Types of combination action chemical substances.
Types of combination action chemical substances. 1. Antagonism (less, than additive action) - mutual easing toxic effects of poisons at joint action on an organism. Has chemical (mutual destruction of poisons) or a functional nature (different influence on functions of systems).
2. Summary (additive action) - arithmetic addition separate toxic effects.
3. Potentiation (more, than additive action) - mutual strengthening of toxicity each toxins at joint action. Rules of sanitary estimation environment at joint pollution: 1. In case of antagonism at the combination action the estimation of environment (water, air etc. ) will be carried out by comparison the revealed concentration substances to MPC of everyone found out pollutant separately. Estimation of the object is given by formula: C / MPC < 1, where C – found concentration of substance, MPC – its maximal permissible concentration in the given object of environment.
2. At summary at combination action the estimation of environment will be carried out under the formula of summary toxicity (formula Аverianov): С1 С2 C3 ----- + ----- + -----< 1, where C - concentration substances, MPC1 MPC2 MPC3 MPC - their specifications
3. In case of potentiation in the above-stated formula instead of 1 it is put 1/К (K - factor of potentiation, i. e. in how many time amplifies toxic effect at the combined action in comparison with separate influence of each poison). С 1 + С 2 + … С n £ 1 / K, MPC1 MPC2 MPCn Where К – increasing coefficient (factor potentiation)
THEME 3. INFLUENCE QUALITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT ON HEALTH OF POPULATION. Health of population as criterion estimation quality of environment. Now it is conventional, that integrated criteria quality of biosphere is the health of the population. Concepts " health of population ". As it is paradoxical, till now there is no universal definition concept " health". In medicine and in hygiene most frequently use concept health as the average size describing a state of health of a certain population, taking place in identical social and economic and ecological conditions. The border between health and illness is so-called 95 % confidential interval - at the healthy person all investigated parameters should be stacked in a range, characteristic for 95 % of people of the given population. Factors determining health of population. If all complex of the factors influencing health of population accept for 100 % it are distributed so:
The note: * - oscillations on the different countries, ** - in polluted regions
By the various data, occurrence 70 % of all diseases, 60 % defects of physical development and more than 50 % cases of death are caused by environmental contamination. Degrees biological answers of organism of people at influence pollutted environment: 1 - death rate, 2 - desease, 3 - functional attributes of illness without clinic (prepathology), 4 - functional shifts unknown aethiology (a pressure adaptive opportunities), 5 - asymptomatic accumulation pollutant in organism of the person.
Basic parameters of health of population and it use for studying influence of environmental contamination
1) Sanitary - demographic parameters: death rate, birth rate, life expectancy etc. For studying influence quality of environment used seldom – changes founded through long time, it is necessary for research not less than 10 thousand population and the data not less, than for 10 years. 2) Parameters of morbidity (sick case) - the basic parameters for research this problem, it is important to study not the common sick rate, but on separate groups of illnesses. 3) Parameters of physical development - it is especial important at children and teenagers. Rather sensitive exponent pollution of environment that is shown in researches our chair in various on ecological load regions of Crimea. 4) Parameters of invalidity: in total amount of invalids on 100 thousand population, on groups of physical inability and the reasons of an exit on physical inability. For estimation quality of environment are used seldom (more reflects action professional harmful factors), more often - for general characteristic state of the health of the population. Influence quality of environment on health of population. 1. DIRECT NEGATIVE INFLUENCE: 1) Sharp action: а) Specific action (failures) - at people arise sharp specific intoxications owing to action the big concentration concrete pollutant b) Nonspecific action (provoking) influence (toxic fogs - murderers - in London, photochemical could Los-Angeles type, flashes of a bronchial asthma during the big air pollution); 2) Chronic action: а) Specific chronic action - accumulation in the environment small amounts proof pollutants, bringing in occurrence specific ecologic pathology: - Illness " itay-itay" (it is hurt - be hurt) - for the first time it was described in prefecture of Tokyo: mialgia, albuminuria, glaucoma, dystrophy, spontaneous crises, in 12 years - death. The reason - accumulation connections of cadmium in ground, water, a fish and by trophic circuits it hit in an organism of the person; - Illness Minamata - in Japan - for the first time was described among fishermen and their families in small town Minamata: at adults - a cerebral paralysis, at children - a spastic paralysis, blindness, intellectual backwardness. The reason - hit of methyl-mercury in the sea and than - in fish;
- Illness Usho (oil illness) - also for the first time in Japan - dimness of a skin, a rash, defeat of eyes and the internal bodies, the remote effects (mutagen, embryothropic, cancerogenic). The reason is the accumulation in the environment polychlorinated connections, containing dioxines - the extremely toxic and proof substances. Endemic illnesses (fluorosis and etc. ). b) Chronic nonspecific action pollution biosphere on health - deterioration all parameters of health of the population, nonspecific diseases, their aggravations etc.
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