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forensic science. b)What is called forensic science?

Text 3

1. Translate these words and word-combinations:

police officers


visual examination

drawing sketches

documentation stage


area of expertise

2. Read and translate the text:

The investigation of a crime scene begins when the CSI unit receives a call from the police officers or detectives on the scene. The overall system works something like this:

The CSI arrives on the scene and makes sure it is secure. She does an initial walk­through to get an overall feel for the crime scene, finds out if anyone moved anything before she arrived, and generates initial theories based on visual examination. She makes note of potential evidence. At this point, she touches nothing.

The CSI thoroughly documents the scene by taking photographs and drawing sketches during a second walk-through. Sometimes, the documentation stage includes a video walk-through, as well. She documents the scene as a whole and documents anything she has identified as evidence. She still touches nothing.

Now it's time to touch stuff— very, very carefully. The CSI systematically makes her way through the scene collecting all potential evidence, tagging it, logging it and packaging it so it remains intact on its way to the lab. Depending on the task breakdown of the CSI unit she works for and her areas of expertise, she may or may not analyze the evidence in the lab.

The crime lab processes all of the evidence the CSI collected at the crime scene. When the lab results are in, they go to the lead detective on the case.

3. Answer the following questions:

a) When does the investigation of a crime scene begin?

b) How does the overall system work?

c) Does CSI thoroughly documents the scene by taking photographs and

drawing sketches?

4. These sentences are not true. Correct them:

a) The CSI arrives on the police agency and makes sure it is secure.

b) The CSI documents the scene by interviewing a witness.

c) The crime lab processes all of the CSI collected at the police agency.

5. Complete the following sentences:

a) The investigation of a crime scene …

b) The CSI thoroughly documents the scene by …

c) Depending on the task breakdown of the CSI unit …

6. Give English equivalents for:



оперативный работник

прибыть на место происшествия


рисовать наброски

упаковывать вещественные доказательства

анализ вещественных доказательств


Text 4

1. Translate these words and word  combinations:

forensic science

collect the evidence

forensic lab

crime scene responder

to be submitted



questioned documents

to collect the gun


2. Read and translate the text:

Every CSI unit handles the division between field work and lab work differently. What goes on at the crime scene is called crime scene investigation (or crime scene analysis), and what goes on in the laboratory is called forensic science. Not all CSIs are forensic scientists. Some CSIs only work in the field -- they collect the evidence and then pass it to the forensics lab. In this case, the CSI must still possess a good understanding of forensic science in order to recognize the specific value of various types of evidence in the field. But in many cases, these jobs overlap.

Joe Clayton is a primary crime scene responder at the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI). He has 14 years of field experience and also is an expert in certain areas of forensic science. As Clayton explains, his role in laboratory analysi­s varies according to the type of evidence he brings back from the crime scene:

Depending on what scientific examinations are needed or requested, I may be involved in the actual " bench work" once the evidence is submitted to the laboratory. I have expertise in blood pattern identification (blood spatter), trajectory determination, serology (blood and body fluids), and photography. I also have knowledge in many other areas (firearms, fingerprints, questioned documents... ) that may assist me at the scene. As a primary crime scene responder at the CBI, my role at the scene may involve one or more of my particular disciplines. While I would not do a functionality test on a firearm here at the laboratory, my role at the crime scene would be to collect the gun and understand its potential evidentiary significance.

3. Answer the following questions:

a) What is called crime scene investigation?

b)What is called forensic science?

c) Where do some CSIs only work and what do they do there?


4. These sentences are not true. Correct them:

a) Joe Clayton is a detective at the Colorado Bureau of Investigation.

b) My role at the scene may not involve one or more of may particular disciplines.

c) My role at the crime scene would be to make pictures.


5. Complete the following sentences:

a) Every CSI unit handles …

b) Joe Clayton is …

c) Depending on what scientific examinations …

6. Give English equivalents for:

иметь дело с

собирать вещественные доказательства

установить понимание с

научная экспертиза

отпечатки пальцев




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