A. Plasma cells and lymphocytes cells
A. Plasma cells and lymphocytes cells B. Fibroblasts and mast cells C. Adipose cells and adventitial D. Macrophages and fibroblasts E. Pigment cells and pericytes
23. The patient with complaints of рain in eyes, which have arisen after duration stay of the patient in a field during dust burs, converted to the ophthalmologist. The doctor has established the surface damages of a cornea epithelium. What cells will provide regeneration of the defective epithelium? A. Cells stratum basale B. Cells of a stratum corneum C. Cells of a stratum granulosum D. Cells of a stratum lucidum E. Superficial cells
24. The inner envelope of the blood and lymph vessels lines an epithelium. Name it. A. An endothelium B. Stratified squamous epithelium C. Simple squamous epithelium D. Epidermis E. Transitional epithelium
25. The patient with complaints to a pain in a thoracic cavity at respiration converted to the doctor. After survey there were detected modifications of an epithelium of a pleura. What epithelium has tested modifications? A. Simple squamous B. Simple columnar ciliated C. Simple cuboidal D. Simple columnar E. Stratified columnar
26. Under action of radiation cells of a basal layer of an epidermis have suffered. What function of the last will weaken or will be breaked first? A. Regenerative B. Absorptive C. Protective D. Barrier E. Secretory
27. In experiment the significant amount of stem cells of bone marrow definitely eroded. Regeneration of what population of cells in composition of loose connective tissue will be inhibited? A. Macrophages B. Fibroblasts C. Pigment cells D. Adipocytes E. Pericytes
28. The initial state of an inflammation - alterative is characterized by dilating of blood capillaries on a field of damage, decrease of a circulation, a raise of a permeability of a wall of vessels. To what from the cells given below, the leading role in inflammatory response is necessary? A. To mast cells B. To fibroblasts C. To plasma cels D. To eosinophils E. To macrophages
29. On a histology microslide in a loose connective tissue big cells filled by basophilic metachromatic granules are found. Histochemically it fixed, that granules contain heparin and histamin. What cells are most probably found in a microslide? A. Mast cells B. Fibroblasts C. Plasma cells D. Macrophages E. Аdipose cells
30. After the transferred chemical injury of an esophagus there has occurred its local narrowing owing to formation of collagen cicatrix. What cells of a loose connective tissue share in formation of cicatrices? A. The mature active fibroblasts B. Inactive fibroblasts C. Fibrocytes D. Мyofibroblasts E. Adipose cells
31. At injection to the patient of a proteinaceous drug the amount of plasma cells, which produce specific antibodies on the given antigen, increases. Due to what blood cells there is an augmentation of an amount of plasma cells?
A. B cells B. T-suppressor cells C. Т-killers D. T-helper cells E. В-memory cells
32. The leading part in shaping a vascular phase of an inflammation is played with histamine. What cell of loose connective tissue produce histamine? A. Mast cell B. A fibroblast C. A plasma cells D. A fibrocyte E. A macrophage
33. At a wound repair on the defective field of penetrating layers of a skin occurs granular tissue. What cells are discovered after wound and produce granular tissue? A. Myofibroblasts B. Fibrocytes C. Plasma cells D. Macrophages E. Adipose cells
34. After wound of an extremity the woman had bleeding which is accompanied by time-lagged coagulation of a blood (at a normal amount of platelets in analysis of a blood). What substance of loose connective tissue hinders with process of blood coagulation? What cell is it produced by? A. Heparin, mast cells B. Histamin, mast cells C. Heparin, macrophage D. Heparin, plasma cells E. Heparin, fibroblast
35. After a wound repair on its place the cicatrix has formed. What substance is the basic ingredient of this type of a connective tissue? A. Collagen B. Keratan sulfate C. Elastin D. Hyaluronic acid E. Chondroitin sulfate
36. At an endochondral bone formation of tubular bones between epiphysis and diaphysis centers of an ossification form a plate, which further ensures body height of bones in length. How this plate is named? A. Epiphyseal plate B. Bone lamellae C. Subperiosteal bone collar D. An osteon E. Inner circumferential lamellar
37. Owing to chondrodystrophia (anomaly of development of a cartilage) has been damaged a fibrocartilage. In what organ is possible to observe pathological modifications? A. In intervertebral disks B. In a trachea C. In a larynx D. On articulate surfaces E. In an auricle
38. At the patient with a permanent injury of the upper extremity breaking processes of regeneration of a cartilage owing to damage of chondrogenic cells is observed. What cells have tested damage? A. Cells of inner cellular layer of perichondrium B. Cells of an upper layer of perichondrium C. Cells in isogenous droups D. Cells of region of a young cartilage E. Cells which enter from blood vessels
39. It is offered to the student two microslides. On first - an elastic cartilage (stained by orsein), on second - hyaline (stained by hematoxylin - eosine). To what features of them it is possible to distinguish. A. On presence of elastic fibers B. On presence of isogenic groups of cells C. On presence of region a young cartilage D. On presence of perichondrium E. On presence of an extracellular matrix
40. At people of advanced age it is observed exuberant losses of mass of an osteal tissue that reflects development of an osteoporosis. Activation of what cells of bone tissue causes development of the given disease? A. Osteoclasts B. Osteoblasts C. Macrophages D. Mast cells E. Osteocytes
41. At the laboratory experiment the leukocyte culture was mixed with staphylococci. Neutrophil leukocytes engulfed and digested bacterial cells. This process are termed:
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