Отрицательное предложение с оборотом there is/there are может быть образовано двумя способами.
Отрицательное предложение с оборотом there is/there are может быть образовано двумя способами. Во-первых, с помощью отрицательной частицы not, которую нужно поставить после глагола to be. В разговорной речи обычно используется сокращенная отрицательная форма: в настоящем времени there isn’t или there aren’t. в прошедшем времени there wasn’t или there weren’t.
В отрицательном предложении перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе ставится неопределенный артикль, а перед существительными во множественном числе и перед неисчисляемыми существительными – местоимение any.
There isn’t an air bag in my car. В моей машине нет (ни одной) подушки безопасности.
There weren’t any messages for me yesterday. Вчера для меня не было (никаких) сообщений.
Во-вторых, отрицание может быть выражено с помощью местоимения no. Оно ставится перед существительным и является его определением:
There’s no milk in this store. В этом магазине нет молока.
There are no trains to Moscow today. Сегодня нет поездов на Москву. Exercise 1. Complete as more sentences as possible using the table a)
Exercise 2. Translate the sentences from English into Russian 1. There are many cabins on the ship. 2. There is heavy traffic in the area and visibility is good.
3. There is a winch on the deck. 4. There is a brush on the table. 5. There is a navigational warning about heavy sea. 6. There is no need to continue at a full speed in reduced visibility. 7. How many decks are there on the ship? 8. There is pollution from the damaged fuel tank. 9. On the chart there is a warning of shoal waters. 10. There is man overboard. 11. There are two radars on the bridge. 12. What is there in the superstructure? 13. There is a lot of work for the officers. 14. There are manuals for the machinery in the Chief Engineer’s cabin. 15. There is new equipment in containers. 16. There is too much cargo on the stern. 16. How many containers are there on the deck? 17. There are new office messages on the table. 18. There is a small fishing boat ahead of us. 20 There is not an emergency anchor onboard our ship. 21. There are strong currents in that area. 22. What dangers are there?
Exercise 3. Read and translate. The Captain describes the MV Transitor in detail. Pay attention to there is / there are. On the MV Transitor there are five decks. The engine room is below the first deck. There are three rooms on the first deck: the galley, the laundry and the storeroom. Above the laundry there is a hospital. It is on the second deck next to the ratings' messroom. To the right of the ratings' messroom is an office. There are no cabins on this deck but there are cabins on the third deck. There is one cabin for the Pilot and one for the Chief Officer. Between them is the officers' messroom. There is a cabin for the Master on the fourth deck between the radio room and the Chief Engineer's cabin. The radio room is to the left of the Master's cabin. The bridge is on the fifth deck.
Exercise 4. Write sentences using there is or there are. 1. storeroom / first deck: 2. three rooms / first deck: 3. messroom / second deck: 4. two cabins / fourth deck: 5. galley / first deck: 6. two cabins / third deck:
Unit 4. Life - saving equipment 1) 2) 3)
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