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A. Increased contents of leukocytes

A. Increased contents of leukocytes

B. Reduced contents of erythrocytes

C. Increased contents of erythrocytes

D. Reduced contents of thrombocytes

E. Increased plasma proteins


59. After the radioactive exposure, a patient has haematopoietic stem cells disorder. The regeneration of what cells of loose connective tissue will be damaged?

F. Macrophages

G. Fibroblasts

H. Adipose cells

I. Pericytes

J. Pigment cells



60. The neonatal child has a disorder of a thymus gland. What type of a hemopoiesis will be disturbed?  

1. Lymphopoiesis

2. Monocytopoiesis

3. An erythrogenesis

4. Granulocytopoiesis

5. Platelet formation


61. An experimental animal was undergone by overdoses of X-rays. Due to this total destruction of CFU-GM cells in bone marrow took place. Further development of what blood formed elements will be happening in this case normally.

1. Erythrocytes

2. Monocytes

3. Eosinophils

4. Basophils

5. Neutrophils


62. Differentiation of cells within some type of hematopoiesis is accompanied by a nucleus extrusion. What cell type is characterized by such morphologic changes?

1. Orthochromatophilic erythroblast (normoblast)

2. Polychromatophilic erythroblast

3. Basophilic erythroblast

4. Monoblast

5. Megakaryoblast


63. Blood analysis of a healthy adult man revealed 3% of some blood formed elements. What formed elements have this characteristic?

1. Eosinophils, band neutrophils

2. Band neutrophils, lymphocytes

3. Eosinophils, lymphocytes

4. Eosinophils, mature neutrophils

5. Lymphocytes, monocytes


64. After invasion of bacteria into wounded surface of skin they were destroyed by receptor mediated phagocytosis. What formed blood elements participate in this protective reaction?

1. Neutrophils

2. Basophils

3. Eosinophils

4. Lymphocytes

5. Platelets



65. A patient complains of pain in the abdomen. It is determined that the pain was a result of large substances passing between cells that line the intestinal lumen directly into the underlying connective tissue. Which of the following types of junctions were absent or not completely functional?

A. Zonulae occludens

B. Maculae adherens

C. Zonulae adherens

D. Gap junctions

E. Hemidesmosome


66. Junctions are essential in maintaining the close association of the cells within the epidermis. Which of the following junctions in maintaining cell adherence in all layers of the epidermis?

a. Maculae adherens

b. Gap junctions

c. Hemidesmosome

d. Zonulae adherens

e. Zonulae occludens


67. Which of the following proteins aids in maintaining the close association of the cells of the epidermis of the skin

a. Intermediate filaments

b. Occludins

c. Cadherins

d. Vinculin

e. Collagen


68. Simple squamous epithelium is prevalent throughout the body and organ systems, which of the following is a primary function of this type of epithelium.

a. Lubrication

b. Secretion

c. Adsorption

d. Protection

e. Excretion


69. A biopsy of the urinary bladder is done in a patient who has complained of lower abdominal pain. In the pathologist’s report, the luminal epithelium is described as normal. What type of epithelium did the pathologist observe?

a. Transitional epithelium Stratified squamous epithelium

b. Simple squamous nonkeratinized epithelium

c. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

d. Simple columnar epithelium


70. Microvilli are essential components of epithelial cells of the small intestine. Which of the following functions would be defective resulting from a lack of microvilli on epithelia?

a. Absorption

b. Stretching

c. Movement

d. Protection

e. Secretion


71. The layer of cells that lines the outer surface of the lungs can be irritated by inhaled asbestos particles. These cells can become cancerous and lethal. Which of the following is the cell layer being described?

a. Simple squamous mesothelium

b. Simple squamous endothelium

c. Transitional epithelium

d. Simple cuboidal epithelium

e. Simple columnar epithelium


72.  Which of the following is a characteristic typical of simple layers of epithelia?

a. All the cells rest on a basal lamina

b. All the cells cover surface of the skin

c. All the cells function to prevent abrasion

d. All the cells are joined by synapses

e. All the cells have flagella


73. Macrophages would be the most abundant in which of the following tissues?

a. Loose connective tissue

b. Dense regular connective tissue

c. Brown adipose tissue

d. Dense irregular connective tissue

e. Embryonic tissue


74. What type of epithelium normally lines the lumen of the trachea?

a. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

b. Stratified columnar epithelium

c. Transitional epithelium

d. Simple squamous epithelium

e. Simple columnar epithelium


75. A pathologist is examining a tissue section with an electron microscope. He notices immune cells in connective tissue that have a prominent Golgi apparatus and a nucleus with heterochromatin arranged in a spoke wheel fashion. Which of the following cell types is being observed?


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