A. Protoplasmic astrocytes . a. Myosin filaments. a. Z line. a. Intercalated disks. a. Release of calcium ions by sarcoplasmic reticulum
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 8 из 8 A. Protoplasmic astrocytes B. Oligodendrocytes C. Microglia D. Fibrous astrocytes E. Ependymal cells
129. In skeletal muscle fibers, which of the following would exhibit ATPase activity? a. Myosin filaments b. Actin filaments c. Troponin d. T-tubule system e. Tropomyosin
130. Dense bodies within smooth muscle fibers most closely associate with which of the following components of skeletal muscle? a. Z line b. A band c. I band d. H band e. M line
131. Which of the following best characterizes a cardiac muscle fiber? a. Intercalated disks b. Multiple nuclei c. Lack of striations d. Spindle shaped fiber e. Myoneural junctions
132. Which of the following events occur during the process of contraction of skeletal muscle? a. Release of calcium ions by sarcoplasmic reticulum b. Calcium ions bind to tropomyosin c. Actin filaments shorten d. Z line disappears e. Sarcomeres lengthen
133. Which of the following best characterizes smooth muscle fibers? a. Caveolae as the calcium ion binding vesicals b. Regularly arranged actin and myosin myofilaments c. Multiple, peripheral nuclei d. Extensive myoneural junctions e. Extensive sarcoplasmic reticulum
134. Which of the following regions contains the Z line in skeletal muscle? a. I band b. H band c. A band d. M band e. At the junction of the A band and I band
135. Which of the following molecules is found within the groove created by actin filaments? a. Tropomyosin b. Troponin I c. Myosin d. Dystrophin e. Alpha Actinin
136. What is the function of the T tubule system in skeletal muscle? a. Regulates Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum b. Stores Ca2+ c. Provides channel for Ca2+ movement with muscle d. Wraps individual muscle fibers to form a fascicle e. Site of attachment of actin filaments
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