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Exercise 3. Translate into Russian paying attention to the meaning of the nouns.

Exercise 3. Translate into Russian paying attention to the meaning of the nouns.

1. The Company claim damages. 2. The peoples of the world struggle against the policy of star wars. 3. All my pains were for nothing. 4. Where are the crew quarters? 5. When you arrive in a foreign country you must go through the customs. 6. This cus­tom is very popular with us. 7. You are responsible for the damage caused to my ship.


Exercise 4. Translate into English

1. Какие новости? 2. Глубина здесь — 20 футов. 3. Вы уже получили эти данные? 4. Деньги на столе. 5. Содержимое ящи­ков в плохом состоянии. 6.  У этой женщи­ны пять детей. 7. Вы должны совершенствовать свои знания анг­лийского языка. 8. Они требуют возмещения убытков. 9. Какие повреждения получило судно? 10. Где я могу пройти таможен­ный досмотр? 11. Позвольте мне дать вам хороший совет. 12. Где бинокль? — Вот он. 13. Взгляни на его одежду. Она грязная и порванная. 14. Все необходимое оборудование уже погружено на палубу. 15. Мебель в кают-компании совершенно новая. 16. Его волосы совсем седые. 17. Какой способ снятия судна с мели вы можете предложить? 18. Какая у вас зарплата?


Unit 3.  Part B. Types of Ships

Words to be remembered:

bulk carrier, bulker -балкер

bunkering tanker     - танкер-бункеровщик

chemical tanker - танкер-химовоз

coaster -  каботажное судно 

CONBULKER = container/ bulk-carrier – комбинированное судно, предназначенное для транспортировки нефтепродуктов, сырой нефти, навалочных грузов и руды

container carrier - контейнеровоз

crude oil tanker -    танкер для перевозки сырой нефти

cruise liner круизный лайнер

double-decker, tweendecker -двухпалубное судно

dredger - драгер, устричное судно

dry cargo ship сухогруз

feeder         фидер

ice-breaker ледокол

liner лайнер

ferry паром

fishing vessel   рыбодобывающее судно

general cargo vessel судно для перевозки генеральных грузов

heavy-lift ship тяжеловоз

LASH –carrier= lighters aboard ship-carrier - лихтеровоз

LPG / LNG carrier газовоз

Navy ship военно-морское судно

  merchant ship торговое судно

multi-purpose ship многоцелевое судно

off-shore vessel оффшорное судно

OBO ship = oil/ bulk/ore-carrier – нефтерудовоз, балктанкер

passenger ship пассажирское судно

PROBO ship= product/oil/bulk/ore-carrier – судно, предназначенное для транспортировки нефтепродуктов, сырой нефти, навалочных грузов и руды

product tanker танкер-продуктовоз

reefer    рифер

research vessel исследовательское судно

ro-ro ро-ро

salvage tug спасательный буксир

supply vessel   судно-снабженец

tanker    танкер

timber carrier лесовоз

tug буксир

vehicle carrier автомобилевоз



 Text 1. Commercial vessels

Commercial vessels or merchant ships can be divided into three broad categories: cargo ships, passenger ships, and special-purpose ships. Cargo ships transport dry and liquid cargo. Dry cargo can be transported in bulk by bulk carriers, packed directly onto a general cargo ship in break-bulk, packed in shipping containers as aboard a container ship, or driven aboard as in roll-on roll-off ships. Liquid cargo is generally carried in bulk aboard tankers, such as oil tankers, chemical tankers and LNG tankers.

Passenger ships range in size from small river ferries to giant cruise ships. This type of vessel includes ferries, which move passengers and vehicles on short trips; ocean liners, which carry passengers on one-way trips; and cruise ships, which typically transport passengers on round-trip voyages promoting leisure activities onboard and in the ports they visit.

Special-purpose vessels are not used for transport but are designed to perform other specific tasks. Examples include tugboats, pilot boats, rescue boats, cable ships, research vessels, survey vessels, and ice breakers.

Most commercial vessels have full hull-forms to maximize cargo capacity. Hulls are usually made of steel, although aluminum can be used on faster craft, and fibreglass on the smallest service vessels. Commercial vessels generally have a crew headed by a captain, with deck officers and marine engineers on larger vessels. Special-purpose vessels often have specialized crew if necessary, for example scientists aboard research vessels. Commercial vessels are typically powered by a single propeller driven by a diesel engine. Vessels which operate at the higher end of the speed spectrum may use pump-jet engines or sometimes gas turbine engines.


Exercise 1. Answer the questions:

1. How can merchant ships be divided?

2. What do cargo ships transport?

3. How can dry cargo (liguid) be transported?

4.  What do passenger ships include?

5. What do the passenger ships serve for?

6.  What special purpose vessels do you know?

7. What can you tell about the hull of commercial vessels?


Exercise 2. Choose the terms under the line below for each of the following definitions:


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