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4. These sentences are not true. Correct them.

4. These sentences are not true. Correct them.

a) There are formal training programs for private investigators of detectives.

b) According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 56% of private investigators and detectives earn Bachelor’s degree.

c) Financial Investigators Should not expect to require related degree for their work.


5. Complete the following sentences:

a) There are currently…

b) An Associate’s Degree or a Bachelor’s Degree…

c) Crime Scene Investigators who work…


6. Give English equivalents for:


богатый опыт

потенциальный абитуриент

степень бакалавра


квалифицированные специалисты

требовать удостоверение

большинство штатов

Text 6

1. Translate these words and word-combinations:

private investigator career





missing person


legal records

irreqular hours

interpersonal skill

handle confrontation


2. Read and translate the text:

Private Investigator Career

Private Investigators typically work either for the public or the criminal justice system to investigate a variety of different crimes, or to ascertain the facts of a case that is not crime-related. The job description of the Private Investigator varies according to the specific needs of their clients. A case may involve carrying out background checks, making phone calls, meeting with people involved in the case, carrying out surveillance, locating missing persons, documenting evidence of a crime, and searching public legal records and databases.

Due to the nature of their work, Private Investigators often work irregular hours, and may work early in the morning or late at night, on weekends or on public holidays. They may work both in an office and outside it, depending on the nature of the case they are working on.

A career as a Private Investigator requires certain personal qualities more than it does education or qualifications. They should be able to think and react quickly in unexpected situations, have good communication and interpersonal skills, and should be able to handle confrontation and difficult situations without undue stress. In addition, a Private Investigator should also be able to focus on the details of a case and still be able to see the big picture, and should be able to think analytically and make connections between details that might seem irrelevant at first glance.


3. Answer the following questions:

a) What do private investigators typically work for?

b) At what hours do private investigators often work?

c) Should the private investigator be able to think analytically and make connections between details’ of the case?


4. These sentences are not true. Correct them:

a) Private investigators often work regular hours and may work only on weekends?

b) A career as a Private Investigator doesn’t require certain personal qualities.

c) A victim should be able to think and react quickly in unexpected situations.


5. Complete the following sentences:

a) A case may involves….

b) Due to the nature of their work…..

c) A Private Investigator should…..


6. Give English equivalents for:

пропавший без вести человек

навыки общения

юридические записи

правовые записи

нерабочее время


основные данные

неожиданная ситуация

проводить связь между

на первый взгляд


Text 7

1. Translate these words and word combinations:





involve crime                            

merger partner                        




recover damage




to be detai-oriented


2. Read and translate the text:

Financial Investigator Career

Like Private Investigators, Financial Investigators may work as freelancers and be hired by members of the public, by a company, or by police or attorneys in the criminal justice system. However, Financial Investigators may also work full-time or part-time within the police force, or they may work in a role that does not involve crime at all.

A Financial Investigator who works for companies might be hired to investigate the financial profile of a company or individual that may be a potential merger partner or acquisition. When working with the police, they may investigate people or companies for evidence of fraud or embezzlement, or to recover damages awarded by a court.

The Financial Investigator should be well-educated in accounting, book­keeping, auditing and other financial fields. They should also have excellent analytical and observation skills, and be highly detail-oriented.


3.  Answer the following questions:

a) May financial investigator work as freelancers and be here’d by members of the public?

b) What are the main duties of financial investigators?

c) What are the main abilities of financial investigators?



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