Translate text B in written form .
There are certain functions that are basic to almost all microcomputers systems. Timing, fetch and execution, read memory, write memory, input/ output transfer and interrupts are the main operations. Timing. The operational activities of a microcomputer system are achieved by a sequence of cycling instructions. The MPU, for example fetches an instruction, executes it and continues to operate in a cycling pattern. This means that all actions occur at or during a precisely defined interval. An orderly sequence of operations like this necessitates some type of a precision clock mechanism. In practice, a free-running electronic oscillator or clock is responsible for this function. In some systems the clock may be built into the MPU, while in others it is provided with an independent unit that feeds the system through a separate clock control bus. Sequential operations such as fetch and execute are achieved within a period called the MPU cycle. The fetch portion of this cycle consists of the same series of instructions and therefore takes the same amount of time for each instruction. The execute phase of an operation, by comparison, may consist of many events and sequences, depending on the specific instruction being performed. This portion of the cycle will vary a great deal with each particular instruction.
The total interval in which a timing pulse passes through a complete cycle from beginning to end os called a period. In practice, one or more clock periods may be needed to complete an operational instruction such as fetch. The execute operation, as a rule, may require a larger number of timing periods to cycle through its sequence. Essentially, this means that the machine cycle of a system may be variable, while the period of a timing pulse is consistent.
Listening Read questions carefully in advance and think about the type of information required. Listen to the dialogue twice. Complete the form below. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer.
Volunteer applicant details Name of enquirer: Ben Oppermann
Age: 1………………………
BA in Social Studies Postgraduate Certificate in 2……………………………………………… Interested in a placement lasting 3……………………………. years
Other skills and interests:
Experience of 4……………………………………… work
Member of a 5…………………………………………. group Answer the questions. Write no more than three words /or a number for each answer.
6. How long can the selection procedure for applicants take? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. When are short-listed applicants usually interviewed?
8. Approximately what proportion of the cost of their traini8ng and travel are applicants expected to contribute? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. How long does each volunteer’s training last? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. When do placements generally begin? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… UNIT VIII
1. Read the words and give their Russian equivalents:
Expert (n), illustrate (v), graphics (n), strategy (n), diagnose (v), procedure (n), testing (n), information (n), controller (n), center (n), modern(a).
2. Find adjectives in each line:
Science scientific scientist Probable probably probability Value valueless valuation Digit digital digitally User useful usage Alter alternate alternately Advisory advice
3. Find word with opposite meaning:
1. help (v) 1. damage (v) 2. correct (a) 2. mistaken 3. frequently 3. complicated 4. next 4. solution 5. allow 5. expand 6. internal 6. hardware 7. nearby 7. seldom 8. problem 8. revious 9. plain 9. stoppage 10.operation 10. remote 11. limit(v) 11. external 12. software 12. Prohibit
4. Find Russian equivalents to the words given in column A:
1. smartdiagnostics 1. составные части дисковода 2. drivecomponents 2. импульсное кодирующее устройство 3. pulseencoder 3. внутренняя база данных 4. artificial intelligence 4. быстроерешение 5. internal database 5. точнаядиагностика 6. remotediagnostics 6. искусственныйинтеллект 7. quicksolution 7. дистанционнаядиагностика
5. Read and translate the text: AI makes robots smarter Artificial intelligence is the science of making machines perform tasks that would require intelligence if they were done by a person. Expert systems, smart diagnostics, and remote diagnostics will bridge the gap and provide quicker solutions to difficult problems. These kinds of tools will provide
customers a means of recovering from robot-related problems and returning to production as quickly as possible. Expert systems are intended to lead the user through the troubleshooting process by using prompts that determine possible solutions. The prompts will be in plain English, designed for people who aren’t frequently faced with robot problems. This system remembers and updates its internal reliability database to alter the troubleshooting strategy based on its experience. Built-in procedures helped the user to diagnose the problem. Extensive procedures further explained testing to drive components and pulse encoder feedback loops. To even further show the value, color graphics of a digital dual trace oscilloscope, the set-up operation, and step-by-step procedures helped the user to select the correct settings and probes.
Smart diagnostics or semi-automatic diagnostics takes the above concept and enhances ots operation to the next level. Communication between a PC and the tested device allows for many different tests. Information can be gathered in real time or stored for later expert sessions. This information allows the expert system to make some basic decisions on the direction of the test session. Remote diagnostics while not related to expert systems, can certainly bridge the gap between support personnel and the end user. PC or UNIX-based systems operating at the support center access the robot controller via phone modem. In an advisory mode, the support personnel can then “look” into the problem controller to help the on-site personnel locate the problem. Operating system software could be downloaded and applications programming problems corrected, as well.
6. Give English equivalents of the words and word combinations: Системы проверки, обеспечивать быстрое решение, заказчик, процесс диагностики, сталкиваться с проблемой, простой английский, цветная графика, надежная база данных, основные решения, устранять брешь, обслуживающий персонал, конечный пользователь.
7. Put the following sentences in order dictated by the text. Speak on each point.
1. Artificial intelligence 2. The advantages of expert systems, smart and remote diagnostics. 3. Expert systems operation. 4. Smart diagnostics. 5. The use of remote diagnostics.
6. Support and on-site personnel. 8. Point out key words in each part of the text.
9. Find a key-sentence expressing the main idea of the text.
10. Use the material of the text to prove that AI improves robots operation.
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