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Discuss some of these questions using speculating expressions from the list above.

Деловой иностранный язык(английский)

Методическое пособие для студентов вузов, обучающихся по направлениям 09.03.01 – «Информатика и вычислительная техника», 09.03.03 – «Прикладная информатика».




Издательство ФГБОУ ВПО «КГТУ»


Методическая записка.


Настоящее пособие предназначено для обучения студентов 2 курса деловому английскому язывку и ставит своей целью развитие у студентов навыков чтения, говорения, а также устной и письменной деловой и профессиональной речи, аудирования.

Пособие включает в себя аутентичные тексты для изучающего, ознакомительного чтения, тексты для письменного перевода.

Тексты организованы по темам в циклы и снабжены предтекстовыми и послетекстовыми упражнениями, направленными на развитие навыков чтения и говорения, на контроль понимания основного содержания прочитанного текста, на развитие умения выражать оценочные суждения о прочитанном.

Пособие включает задания по подготовке студентов к написанию резюме, сопроводительного письма, а также письма-жалобы.

Пособие снабжено англо-русским словарем.

Данное пособие предназначено для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов под руководством преподавателя.




IT and communications


1. These phrases relate to twenty-first century development in Information Technology (IT) and communications. Read and translate them.

Digital photography


Satellite navigation systems

iPod containing 1000 downloaded songs

Online banking


2. Discuss these questions.


a. In your lifetime, how have new technologies changed people’s lives?

b. What benefits and dangers has each new technology brought?

Consider the following areas of everyday life.







c. Which technologies are most important to you personally?

d. Why might you or other people prefer to stick to the older technologies?



3. Read the first part of the text below and identify the main idea of each paragraph.


It’s difficult to remember a time when we lived without mobile phones, SMS text messaging, and email. In those far-off days of landlines and snail mail, who could possibly have predicted that these technologies would become such an integral part of our daily lives. Text messaging especially was never predicted to take off in



the way it has, becoming the norm in instant communication for everyone from primary school children to executives. In the same way, as a new generation of portable devices is emerging, the implications for how and where we work and play are still taking shape.


Mobile devices will probably never entirely replace the wired systems that define our workplaces, but they will offer a range of new working possibilities, allowing people the freedom to work in ways better suited to their needs. A range of products and services is now available to enable users to manage emails, access databases, or edit documents when they are on the move. A simple calculation of the benefits this provides can be quite surprising. If each employee spends a total of ten hours a week travelling, this represents millions of pounds a year in lost productivity.


The new technology also means that the component parts of a business can work together in real time. Whereas staff on move have traditionally had to wait for their return to the office in order to type up notes or update their records, they can now enter information directly into the system from any location. Likewise, being able to access information on the move, employees can offer a more complete service to clients.


The other advantage of the current available technologies is the flexibility to adapt the devices which employees use to their particular role in an organization. Some might need laptops to manage larger documents, others might use smaller hand-held devices for quick emails and product tracking purposes, but all the devices can feed into the same system in different ways. Currently the three main wireless technologies are Bluetooth, GPRS and WiFi. Each technology has different capabilities and particular strengths and weakness



4. Fill the table with appropriate words and phrases.


Paragraph Key idea Details
  Three technologies associated with Mobile working Mobile phones, text messaging and ……………
  ……………… of mobile devices for ………………. Lets them work ………………………………………. There is less ……………………………………………
  Real-time working Benefits to ………………………., employees and ………………………..
  …………………..of mobile devices Advantages and ……………………. of this ………. ………………………….



5. Read the second part of the text and identify the key points.



In situations where secure short-range connections between devices such as personal computers and mobile phones are required, Bluetooth technology provides an ideal cost-effective service. Bluetooth, which typically has a range of about ten meters, works well in small office space and provides flexibility for business where mobile employees come into an office to download information from their laptop computers or to access databases. The main disadvantage of Bluetooth is that data transfer is relatively slow at 1 MB per second. If speed of data transfer is important, then WiFi, short for Wireless Fidelity, is vastly superior to Bluetooth. Although it works over a relatively short range, it can transmit data at up to 54 MB per second. It is most useful for individuals who need to work remotely, for instance while travelling. To do this, users have to locate a ‘hotspot’ near to where they happen to be, for example in a café or a public library. Hotspots operate over a range of 100 metres and allow access by 256 users at any one time.


