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What is the Internet, the worldwide Web and Netscape.

1. Read the international words and translate them:

file, program, click (v), document, correct (a), graphics, unique (a), revolutionary, programming, discussion, standard, browser, giant (a), activate.


2. Define speech parts and translate the words:

misstatement, operate, rapidly, activity, entirely, incorporate, current, feature, graphical, successful, motion.


3. Translate the following word combinations, mind the construction noun+noun:

convenience features, international communications utility, transport vehicle, giant plumbing system, File Transfer Protocol, discussion groups, complex files, world wide web, mouse button, hypertext links.


4. Read the text.


What is the Internet?

The Internet is a network of networks, linking computers sharing the TPC/IP protocols. Each runs software to provide or “serve” information and/or to access

and view information. The Internet is the transport vehicle for the information stored in files or documents to another computer. It can be compared to an international communications utility servicing computers. It is sometimes compared to a giant international plumbing system. The Internet itself doesn’t contain information. It is a slight misstatement to say a “document was found on the Internet”. It would be more correct to say it was found through or using the Internet. What it was found in (or on) is one of the computers linked to the Internet.

Computers on the Internet may use one or all of the following Internet services:

- Electronic mail (e-mail). Permits you to send and receive mail. Provides access to discussion groups often called Listservs after the software they operate under.

- Telnet or remote login. Permits your computer to log onto another computer and use it as if you were there.

- FTR or File Transfer Protocol. Allows your computer to rapidly retrieve complex files intact from a remote computer and view or save them on your computer.

- Gopher. An early, text-only method for accessing internet documents. Gopher has been almost entirely subsumed in the World Wide Web, but you may still find gopher documents linked to in web pages.

- The World Wide Web. The largest, fastest growing activity on the Internet.


What is the World Wide Web and what makes it work?

The WWW incorporates all of the Internet services above and much more. You can retrieve documents, view images, animation, and video, listen to sound files, speak and hear voice, and view programs that run on practically any software in the world, providing your computer has the hardware and software to do these things.

When you log onto the Internet using Netscape or Microsoft’s Internet Explorer or some other browser,

You are viewing documents on the World Wide Web. The current foundation on which the WWW functions is the programming language called HTML. It is HTML and other programming imbedded within HTML that makes possible Hypertext. Hypertext is the ability to have web pages containing links, which are areas in a page or buttons or graphics on which you can click your mouse to retrieve another document into your computer. This “clickability” using Hypertext is the feature which is unique and revolutionary about the Web.



A browser is a computer program that resides on your computer enabling you to use the computer to view WWW documents and access the Internet taking advantage of text formatting, hypertext links, images, sounds, motion, and other features. Netscape and Internet Explorer are currently the leading “graphical browsers” in the world (meaning they facilitate the viewing of graphics such as images and video and more). There are other browsers (e.g. Macweb, Opera). Most offer many of the same features and can be successfully used to retrieve documents and activate many kinds of programs.

The main way in which browsers differ is the convenience features they offer for navigating and managing the Web and all the URLs you may want to keep track of.



5. Find Russian equivalents to the following Russian words and word combinations in the texts:


Прослеживать, графический браузер, форматирование текста, гипертекст, давать возможность, изображение, движение, звук, облегчать просмотр графиков, активировать программу, извлекать преимущества, включать в себя, удаленный компьютер, только текстовый метод, кликнуть мышью, звуковые файлы, запускать любое компьютерное обеспечение, принимать

почту, обеспечивать информацией, водопровод, информация, хранящаяся в файлах.


6. Answer the questions to the text.


1. What is the Internet?

2. What are the main Internet services?

3. Why is it wrong to say “the document was found on the Internet”?

4. What is the function of the World Wide Web?

5. What computer language is used in the WWW?

6. What are links used for?

7. What is a browser?

8. What kind of browsers do you know?

9. How do browsers differ? Do they have any similarities?



7. Convince your elder relative that the Internet is what he/she really needs, that it gives a very wide range of services for users both at work and for

Entertainment. Use the questions from Ex. 6 to help you. Give additional information if you have some.


