A. Phagocytosis. A. Eosinophils, band neutrophils. A. Mucous tissue. A. To produce heat. A. Integrins. A. Interstitial growth of cartilage cells in the epiphysial plate
A. Phagocytosis B. Facilitated diffusion C. Pinocytosis D. Osmosis E. Diffusion
42. In a patient after transplantation of the foreign kidney rejection of the transplated organ developed. What main effecter cells participate in this reaction at first? A. T-killers (T-cytotoxic) B. plasma cells C. T-lymphocytes –supressors D. B-cells E Fibroblasts
43. Examination of a patient who was subjected to X-ray irradiation revealed injury of the splenic white pulp. What cells of the white pulp undergo to this pathological change at first? A. Lymphocytes B. Basophils C. Neutrophils D. Mast cells E. Red blood cells
44. The child’s scratch, which had been caused by light skin’s trauma, disappeared after 10 days. What skin layer provided for reparative regeneration? A. Stratum basale; B. Stratum spinosum; C. Stratum granulosum; D. Stratum corneum; E. Stratum brilliantum.
45. After two months of appendectomy the patient again has arrived in surgical department with the diagnosis: «The intestinal obstruction, an adhesive disease». During operation, damage of what epithelium covering a peritoneum has reduced in development of adhesive disease. A. Mesothelium B. Endothelium C. Transitional epithelium D. Simple columnar epithelium E. Simple cuboidal epithelium
46. An experimental animal was undergone by overdoses of X-rays. Due to this total destruction of CFU-GM cells in bone marrow took place. Further development of what blood formed elements will be happen in this case normally? A. Erythrocytes B. Monocytes C. Eosinophils D. Basophils E. Neutrophils
47. Differentiation of cells within some type of hematopoiesis is accompanied by a nucleus extrusion. What cell type is characterized by such morphologic changes? A. Orthochromatophilic erythroblast (normoblast) B. Polychromatophilic erythroblast C. Basophilic erythroblast D. Monoblast E. Megakaryoblast
48. Blood analysis of a healthy adult man revealed 3% of some blood formed elements. What formed elements have this characteristic? A. Eosinophils, band neutrophils B. Band neutrophils, lymphocytes C. Eosinophils, lymphocytes D. Eosinophils, mature neutrophils E. Lymphocytes, monocytes
49. After invasion of bacteria into wounded surface of skin they were destroyed by receptor mediated phagocytosis. What formed blood elements participate in this protective reaction? A. Neutrophils B. Basophils C. Eosinophils D. Lymphocytes E. Platelets
50. After overdoses of g-rays destruction of B-lymphocytes in human hematopoietic organs happens. Reduction of what blood plasma substances will be observes in this case. A. Immunoglobulins (antibodies) B. Albumins C. Cholesterol D. Glucose E. Fibrinogen
51. A patient with leucosis has disturbance of some type of hematopoiesis. This type has next characteristic: antigen independent and antigen dependent phases, blastic transformation, clonal expansion, recirculation. What type of hematopoiesis has enumerated features?
A. Lymphocytopoiesis B. Granulopoiesis C. Erythropoiesis D. Monopoiesis E. Thrombopoiesis
52. A patient suffers from epithelial tumor of the right extrapulmonary bronchus. What morphologic type of epithelium gave rise to tumor? A. Simple columnar pseudostratified B. Simple squamous C. Simple cuboidal D. Stratified squamous nonkeratinized E. Transitional
53. Compression of umbilical cord took place. However, blood circulation between fetus and maternal organism happened normally. What morphologic components of the umbilical cord promoted to this? A. Mucous tissue B. Allantois residue C. Tunic of umbilical arteries D. Tunic of umbilical vein Е Yolk sac residue
54. The primary function of brown adipose tissue is A. To produce heat B. To store unilocular energy C. To produce hormones D. To mobilize lipid for export as fatty acids E. To initiate the shivering-induced mobilization of lipids
55. The extra cellular matrix and the cytoskeleton communicate across the cell membrane through A. Integrins B. Proteoglycans C. Microtubules D. Hyaluronic acid E. Microfilaments
56. After birth, growth in the length of long bones occurs primarily through A. Interstitial growth of cartilage cells in the epiphysial plate B. Increased bone deposition under the periosteum C. The action of osteoblasts in the primary ossification center D. The action of osteoblasts in the secondary ossification center E. Appositional grows from the periphery
57. The microscopic examination of wound lavage of a patient with acute wound process of his shin revealed big contents of irregular extended-formed cells, with tough nucleus, the basophilic cytoplasm of which includes many Lysosomes, phagosomes and pinocytotic bubbles. What cells are found out in the wound? F. Connective tissue macrophages G. Fibroblasts H. Plasma cells I. Mast cells J. Fibrocytes
58. Blood sampling for bulk analysis is recommended to be performed on an empty stomach and in the morning. What changes in blood count can occur if to perform blood sampling after food intake?
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