GPRS, General Packet Radio Service, is a technology related to mobile phones which allows transmission of emails and small amounts of data as well as high-speed access to the Internet. It is ideal for reliable communication as well as Internet browsing, but not suitable for full mobile working in the way that WiFi is, because of restricted amounts of data that can be transmitted at any one time.


Two other important aspects of the new technologies which need to be considered are security and cost.Currently, because it works within a limited environment, Bluetooth is more secure than WiFi or GPRS, but in terms of cost, GPRS is relatively cheap with mobile phones networks offering a range of value-for-money packages. Bluetooth technology is built into the latest versions of mobile phones and other devices, but an adapter which adds Bluetooth capability


to a device costs only about £ 50. To set up a WiFi hotspot can cost from £ 120 to £500, but an individual network card allowing users access at existing hotspots costs between £ 40 and £ 60.


With this range of technologies competing for users and others currently being developed, it is fascinating to speculate where this communications revolution will lead. No one expects it to end. The companies developing the technologies would like to see everybody connecting to the Internet via a hotspot in their local fast-food restaurant, or accessing their emails on high-speed trains via their laptop.

In reality,however, it is the users, not the developers of technology, who will finally decide which ideas to take off and which remain the pipe-dreams of their inventors.



6. Complete the table below with information from the text.


Technology Range Data transfer per second Cost Best for
Bluetooth ………….. 1MB ……… for an adapter Secure short-range connections
WiFi ……………… ………………. ……………….. for a Network card People who need to work while …………………………….
GPRS No limit   Value-for-money packages ……………………………. And Internet browsing



7. Do you agree with the idea expressed in the last sentence of the text, that it is ‘the users, not the developers of the technology, who will finally decide which ideas to take off’?



8. Complete each of the sentences with the correct form of the most appropriate verb from the list.











a. Internet cafes …………………. a service foe people who do not have their own computers.

b. They should have ……………… this document more carefully. It’s full of mistakes.

c. These days many employees can ……………… their work database from home.

d. Companies should …………….their records regularly to ensure that information is always current.

e. You should be able to …………………….most of the information you need from the Internet.

f. To ………………….an order for a CD, all you do is give your name, address and credit card details.

g. Your laptop has to be WiFi enabled to ……………………………..and receive data to and from the hotspot.


9. Discuss these questions with another student.


a. What does the word ‘wireless’ mean when referring to modern technologies? What did the word ‘wireless ‘ mean fifty years ago?

b. What ‘wireless’ technologies and applications do you know about?

c. What does the technology allow people to do?

d. What are the practical alternatives to working this way?


Listening (IELTS masterclass Unit 8 track 2)

1. You are going to listen to people answering more abstract questions about how they see IT developing in future. Listen and match each speaker’s answer with one of these questions.


a. How do you think information technology will change the way people work in the future?

b. Do you think there is a danger that future developments will encourage people to spend more time alone and less time with others?

c. Do you think developments in IT will lead to greater human happiness?



2. Listen again and tick which of these expressions the speakers use to speculate about future.



- I can’t see that happening.

- I think it’s quite likely that….

- I’d say it’s fairly unlikely that…..

- If this continues, it could….

- It all depends on ……

- My prediction is that…..

- That doesn’t seem very likely to me.

- This can only get worse.

- This will probably mean that…

- What I think will happen is that….



1. Do you agree with the following statement or not? Give reasons for your opinions.Use words and phrases to make your ideas easy to follow:

-It doesn’t necessary follow that…

-It is also true that…

- In my experience…

-By contrast…

- Moreover…

-This is a result of …

- It is generally accepted…

a. Technology discourages people from really communicating with each other.

b. People want to own the latest gadgets out of concern for status rather than need.

c. Involvement with technology leaves people no time to appreciate life.

d. By making activities too easy, technology makes useful skills redundant.


Discuss some of these questions using speculating expressions from the list above.


a. Do you believe that people’s individual freedom and privacy will be in danger if IT continues to develop at the current rate?

b. Do you think that IT-related crime will become a more serious problem in the future? How well do you think society will deal with any increase in crime?

c. How do you think developments in information technology will alter the way individuals deal with their money in future?

d. How do you predict people’s shopping habits will change in future?

e. In what way does technology currently make it easier for individuals to be creative in music, writing, and visual arts? Do you believe that future developments will make it easier for more people to realize their creative potential?






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