1. You will listen to a man talking about his experience of learning how to use a computer. Before you start working read the following information.


Information technology is having a very big effect on our lives. It allows us to:

- store very large amounts of information

- transmit a lot of information quickly

- process a lot of information as soon as we receive it.


With the developments of information technology we can now:

- send messages directly from one computer to another (electronic-mail)

- send electronic copies of documents (facsimile transfer)

- hold long-distance meetings in which the participants can see each other on a screen (teleconferencing)

- make use of central stores of information (databases or electronic filing)

- send and receive TV programmes from one country to another (satellite transmission).


2. Listen to a man. Read these questions before you listen:


1. Why did the man decide it was time to learn computers?

2. Who did he decide to ask for lessons?

3. Was he successful or not?


3. Listen to the man again and discuss the meaning of these expressions:


“thread the new ribbon in a typewriter”

“out of date”

“a VDU”

“from that moment my memory of the lesson becomes vague…”

“a disc drive”

“a floppy disc”.


4. Answer the questions to the text:

1. The man suggests that there are three types of memory in a computer. Can you remember what they are?

2. The man’s son said it was possible to lose information on a floppy disc. Is that true? Why did he say it?

3. Why did the man stop his lessons?

4. Do you think he is typical?




1. Read and translate the following words:

Arithmetic(a), copy (v), alphabetic (a), symbol (n), manipulate(v), result (n), bit, binary (a), group (n), byte, fundamental (n), block (n), specific(a), processor (n).


2. Find Russian equivalents to the words given in the left column:


1. however 1. Втовремякак

2. anumberof 2. В основном

3. primarily 3. Ряд

4. setof 4. Число

5. while 5. Всетаки

6. still 6. Однако

7. in a way 7. Такимобразом

8. независимо


3. Read and translate the following words:


1. operate - operator - operation - operating

2. compute - computer - computation - computing

3. compare - comparison - comparing - compared

4. manipulate - manipulator - manipulation - manipulating

5. arrange - arrangement - arranging - arranged

6. differ - difference - different

7. connect - connection - connected


4. Put the verbs given in the brackets into V-ing or V-ed forms:


1. Input data (supply) to the computer are translated into some type of a number code.

2. The keyboard (connect) to a computer is an example of a direct input device.

3. The term “computer” describes a number of (operate) systems.

4. Computers are (design) to automatically accept and store input data.

5. Fundamental parts may be (arrange) in a variety of different ways.

6. Data (feed) into input storage area are (hold) in memory.

7. The (work) storage space is like a sheet of scratch paper.

8. The program storage area is responsible for (hold) all the internal instructions of the processor.


5. Form adverbs from the following adjectives using the suffix – ly:

Essential, complete, primary, ultimate, fundamental, automatic, total, recent, direct.



6. Read andtranslate the following words and word combinations:

Appropriate information, routing map, set of instructions, desired result, built – in boundaries, specific application, arithmetic, output device, control section, continuous basis.


7. Read text A




The term computer is a broad general term which describes a number of operating systems. It primarily refers to a device that will perform automatic arithmetic computations when provided with the appropriate information. It is however much more than a fast calculator. A computer can choose, copy, move, compare, and perform other non-arithmetic operations on alphabetic, numeric, and other typesof symbols used to represent different things. The computer manipulates these symbols through a routing map called a program. The program is a detailed set of instructions that directs the computer to function in a way that will produce a desired result. Computers are fast and accurate symbol-manipulating systems that are designed to automatically accept and store input data, process them and produce a resulting output.

Computers use numbers represented by the presence or absence of voltage at a particular level. A high voltage or pulse is taken to represent a “1” state, while no voltage indicates the “0” state. A voltage value or signal pulse is a bit of information. The term bit is a contraction of the letters bi from the word binary and the letter t from digit. A binary system has two states or conditions of



operation and uses the base 2 counting system. A group of pulses or voltage –level changes produces a word. A byte consists of eight bits.

