6. Read and translate into Russian the following words paying
6. Read and translate into Russian the following words paying attention to the suffixes and prefixes in word-building: locate -location happen - happening signify - significant – significance burglar - burglary - burglarize larceny – larcenous murder - murderer - murderess care - careful- careless reconstruct - reconstruction – reconstructor urgent - urgency operate - operation - operational- operator - operative participate - participant - participation - participle value - valuable identify - identification enter - entrance distinct - distinction – distinctive appear - appearance behave - behaviour – behaviourist strange - stranger success - successful negative - negation – negativism nature - natural conclude – conclusion apprehend - apprehension detain - detention apprehend - apprehension tie seize - seizure
7. Look through the following synonyms and antonyms. Translate into Russian. action – operation interview – questioning investigation - inquiry distinction – difference general – common object - thing obtain - get apprehension - detention, seizure protection – defence process - procedure significant - essential, important homicide - murder, killing, manslaughter, assassination observation - examination, search, inspection, survey necessary - inrtispensable, urgent Antonyms. object – subject absent – preseat general - special (re) construct – destroy negative - positive note - overlook mind - forget
8. Take the English-Russian dictionary and look up for the verb " do". Read all the information about it. Pay attention to: 1) different meanings of the verb; 2) its different functions; 3) special expressions with it.
9. Situation: You are an instructor of a police academy. Ask your police cadets to answer your questions on the topic " Observation of a Crime Scene". l. What is a crime scene? 2. What are the most common types of crime? 3. What is a crime scene search? 4. What actions of the investigator does it consist of? 5. What questions should an investigator answer during the crime scene search. 6. What does an experienced investigator manage to do after a careful study of the crime scene? 7. What stages does the process of crime scene search usually include? 8. What problems does the investigator (or the patrol officer) solve during the preliminary stage? 9. What problems does the investigator solve at the stage of general observation? 10. What questions does he usually try to answer at the stage of detailed examination? 11. Do the answers to those questions help the investigator to build a hypothesis of the crime commission? 12. What does the investigator do at the final part of observation?
Text 2 1. Translate these words and word combinations:
Crime scene investigation tedious process physical evidence investigative approach windowpane victim's jacket terrible smell perpetrator trace evidence preserve the evidence reconstruct the crime
2. Read and translate the text: Crime scene investigation is the meeting point of science, logic and law. " Processing a crime scene" is a long, tedious process that involves purposeful documentation of the conditions at the scene and the collection of any physical evidence that could possibly illuminate what happened and point to who did it. There is no typical crime scene, there is no typical body of evidence and there is no typical investigative approach. At any given crime scene, a CSI might collect dried blood from a windowpane -- without letting his arm brush the glass in case there are any latent fingerprints there, lift hair off a victim's jacket using tweezers so he doesn't disturb the fabric enough to shake off any of the white powder (which may or may not be cocaine) in the folds of the sleeve, and use a sledge hammer to break through a wall that seems to be the point of origin for a terrible smell. All the while, the physical evidence itself is only part of the equation. The ultimate goal is the conviction of the perpetrator of the crime. So while the CSI scrapes off the dried blood without smearing any prints, lifts several hairs without disturbing any trace evidence and smashes through a wall in the living room, he's considering all of the necessary steps to preserve the evidence in its current form, what the lab can do with this evidence in order to reconstruct the crime or identify the criminal, and the legal issues involved in making sure this evidence is admissible in court.
3. Answer the following questions: a) What is the crime scene investigation? b) Is the physical evidence itself only part of the equation? c) What are the duties of crime scene investigation? 4. These sentences are not true. Correct them: a) There is typical crime scene, there is typical body of evidence. b) The ultimate goal is the conviction of the victim of the crime. c) The physical evidence itself is only part of the reconstruction the crime.
5. Complete the following sentences: a) Crime scene investigation is... b) ... " Processing a crime scene" is... c) А СSI might collect dried blood from... 6. Give English equivalents for: осмотр места преступления вещественные доказательства ужасный запах воссоздать преступление суд правонарушитель типичное место преступления
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