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Q: Приходит ли сейчас на ваши встречи больше людей, и к каким выводам о социально-политическом климате в стране вы приходите после этих встреч?

Q: Приходит ли сейчас на ваши встречи больше людей, и к каким выводам о социально-политическом климате в стране вы приходите после этих встреч?

A: I’m seeing larger audiences everywhere. There’s the official story about 9/11: “They the evildoers hate us. ” Why? Because, as Bush said yesterday, “We are the greatest nation on the face of the earth. ” This is an explanation? That may or may not be true, I leave that to the audience to decide, but there has to be something more of substance that causes people to have hostility and antipa­thy toward the United States. So people are asking questions — they don’t know necessarily what the answer is — but the official story is just too shallow. They hate us because of our values? Because of who we are? Because: We’re the beacon of democracy — another Bush quote. That’s a propagandistic state­ment; it is not a term of description. If the United States was the beacon of de­mocracy, it would be fostering democracy in states that are allied to it. But that’s not the case at all. The United States, in the case of Pakistan, supported a mili­tary dictatorship and in the case of Uzbekistan, the United States supported a Stalinist hack — Karimov, who has simply pulled down the red flag and put up his own.

So “beacon of democracy” is not a term of description, it’s a term of propa­ganda, just like, “The axis of evil, ” and “United we stand. ” Even “The war on terrorism” is another propagandistic term.

Q: Почему СМИ столь доверчивы? Почему они поддерживают во­енную кампанию Буша?

A: The use of the passive voice in journalism excludes agency and obfus­cates responsibility. The headlines: “People in Afghanistan were killed” “Lives were lost” “Children starved” are all passive constructions — there’s no agency. The active voice is absolutely critical in writing journalism. You see mainstream newspapers replete with high, unnamed sources, high government officials — back grounders — that leak information to gullible journalists who in turn feel flattered that, say, the Secretary of State has given him a tip. The tradeoff is that the journalist won’t reveal the source, and this is the whole structure of seduction.

Q: Почему столь легковерна пресса? Почему она вновь и вновь перепечатывает официальную версию событий?

А: 1 think that has to go with a system of indoctrination that induces self­censorship. So we don't have a Nazi ministry of propaganda coming down and blue-lining newspaper copy. They don’t have to do that because the writers know the parameters they can operate within. And if they have a consistent and proven track-record of obedience — not breaking out of those boundaries — their ca­reers are secure. They will go up the chain, win Pulitzer prizes, become White House correspondents or network news anchors. It's very subtle, I mean, Chomsky writes about manufactured consent.

Q: Что можно сделать, чтобы изменить лицо сегодняшних СМИ?

A: If you monitor TV talk shows, and 1 hate to call them talk shows, they’re really shout shows, but if you monitor them, you’ll find the same golden Rolo­dex of pundits are recycled on all of these programs. In response to that, young people, in particular, are taking up the call and they are becoming the media. They are taking up the Dead Kennedys, Jello Biafra’s call: Stop whining, stop complaining — become the media. You see, if you’re constantly gloom and doom and things are bad, comrade — it’s the worst thing to do. It’s not exactly an in­vitation of any age group to become active; you’re actually dis-empowcring people. But by becoming the media, by creating genuine alternatives, it’s a very positive, therapeutic and psychological step forward. It’s a very salutary activity to produce alternatives rather than just whine and moan about it — that gets old.

Q: Считаете ли вы, что сегодня возрастает потребность, в частно­сти, в альтернативных новостях или в Альтернативном Радио?

A: Yes. There are resources out there that can be tapped into. I’m not say­ing I’m the Fountain of truth. Alternative media exists. What Alternative Radio provides is independent, non-corporate information, non-state generated and filtered-through-corporate-media information, that’s what I present. It’s unal­loyed, unambiguous information that's presented in an hour-format, which has basically disappeared from all media. Where can you hear someone talking about an issue for an hour? The hour is there and you can sample it. Take what you want. Alternative Radio doesn’t tell you, “Think like this. ” It’s information, context and background that you can’t usually find elsewhere. It's not present­ing itself as dogma. You do what you choose.

(El Dorado Sun, by Christina Boyle, January 23, 2003)

Арина Шарапова: «Для меня главное — не продать Родину»

— Арина, насколько достоверны слухи, что зрители больше не увидят вас в «Добром утре»?

— Я об этом ничего не слышала. Откуда такие слухи? Недавно я под­писала контракт о продлении своей работы на Первом канале.


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