A computer system, regardless of its complexity, has a number of fundamental parts that are the basis of its operation. These parts may be arranged in a variety of different ways and still achieve the same primary function. The internal organization and design of each block of a computer differ between manufactures.

Computers use a variety of devices for their input. The input is primary responsible for direct human to machine communication or interfacing. Input data supplies to the computer are translated into some type of number code or

machine language before operation progresses. These data may appear as magnetized material on a floppy disk or on a hard-drive unit. The keyboard or workstation connected directly to a computer is an example of a direct input device. Other inputs can be a mouse, a marking pen, a touch screen, or a microphone/sound-generating station.





The processor of a computer is considered to be the heart of the system. Processors house sections for storage, arithmetic and logic, and control. The storage or memory function of a processor is responsible for input data storage, working storage space, output storage, and program storage. Data fed into the input storage area are held in memory until ready to be processed. The working storage space is like a sheet of scratch paper. It is used to hold data being processed and any intermediate result of processing. The output storage area is designed to hold the finished results of the processing operation until they can be released. The program storage area is responsible for holding all of the internal instructions of the processor. These functions of the processor are not fixed by built-in boundaries, but can vary from one application to another. A specific storage area may be called on to store input data in one application, output results in another, and processing instructions in a third. The program of the unit determines how storage space is utilized for a specific application. The arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) and control section of a processor are combined to form the CPU. Essentially, all calculations are performed and all comparisons or decisions are made in the ALU of the CPU. Once data are fed into input storage, they are held and transferred as needed to the ALU where processing takes place. No processing occurs in the input storage area. Any intermediate results generated in the ALU are temporarily placed in the working storage area. These data may


move from primary storage to the ALU and back again to the working storage area many times before processing is finished. Once the operation is complete, the final results are supplies to the output storage section and ultimately transferred to the output device. The type and number of ALU operations performed by the computer are determined by design of the CPU.

The control section of a computer is responsible for selecting, interpreting, program instructions, maintaining order, and directing system operations. The control section doesn’t process data, it acts like a central nervous system for other data-manipulating components of the computer. When processing begins, the first program instruction is selected and fed into the control section from

program storage area. It it then interpreted and sent to other components to execute the necessary action. Further program instructions are selected and executed on a continuous basis until the processing is completed.


8. Look through the 1 part of the text again and answer the following questions:


1. What does “computer” term mean?

2. What functions can computer perform?

3. What is a program?

4. What is the function of a program?

5. What is bit and byte?

6. What is the function of input device?

7. What types of input devices you know?


9. Read 2 part of the text and answer the questions:


1. What is a processor?

2. What is the function of processor?

3. What is the storage of a processor responsible for?

4. What is the function of ALU?

5. What determines the type and number of ALU operations performed by computer?

6. What is the function of the control section?



10. Read the 2 part of the text again and speak on processing using the words and word combinations given below:

Processor: the storage section, arithmetic and logic section, control section.



Storage section: input data storage, working storage space, output storage, program storage, to hold intermediate results, finished results, internal instructions of the processor, specific storage area, unit program.


ALU: CPU, calculations and comparisons, to transfer, processing takes place, operation is completed, final results, output storage section.


Control section: selecting, interpreting, executing program instructions, maintain order, to direct system operations, central nervous system, to select, to send, to execute.




1. Read the text and answer the questions:



1.In what way can the limited storage capacity be extended?

2. Describe the way of a secondary memory unit operation.

3. What types of computer memory do you know?

4. What happens to the hard-disk memory in case the disk is removed from the system?


To supplement the limited capacity of the primary storage section, most computers have a secondary or auxiliary memory unit. Memory devices of this type are connected directly to the processor. This is considered to be an on-line operation. The memory unit accepts and retains data and/or program instructions from the processor. It then writes data back to the processor as needed to complete the processing task. On-board or chip memory is usually built into the assembly board of a personal computer. In addition, a computer can have soft-disk memory and hard-disk memory that extends the memory of the system to an unlimited capacity. This memory remains intact after the disc is removed from the system. Since the processor no longer has direct and unassisted access to this memory, its storage capability is considered to be off line.


