Nutritive value of milk. Nutrients. Milk born diseases. Main parameters of milk under the state standard. The basic sections hygiene of nutrition
Nutritive value of milk (Fod value per 100 milli litr)
Milk products: Vegetable milk is prepared from certain vegetable foods (soyabean, graundnut). It may be used as a substitute for animal milk. Toned milk - is a blend of natural milk and “made-up” milk. The term “Tonedmilk ” is in Indian coinage. It contains 1 part of water, 1 part of natural milk and 1/8 part of skim milk powder. The mixture is stirred, pasteurised and supplied in bottles. Toned milk has a composition nearly equivalent to cow’s milk. It is cueaper and wholesome product. Cheese – Proteins 12-16%, calcium - 8OO mg, phosphorus - 400mg, fats - 25% Sour cream - fats up to 36%. Curds (cottage cheese) - fats - 9-20%. Proteins -12-16%. Kefir: is slightly alcoholic and acidic, prepared by the fermentation of milk with yeast's and Lactobacillum. Curd. Fresh curd must be white or creamy without sour smell. Fats - 9-18%, water - 65-80 %, acidity - 20-27° Тerner. Milk born diseases 1. Infections of animals that can be transmitted to man: Primary importance: Tuberculosis, Brucellosis, Streptococcal infections, Staphylococcal poisoning, Salmonellosis, Q fever Lesser importance: Cowpox, Foot and mouth disease, Anthrax, Leptospirosis, Tick-borne encephalitis 2. Infections of man that can be trasmitted throught milk: Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers, Shigellosis, Cholera, Enteropatogenic Escherichia coli (EEC), Non-diarrhoeal diseases: Streptococcal infections, Staphylococcal food poisoning, Diphtheria, Tuberculosis, Enteroviruses, Viral hepatitis.
Sanitary expertise of milk Main parameters of milk under the State Standard 1. ORGANOLEPTIC PROPERTIES: a). Colour - white with yellowish shade, b). Smell and taste - specific lactatic, c). Consistence – it should not be watery or tough 2. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Density at 20°C - 1, 028 - 1, 034 The dry rest – 11 - 12, 5%. 3. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Content of fat - 2, 5-3, 2 % Acidity: Normal Acidity - 16-22° Terner (16-19°T - fresh milk, 20-22°T - fresh enough, ) More 23°T - not fresh milk. Diluted milk by water has acidity below 16°T 4. BACTERIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES: Pasteurised milk in bottles and packages: Common microbial number in the 1 ml - 75000, Coli-index in the 1ml - 0, 3
Pasteurised milk in flask's and tanks: Common microbial number in the 1 ml - 300 00, Coli-index in the 1ml -0, 3 5. Tests onFalsification milk: Definition addition of starches, Definition of soda (Na2CO3) Falsificated milk has parameters: The skim milk: colour - bluish shade, Watery consistence , The dry rest – less11%, Densityof milk at 20°C is more 1, 034 Dilute milk by water: colour - bluish shade, Watery consistence, The dry restless11%, Densityof milk in 20°C is less 1, 028, acidity below 16°T. Addition of soda. Soda is put in milk if it acidity is more 23°T ( not fresh milk ). By it condition acidity is lowered.. Rosolovic acid is added to falsified milk ( + Test for definition of soda ). Addition of starches. Starches is put in Dilute milk by waterin order to increase the density and dry rest of milk. Solution Iodum is addedin falsified milk ( + Test for definition of starches ).
THEME № 5. HYGIENE OF NUTRITION. PRINCIPLES OF THE RATIONAL NUTRITION. PREVENTION ALIMENTARY DISEASES. Hygiene of nutrition - the section of hygiene studying influence on an organism of the person factors, connected to nutrition and developing recommendations for a balanced diet. The part of hygiene of nutrition is NUTRICIOLOGY - a science about nutrients (food substances). THE BASIC SECTIONS HYGIENE OF NUTRITION - Rational nutrition - nutrition for the healthy person for preservation and strengthening health, - Medical or dietary nutrition - for treatment ill patients, - Treatment-prophylactic nutrition - special diets for working in harmful conditions - chemical substances, radiation etc. - Preventive nutrition - for people with risk factors of development diseases (an atherosclerosis, a diabetes etc. ).
DISEASES, CONNECTED WITH NUTRITION By the data the WHO, about 70 % all diseases directly or are indirectly caused by a wrong nutrition or infringements quality of foodstuffs. According to last International classification of diseases, there are 10000 diseases, 7000 of it has connection with nutrition. Below we give only some diseases from it classification. INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL CLASSIFICATION ILLNESSES AND FAMILY PROBLEMS OF HEALTH PROTECTION (Х revision. WHO, Geneva, 1998). DISEASES HAVING COMMUNICATION WITH FEED CLASS 1. Some infectious and vermin diseases intestinal infectious diseases A02 Other salmonellesis infections A 02. 0 Salmonellesis. Infection or food intoxication caused by unspecific salmonellas. A 05 Other bacterial food poisoning A 05. 0 Food stafilococcus intoxication A 05. 1 Sausage-poisoning. A 05. 2 Food intoxication by Clostridium rerfringens. A 05. 3 Food intoxication, caused Vibrio parahaemoliticus. A 05. 3 Food intoxication, caused Bacillus sereus. A 05. 8 Other specified bacterial food intoxications. A 05. 9 Bacterial food intoxication is unspecified. CLASS 4. Endocrine illnesses, disorders of digestion and metabolic disturbances E 00 Syndrome of iodine insufficiency (the endemic states related to the deficit of iodine in an external environment or with iodine insufficiency at a mother)
E 01 Illnesses of thyroid, related to iodine insufficiency. E 05 Tireotoksicosis (hypertyreosis). E 12 Saccharine diabetes related to the insufficient feed.
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