям в СМИ para 2 7. делать сообщение по какому-нибудь вопросу para 2 8. СМИ стремятся быть информативными para 3 9. Познакомиться с кандидатом и его политической платформой para 3 familiarize 10. мнение, не имеющее под собой твердой основы para 4 11. укрепить сложившиеся убеждения para 4 12. собирать/находить денежные средства para 7 STUDENT B 1. СМИ являются главным источником para 1 2. новостные каналы и газеты занимают чью-либо сторону para 1
3. служить интересам своих владельцев para 1 4. понизить способность мыслить критически и независимо para 2 5. СМИ являются собственностью и контролируются большими корпорациями para 3 6. поддерживать тесные связи с para 3 7. одна сторона преподносится как … para 4 8. участвовать в дискуссии и достигать консенсуса para 6 9. приводит к полярности взглядов по поводу …para 7 10. принять альтернативное мнение para 7 11. придать значимость новостным сообщениям, чтобы сохранить интерес аудитории para 8
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