Writing a CV

1. Study the examples of resumes and write your own resume.


Curriculum Vitae


Personal data


Name Robert Edward Bateman


Address 28 Grew Road, West Clapam.



Phone oo-country –code 333-444-4-


E-mail name.programmer@domain.net


Date and place of birth 9th September 1987, London


Nationality British


Education Ripton County School

Grant College of Further

University of Everton


Languages English, French


Previous experience 2 years of translator for

publishers of dictionaries


3 years of teaching English in



Interests Reading, travelling, art.


2. Read and translate CV example.


Personal Information


Date of Birth: 1. 1. 1974

Address: NEW YORK, NY

Telephone: 77676767611112

E-mail: hross.novak@domain.net

Nationality: Polish

Status: Single, Male


Faculty of Management 1992 - 1997

New York University

Course: Human Resource management

Thesis theme: Human Resource Management in Organization

Final examination subjects: Design of IS, Finance, Law, Economics

Job experience

Aditus - personnel agency 1998- 2001

Recruiter for Western Europe

(Recruitment, human resource counseling, organizational culture audit, training

Acesta-Job.info - Job Search Server 2001 - today

Project manager

(Business requirements analysis, process specification, start up, project management)


Faculty of Economics and Management 1997 - 2002

External teacher

(HR management, Management, Marketing, Cybernetics, Participation in inland and European grants)


Languages: Fluently English, Polish, Spanish

Computer skills: MS Windows, MS Office, HTML, MS Project, Statgraphics, SPSS, PHP, SQL, internet, SEO, etc.


Tennis, Golf

Book Reading

Photography (Nature, Animals)


Example 3.



Personal Data


Name: Bill C

Address: Los Angeles

Phone: 00 Country-code 333 444 555

Birth: 11-01-1975

E-mail: name.programmer@domain.net

Nationality: English

Status: Male



Faculty of Software Development and Programming 1992 - 1997

University of Information Technology in Seattle

Course: Software Engineering (Programming)

Thesis theme: Multi platform Programming and Microsoft.Net, Java and PHP platforms

Final examination subjects: Information Architecture, Object Oriented Programming, Microsoft.NET Programming (C, C#)


Job experience

SW Develepement and Programmming Ltd. 2009 - today

SW Engineer, Software Architect (since 2012)

(Programmming and development of IS for multinational corporations, system architecture, 10 subordinates /Software Engineers, IS Analysts/, J2EE, MS.NET C# and VB, PL/SQL, MSSQL,)



Aditus Recruitment 2001 - 2008

Programming Department Manager (since 2004),

Programmer (SW Engineer, 2000-2004)

(Software Development Architecture and Strategy, 5 subordinates /Programmers, Analyst and Quality Engineer/, Microsoft.NET C#, MSSQL, Visual Basic, PHP, PERL Technologies, Internet Applications)



Acesta-Job.info - Job Search Information 1997 - 2000

Programmer (Software Engineer)

(Analyze and Development of Information System, Software Architecture, PHP, MySQL and JAVA technologies)






Languages: English (Native), French (Advanced), Czech (beginner)



Computer Skills:



C# (MS.NET) professional SW Architecture, programmers team management

PHP professional SW development of wide information system

JAVA (J2EE) professional 4 years experiences

J2SE advanced 1 year experience

Perl professional internet applications development

C, C++ advanced

Visual Basic professional

HTML professional

CSS professional



MS SQL professional 7 years

MySql professional 10 years

PostgreSQL professional

Oracle average

Operating Systems

Windows 98, 2000,PL/SQL

XP, Vista, 2003 Server professional

Unix advanced

Linux professional




Internet and Mobile Technologies

Golf, Squash, Biketrial, Traveling



4. Write your own CV.





1. Read and translate the following international words:


Decide, potential (a), version (n), adapter (n), interface (n), complex (a), plus (v), manipulate (v), base (n), discrete (a), ultraviolet (a), energy (a), accumulator (n), operand (n), initiate (v).


2. Translate the following adverbs. State the adjectives they are formed from:


Fully, fastly, generally, primarily, normally, physically, virtually, specifically, temporarily, logically, rarely, immediately.


3. Find Russian equivalents to the words given in the left column:


1. such as 1. действительно

2. in the same manner 2. так, чтобы

3. actually 3. определенный

4. nearly 4. вполне

5. sothat 5. таким же образом

6. certain 6. такой как

7.access 7. почти

8. близкий

9. доступ



4. Translate the word combinations:




Current address

Datum limit REGISTER






5. Translate the following word combinations:


Easy serviceability, simplified version, microcomputer technology, small capacity, control circuitry, large-scale computer, enormous memory capacity, tiny unit, single circuit board, numbering systems, arithmetic function, temporary registers,

program counter, instruction decoder, sequence controllers, auxiliary memory, rarely altered data, permanent program data.


6. Find in each line the verb in Passive form:

1. a) process b) has processed c) has been processed

2. a) was placed b) was placing c) was to place

3. a) will maintain b) will be maintaining c) will be maintained

4. a) is using b) is being used c) is to use


5. a) executing b) is executed c) has



7. Read and translate the text



Microcomputer systems are one of the most significant developments in industrial processing in the last decade. Benefits such as smaller equipment size, increased reliability, easy service ability and lower product cost are only a few major considerations to keep in mind. As a general rule, a microcomputer is quite complex when looked at it in its entirely. It has a microprocessor, memory, an interface adapter, and several distribution paths called buses.

Microcomputer technology has virtually revolutionized the industrial process field by providing small-capacity computer systems that can be built into instruments.

Microcomputers use decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal numbering systems.

Microprocessor is a primary control section of a computer, scaled down so that it fits on a single IC chip. The ALU part of the chip performs arithmetic function. Accumulators are temporary registers that store operands that are to be processed by ALU. Data registers are used to temporarily store the address of a memory location that are to be accessed for data. A program counter is used to

hold the address of the next instruction to be executed, program instruction decoders are used to decipher an instruction after it has been pulled from

memory. Sequence controllers maintain the logical order in which events are performed. Buses are a group of conductor paths that supply words to registers.

Most microcomputer systems employ auxiliary memory units to extend operating capabilities. Memory permits data to be accessed or retrieved. Read/write memory permits data to be placed or stored into specific memory cell and retrieve it later when it is needed. Read-only memory contains permanently stored or rarely altered data. Permanent program data is an example of ROM application. EPROM is erasable programmable read-only memory in which electrical energy or ultraviolet light is used to erase stored data.

There are certain functions that are basic to almost all microcomputer systems, such as timing, fetch and execute read memory, write memory, input/output transfer, and interrupt operations.



8. Give English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:


Потенциальные возможности, преимущества, надежность, крупномасштабные компьютеры, крошечный блок, объем памяти, отдельная электронная схема, шестнадцатеричная система, восьмеричная система, ценность, счетчик программ, ячейка памяти, операнд, дешифратор команд, вспомогательная память, оперативная память, ПЗУ, передача данных, прерывание.



9. Match the sentences according to the text:


1. A digital computer system has …… 1. thousands of components.

2. Microcomputer system is …… 2. the primary control section of a computer.


3. The potential capabilities of the microcomputer ….. 3. a tiny unit built on a chip.

4. Large-scale computers employ……… 4. temporarily store the address of a memory location


5. Microcomputers are designed to ………. 5. input/output unit, ALU, control circuitry and memory.



6. Radix of the system indicates ………… 6. have not been fully realized.

7. Microprocessor is …………. 7. handle specific applications similar to those of a those of a central computer.

8. Memory permits data ……………. 8. the number of discrete digits it uses.

9. Data registers are used to ………………….. 9. to be accessed or retrieved.



10. Answer the following questions:


1. What is the basic organization of a computer system?

2. What is an accumulator and function it performs?

3. What is the purpose of a data register?

4. What are the basic differences between read/write and ROM chips?






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